Jaguar X-Type - defective work by mechanic - Luke11

Hi, i could do with a bit of advice. At the end of April i needed the engine replacing in my x type. I sourced a used engine myself and had it shipped to the mechanics works. He quoted me a rough price for labour of £400. In all it took 5 weeks to do what should have been a few days work and that was with me constantly chasing a completion date. In the end i paid 600 which included for some parts and fluids. when I got the car back he told me that the coolant pressure cap was damaged when he removed it and he would have replaced it but he didn't have one, so at some point I should get a new one. After having the car back for 5 days, while driving down the motorway the coolant hose connection to the. radiator came off and the engine dropped the coolant. Now i didnt notice this untill the damage was done and to cut a long story short after some tests he advises that rather than repair the engine it would be better to replace it..his standpoint is that he could get me a discount engine and do the labour for 200 but. He will not do the repair free of charge. I have informed him that i am not happy with that and if i have no other recourse i will confirm all this in writing to him then have the car taken to a different garsge to have the work done and recover the monies through legal means. The coolant pressure cap had been replaced by the time of faliure b

ut i had driven the car for a few days with the existing one on. I have explained to him that I have incurred aditional person


costs related to a replacement vehicle, recovery costs and time off work that I would be happy to absorb in return for the repairs being carried out foc. Our last c

onversation ended in him saying that if i was to take it further he is sure i would be asked to provide a receipt for the work completed. I pointed out that he didn't provide me with a receipt to which he laughingly said see you later then and hung up. I beleive i have a good case for recovering cost or repairs alllong with personal costs at the small claims court as the damage is dur to either an incorrectly fitted hose or reusing a hose connector which was damaged or unsuitable, either of which the professional mechanic should have identified, what are others thoughts.

Edited by Luke11 on 19/06/2013 at 00:59

Jaguar X-Type - defective work by mechanic - veloster

can i ask why you did not get a receipt for the job.did you pay cash or by card/cheque.not certain how this will effect you legally maybe someone else can answer that.

Jaguar X-Type - defective work by mechanic - Luke11

You may indeed. When I spoke to him prior to collection I asked if he would take payment by card as I am not in the habit of walking round with £600 in cash in my pocket. I was informed tbat although he could take card payments it would cost 20% more if i were to take that option. Now we all know what that means but at no time when i asked him to qoute the job did i ask for a "discount for cash". As i had budgeted what i had been qouted i didnt fancy paying the extra 120. The lack of receipt is related to that. Stupid on my part i know but i think he will strugle to deny doing the work. We have had 30 - 40 phone conversations over the last 6 weeks allong with my engine being delivered to his works and my car being recovered to there twice. Also he still has my origional engine. I would have thought the idea of going to court over a job thst was done "under the table" and the possible accosiated bother with the VAT inspector would be another reason for him to settle.