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Carjacking and car choice - Pos

According to the Met Police there are about 950 carjackings every year in London. All the news stories I have read always feature Mercedes and BMWs.

I have Thai friends who are buying a property in London and will be looking at purchasing a car to use when they are in the UK.

I am inclined to advise them to avoid a German marque and buy something anonymous. I am particulary concerned as the driver will sometimes be a lone female, unfamiliar with London.

I don't like to talk down my hometown and I do believe we often over state the crime problem but I would feel more comfortable seeing them in a Ford or a Hyundai.

Am I being over protective?

Carjacking and car choice - unthrottled

According to the Met Police there are about 950 carjackings every year in London. All the news stories I have read always feature Mercedes and BMWs

Am I being over protective?

Yes. News doesn't give a reflection of what is happening in society; it is a cross section of the noteworthy events that have happened. Events are noteworthy often because they are rare. 950 sounds a lot but in the context of the tens (hundreds?) of millions of car journeys that take place in London each year, the risk of carjacking to any individual is tiny.

We tend to be poor judges of risk, giving undue prominence to scenarios that frighten us the most rather than scenarios that pose the greatest statistical risk.

P.S. Lock the doors whilst in the vehicle?!

Carjacking and car choice - Ben 10

Depends on the area they will live.

Car jackings tend to occur in set parts of London. And many go under reported because the powers that be in London don't want the actual statistics getting out. Speak to any copper that works in East London and you be astounded at the amount of jackings that are performed. It's easier than TWOCing. And no damage, i.e. broken glass/steering locks. Or breaking into a house to steal the keys.

And 19 a week is quite a lot on those figures alone, isn't it?

You think the risk is low. Depends on the area, type of car or whether you look an easy target.

I think you have a right to be worried OP. But as I said, not every area is stalked by carjackers. Find out if they will be in one of these areas, and if so go for a general marque. Ford/Vauxhall.

Carjacking and car choice - Cyd

I'd agree with Uns sentiments, but would add this from a purely technical point of view:

# you would probably find that most car jackings are not opportunist crimes. they are probably planned, the target having been researched and followed.

# it's a legal requirement in the US for all booted cars to have a means of release for the boot lid in the trunk. The reason for this is that around about year 2000 ish there were about 12 child deaths per year in the USA where children were becoming trapped in trunks and dying, usually in sweltering heat. A side benefit of this requirement is that anyone carjacked and bundled into the trunk has a means of escape. So, they could choose a model that is also sold in the US and ask the dealer to have this feature fitted.

# in the name of greater crash safety, many car makers would like to fit laminated glass to the side windows. Unfortunately it's more expensive than toughened and as it is not a legal requirement it would put that manufacturer at a cost and weight disadvantage. Another benefit of laminated side glass is improved vehicle security. Some manufacturers do offer it as an option (Volvo is one) on certain models. It also makes the car slightly quieter as noise transmission through the glass is reduced.

# many cars now can be programmed to lock the doors automatically as soon as you drive off after starting. Another US feature that's made it over here.

# a defensive driving course may be a good investment.

# help them to be aware of things like "crash for cash" etc

Carjacking and car choice - Happy Blue!

For how long each year will they be in London. My family and I spend about three months each year in our holiday flat overseas. The economics are such that it is not worth buying a car, but far more effective to get a decent deal with a rental company for regular business.

Carjacking and car choice - gordonbennet

Landcruiser/Hilux, anyone who attempts to force their way in had better be PDQ on their toes if they want to keep the set, short of a lorry nothing much will stop one.

Didn't realise London had morphed into Beiruit, the state media doesn't mention it during the evening propaganda broadcast.

Carjacking and car choice - injection doc

very good friend of mine, his brother had a BMW car jacked in Bromley, tapped from behind, he got out to be acosted by twp men and have his cloths pulled up over his head and down his ankels to disable him and the car was gone ! quick as a f;lash simples done in seconds !

