Yes sorry peter the inertia has been checked. Just to fill you in there are two different types of saxo multifunction fuel relays. A per 2000 one, aka mk1 relay and the post 2000 one aka mk2 relay... all be it they look the same they have some small differences going on inside the relay. The mk1 relay is the one for my car, that um currently having problems with. Now if I fit a mk2 one to it the pump will prime, the car will run etc but it won't turn off on the key? I'm guessing the relay is shorting somewhere along the lines and overriding the ignition switch... either way the car runs great no missing no faulty electronics etc... but it should run with a mk1 relay. Surely it running with a mk2 relay suggests wiring is fine, fuses are fine, ecu is fine, inertia is fine etc etc... I'm totally stumped.