Skoda Fabia - 02 Fabia Brake Lights & Other Electrics - Nimrud

Car has been running reliably since new, but recently we had have the head off, skimmed & replaced, together with a new coolant tank. Since then there have been two problems:

1) The coolant warning alarm goes off when it is first driven, but not on subsequent trips once warmed up. Since the transducer is part of the new coolant tank it should be ok.

2) Anyway, the other evening about 6pm the wife got the grandchildren to check out all the lights including the brake lights. Everything was fine later around 10pm. However the next morning the brake lights were on. They went off when the car was started, moved 3 feet, and stopped and all seemed ok for the rest of the day. The next morning the battery was completely and utterly flat - no alarm, central locking, radio, even the clock had reset.

3) As well as the above, for some time the radio volume has been "sticky". Sometimes no sound until the volume control is turned up to max. Sometimes only one speaker, sometimes the other.

Any ideas? We're unwilling to recycle it after paying out for the engine and it's useful as a local runabout.

Skoda Fabia - 02 Fabia Brake Lights & Other Electrics - Oli rag

Did you have to disturb the main engine earth during the recent work? Might be worth checking it's tight and not corroded.