Carjacking and car choice - happy polo

A very real, and sensible, concern. A few simple steps can help a great deal though:

ALWAYS drive with the doors and boot locked, regardless of the journey or the destination.

ALWAYS carry a mobile phone with you. Don't be afraid to show it, it can be very off-putting to a criminal in the act.

Be suspicious of anybody who approaches the car, for example as if they need to speak with you so that you feel obliged to lower the window. If you do open any windows for that reason, a few inches is plenty - never open it far enough for somebody to reach in and grab the keys.

If a dubious crash takes place, i.e. the seemingly deliberate rear end shunt, gesture to the occupants of the other car for them to follow you, and drive to a place of relative safety. If they have an 'ambush' operation with other people hiding in the street, that will foil their attempts. Once you stop, stay in the car and make very obvious use of your mobile phone. If you're still concerned when the other party emerges from their car, drop your window enough to talk to them and tell them you have called the police, just to be on the safe side, because you know somebody who recently got carjacked. If they are still hanging around after that, they probably aren't carjackers.

'Dash cams' are now readily available; buy two and fit them to the front and rear of the car. Don't be shy in letting anybody who approaches the car know that they're there. These also guard against dodgy staged 'accidents'.

Fit a tracker if the car has any value. Again, let people know about it if you think they are trying anything on.

Essentially, just be super cautious and keep your eyes open! It's a shame, but it might save a very unpleasant experience.

Edited by happy polo on 21/05/2013 at 01:29

Carjacking and car choice - thirts
If you are a lone female, then the first thing you do when you get in the car is lock the door. Do this before you put the key in the ignition or put you seat belt on.
Carjacking and car choice - unthrottled

If you are a lone female, then the first thing you do when you get in the car is lock the door. Do this before you put the key in the ignition or put you seat belt on.

While we're at it, check that the rapist isn't hiding in the rear passenger footwell before setting off. You don't want a grinning manic face to appear in the rear view mirror as you drive down a lonely winding road...

This sort of his paranoia is based on Hollywood thrillers and is entirtely divorced from reality. Women are statistically far more likely to be attacked by men with whom they are aquainted than opportunist strangers

Carjacking and car choice - John Boy

With regard to locking yourself in, won't you be trapped inside if you're knocked unconscious in an accident? Or am I missing something here?

Carjacking and car choice - Ordovices
See if the list of optional extras comes with a rottweiler.
Carjacking and car choice - thirts

With regard to locking yourself in, won't you be trapped inside if you're knocked unconscious in an accident? Or am I missing something here?

You are missing something - if you're unconscious, how would you get out anyway. And if you had an accident that resulted in you being unconscious, do you really believe that the damage would not result in broken windows

Edited by thirts on 21/05/2013 at 17:17

Carjacking and car choice - thirts

If you are a lone female, then the first thing you do when you get in the car is lock the door. Do this before you put the key in the ignition or put you seat belt on.

While we're at it, check that the rapist isn't hiding in the rear passenger footwell before setting off. You don't want a grinning manic face to appear in the rear view mirror as you drive down a lonely winding road...

This sort of his paranoia is based on Hollywood thrillers and is entirtely divorced from reality. Women are statistically far more likely to be attacked by men with whom they are aquainted than opportunist strangers

Well I hope that any women attacked by strangers find comfort in the fact that statistically it shouldn't have happend.

And it is not paranoia, it's just taking reasonable safety precautions, the same as putting valubles in the boot rather than leaving them on show in the car

Carjacking and car choice - John Boy

thirts said: You are missing something - if you're unconscious, how would you get out anyway. And if you had an accident that resulted in you being unconscious, do you really believe that the damage would not result in broken windows

I'm afraid you misunderstand. I'm asking how someone on the outside would get you out.

Carjacking and car choice - galileo

thirts said: You are missing something - if you're unconscious, how would you get out anyway. And if you had an accident that resulted in you being unconscious, do you really believe that the damage would not result in broken windows

I'm afraid you misunderstand. I'm asking how someone on the outside would get you out.

