Hi, I'm having a few problems with BBC iplayer, online Ch4, etc. All of these 'mainline' websites stall from time to time - due to lack of banwidth. Sometimes I can watch an hour long documentary without the 'buffering' and at other times I just can't be bothered due to the constant buffering.
And yet I can watch a HD documentary on Utube - and there is never a problem. They just play ! I have a standard BT connection, apparently good enough for HD video.
I'm just about 'savvy' enough to understand that at different times of the day, data speeds might vary, but why does Utube never seem to suffer from 'buffering' problems.
And why does BT offer a more expensive internet package promising 'less buffering' when Utube NEVER fails - even on my present internet plan !
Edit - this post reads like an advert for Utube. It isn't - I just want advice.
Edited by Ernied on 07/05/2013 at 00:22