a cloned car...to my way of thinking, is a car carrying markings (vin plate reg plate etc) replicating another car.
Mine too. Two honest-to-god genuine physical vehicles with the same identity, one of which is not entitled to it.
Presumably this is a continuation of your "lambo spyder" thread and you've now found out that much of the documentation associated with your car is actually bent?
The problem here is that the insurers have also worked this out and come to the conclusion that the car never existed except on paper. It may be difficult to prove otherwise.
I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that those who now have your car are exactly the same people who sold it to you(!) Provide car to buyer in country A on import with bent paperwork, wait a bit, nick it back from where you know it is, using the spare keys you thoughtfully retained. Repeat in countries B, C, D........etc ad nauseum.
I also wouldn't be surprised to find that the only reason it never got to its first service is that the perpetrators clock it between sales.
The police might be interested in the paperwork and a description of the vendor....