Ford C-MAX - Supension arm bushings - cunninr2

Interested on peoples thoughts on whether this video demonstrates
excessive play on my cars front lower control arm. It has just recently
failed it's mot because of this. Unfortunately, the service centre I
took it to were very poor on expalantion or demonstration, and wants
£370 pounds to replace both arms. (ford CMAX 2004). The arms are in
good condition (with the exception of these bushings). I coundn't find
a good example of 'excessive play' on you tube, so I thought i'd post
here for comment. Might be of help to someone else as well.

Ford C-MAX - Supension arm bushings - brum

That bush is well and truly shot and quite rightly failed MOT, if that bush is an example I expect the other bushes are well ready to be changed. Shop around, £370 sounds expensive,can't just the bushes be changed? I had similar bushes done on a Skoda Fabia for £60 (using original parts) at an independant.

Reasons for rejection
• Excessive play in a pin/bush or pin/bearing,
for example more than:
– 2mm for a 12mm diameter pin
– 3mm for a 25mm diameter pin
– 10% of the diameter for pins over
25mm diameter
• excessive play in ball joint
• a ball joint dust cover missing or excessively
damaged, deteriorated or insecure to the
extent that it would no longer prevent the
ingress of dirt etc.
• deterioration of a rubber, synthetic bush or
mounting resulting in excessive movement
• deterioration of the bonding of a rubber
bush/mounting resulting in excessive

Edited by brum on 31/07/2013 at 15:43

Ford C-MAX - Supension arm bushings - cunninr2

Thanks for your response. It looked pretty gone to me, but wasn't sure on how to interpret MOT definitions. I have shopped around this afternoon and got a lower quote for £240, which seems more as I expected.

Ford C-MAX - Supension arm bushings - Chris M

Is the difference in quotes due to reduced labour rate or cheaper components being used?

ECP have three makes available - Q-Drive at £53, Ocap at £59 and Lemforder £90. I can't vouch for the quality/value of any of these, but the £130 difference in quotes could in part be down to using a cheaper part. Are you planning on keeping the car for a few more years? If yes, the dearer quote may be the cheaper in the longer term.

Edited by Chris M on 31/07/2013 at 21:40