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Fiesta TDci1.4 (05) - Lacks power after injector seal replacement - melstin

After the injector seals replacement on my 50K Fiesta 1.4 TDci, the car lacks power.

When idle everything seems ok, no problem with start either but when I hit throttle hard to overtake, almost nothing happens, there is no acceleration like before.

Also, no smoke, no smell of diesel, no strange noises from the engine all looks absolutely normal, except that the car is now very slow.

What is going on?

Fiesta TDci1.4 (05) - Lacks power after injector seal replacement - MrEckerslikefromRamsbottom

If this was my local garage who had done the job (and a most excellent job with my leaking injectors, which had caused severe coking in the inlet manifold), they would be most embarassed by this outcome and would want the car back immediately in order to sort it out.. But I think we can tell from your post that you know that your garage will try to tell you that they have done a marvelous job and there's now something else wrong that's going to cost you even more money! Always use a garage with a good local reputation! Sounds like something simple, though - perhaps a pipe left loose or a wiring plug that hasn't been replaced?

Fiesta TDci1.4 (05) - Lacks power after injector seal replacement - melstin

"But I think we can tell from your post that you know that your garage will try to tell you that they have done a marvelous job and there's now something else wrong that's going to cost you even more money"

I think you're absolutely spot on. Something was obviously done wrong and now nobody wants to take the responsibility. Nothing new in the motor trade.

It's annoying especially because this firm had been reccomended to me by one of my best mates.

Fiesta TDci1.4 (05) - Lacks power after injector seal replacement - scotchman

did you disconnect the battery when you refurbed the injectors ? if so the ecu will think that something has been done and possibly you will need to put a diagnostic on it just to check and possibly sort it out .

Fiesta TDci1.4 (05) - Lacks power after injector seal replacement - melstin

did you disconnect the battery when you refurbed the injectors ? if so the ecu will think that something has been done and possibly you will need to put a diagnostic on it just to check and possibly sort it out .

The job wasn't done by me, so I have no idea as to what they did.

Doing a diagnostic test is probably a good idea. Where do I find a diesel specialist here in London?

Perhaps someone can reccomend one?

Edited by melstin on 13/07/2013 at 17:15

Fiesta TDci1.4 (05) - Lacks power after injector seal replacement - elekie&a/c doctor

There are a few issues on these when the injectors are removed.They are usually a very tight fit in the cylinder head and very often they can be damaged by the removal process.It usually damages the injector nozzles.It is also important to thorougly clean the injector seat,where it mates to the hole in the head.The correct sealing washers must be used,otherwise the injector may not be seated at the correct height in the head which in turn affects the combustion process.hth

Fiesta TDci1.4 (05) - Lacks power after injector seal replacement - Micky-BO

I would certainly go along with the washer theory this has to be checked out. Another strong possibility is if this injector was left lying about on a bench there's a strong possibility it got contaminated when i remove these i always use a small sealed plastic bag to eliminate this from happening. I would remove this injector again ensure correct sealing washer is used get the spray pattern of the injector checked Hth Regards Mickeybo

Fiesta TDci1.4 (05) - Lacks power after injector seal replacement - melstin

Thank you very much for all the answers. It is clear this job hasn't been done properly, which is not totally uncommon nowadays.

As the car is already 8 years old, so I'll replace it with a petrol version after the holidays.