I seem to have read that (possibly in the US) if the ECU sensed a hard impact it unlocked the doors; reputedly carjackers whacked the front bumper with a baseball bat to unlock doors. An urban legend or true?

Carjacking and car choice - dadbif
I always carry a can of hairspray and a cigarette lighter in my glovebox, instant flamethrower, tends to put off the most persistent criminals, I also keep the same just inside the front door of my house. Try it, it works extremely well ....
Carjacking and car choice - unthrottled

Well I hope that any women attacked by strangers find comfort in the fact that statistically it shouldn't have happend.

Living in fear of what might happen (but is highly unlikely to occur) isn't a sensible safety precaution, it's becoming a pre-emptive victim because you have surrrendered your liberty.

Carjacking and car choice - KB.

Well I hope that any women attacked by strangers find comfort in the fact that statistically it shouldn't have happend.

Living in fear of what might happen (but is highly unlikely to occur) isn't a sensible safety precaution, it's becoming a pre-emptive victim because you have surrrendered your liberty.

I guess it wouldn't be expected that someone selling a diesel Yaris in the leafy environs of Epping Forest would find themself hanging on to their own car and getting dragged up the road as it was being carjacked from under your nose. Yes it was me who trusted that young fellow from East London who posed as a buyer and successfully made off with my car. Not pleasant, I can assure you.

Edited by KB. on 21/05/2013 at 21:39

Carjacking and car choice - thirts

Well I hope that any women attacked by strangers find comfort in the fact that statistically it shouldn't have happend.

Living in fear of what might happen (but is highly unlikely to occur) isn't a sensible safety precaution, it's becoming a pre-emptive victim because you have surrrendered your liberty.

I'm guessing that when in your house you doors can't be opened from the outside, if so, are you taking sensible precautions against being robbed whilst at home or are you becoming a pre-emptive victim.

Carjacking and car choice - unthrottled

I'm guessing that when in your house you doors can't be opened from the outside, if so, are you taking sensible precautions against being robbed whilst at home or are you becoming a pre-emptive victim.

I lock the doors when i go out. Otherwise I seldom bother. If I felt unsafe in my own home, I think the solution would be to move. Living in constant fear of crime is being a victim of crime.

Carjacking and car choice - Avant

"With regard to locking yourself in, won't you be trapped inside if you're knocked unconscious in an accident? Or am I missing something here?"

The answer is surely to lock the doors in towns and cities (where you're less likely to overturn or hit something hard enough to be knocked unconscious) and leave them unlocked on the open road (where you're less likely to be carjacked).

Carjacking and car choice - madf


If your friends are worried about being carjacked, then my simple advice would be:

drive a non premium car.

dress simply.

Avoid wearing visible jewellry and carrying expensive handbags..

Carjacking and car choice - John Boy

You're quite right, Avant, but I was hoping I had missed something - the mechanism mentioned by galileo above for instance. I just don't like the feeling of being locked in.

Carjacking and car choice - Pos

Thank you for the replies. I do not intend to have this dicussion with my friends. I would rather not make them think London is an unsafe city. But I will advise them to follow basic safety as mentioned above and I will steer them towards a more ordinary vehicle for practical/costs issues rather than crime .

But I do like the idea of the rottweiler.

Edited by Pos on 24/05/2013 at 23:31

Carjacking and car choice - littleone
Not sure about other makes and models but I drive a Clio 05 plate which has an anti carjacking device. At 4mph, the doors automatically lock. They cannot be opened from the outside, but they can be opened from the inside in case of emergencies.

This proved to be a life saver when I was the victim of an attempted carjacking in Islington a couple of years ago.

I was hit from behind, so I pulled over as expected. Upon doing this, 4 youths exited the car which had hit me and attempted to carjack me. They couldn't get in, which infuriated them and made them violent - kicking and pelting the car. However it did give me enough time to get my head together and floor it.

Anti carjacking devices are now something I will look for in a car as standard.

Saying that, I wish your friends a pleasant stay and I'm sure they will be safe.