Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court - Auni Jaffer

I am taking MB to court over a faulty CVT gearbox. The car was purchased from MB Retail when it was one year old and done 13K mileage. 2 and half years later having done another 24K (total 36K) it has developed a continuous whiring noise. Apart from the continuous noise the CVT seems to behave ok. The vehicle has FMBSH.

MB have inspected the vehicle and state it is coming from the CVT. They want just over £5200 to fix it. I have had this seen by other garages who also confirm it is coming from the CVT

MB have refused to fix it at no cost citing that the vehicle is out of warranty.

So I have decided to take them to court on the claiming that the gearbox is not of satisfactory quality or fit for the purpose inteded.

MB have decided to defend the claim on the grounds that it is out of warranty.

A hearing date has been set.

Any help on this matter will be greatly appreciated and I will keep everybody posted on the progress and outcome


Auni Jaffer

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court - belucky22

It seems to me that you could not have taken better care of the car. Therefore, after 36,000 miles to have to spend over £5,200 on the CVT is totally unacceptable. Have they said exactly what they would do for that ? The work required could indicate that there is a failure of a part that should last longer. Being out of warranty is not an absolute defence.

Personally, I have been considering buying a CVT Mercedes - doesn't seem a good idea now.

I applaud your determination not to be railroaded by Mercedes : but do be careful re costs you may incur. The Law can be very expensive. Very best wishes for success.

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court - tony g
Hi ,you don't say whether your case will be in the small claims court ,if it is you are more likely to succeed in your claim without the risk of a large legal bill.

From my experiences you will find that mb will attempt to settle a few days before the case comes to court .They won't want to incur the costs of providing a solicitor to defend their side of the case ,or having one of their own legal team attend .

If they offer an amount of money close to your claim ,do take it because your claim is not certain

It depends on the judges opinion on the day .

The three year warranty that mb offer is not the issue ,the judge will decide if its reasonable that your car will need major repairs at such a low mileage and being relatively new .You would probably win in my opinion .

Good luck and please let the forum know the outcome .
Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court - Armitage Shanks {p}

SFAIK the Small Claims Court is for claims of less than £5000?

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court - tony g
The maximum claim increased to £10k from 01 04 2013
Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court - Armitage Shanks {p}

Thank you Tony - I must pay more attention!

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court - focussed
The maximum claim increased to £10k from 01 04 2013

That's handy - and in the SCC the plaintive is unlikely to get stung with costs if they lose.

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court - Auni Jaffer

Thanks to all messages and support

I have some more info to add

My claim was for £5000 (going over 5K would have put the cost up considerably)

The District Judge has allocated the claim to Small Claims Track

My Costs so far have been,
Issue Claim Summons £100
Allocation Fee £40
Hearing Fee £325

I have spoken to and been to see a number of garages on this matter.

One garage just refused to look into MB CVT boxes because it is apparent the the CVT is locked out to the aftermarket repairs. In additiion one cannot just buy a gearbox from a write-off because the electronics locks out any replacement box.

Another garage stated that there were 2 specialist tools needed to be used to strip the CVT box. These tools although initially available are now no longer available to the aftermarket repairiers.

Generally, the impression I got talking with them is that these boxes are notoriously difficult to repair and that MB appear to want to monopolize the aftermarket repairs.

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court - Brit_in_Germany

Good luck with your battle against MB. It will be interesting to see if they contest the claim until the bitter end to avoid if at all possible a judgement against them. A problem may be that other than the noise, the box is still working so it may be difficult to prove that you are entitled to an award. Have you tried changing the transmisssion oil? I think these boxes have an oil change interval of 40 000 miles so yours is getting close.

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court - Auni Jaffer

thanks for your message

Yes the CVT oil was changed by MB at the last service. They also reported that they no signs of metal fragments to indicate the gearbox was disintegrating. Ordinarily, the box seems to function ok with the exception of the continuous whiring noise

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court - concrete

thanks for your message

Yes the CVT oil was changed by MB at the last service. They also reported that they no signs of metal fragments to indicate the gearbox was disintegrating. Ordinarily, the box seems to function ok with the exception of the continuous whiring noise

Tony g is spot on, the 10K threshhold is now in place for SCC cases. He is also correct with his assessment of the situation. The judge will base his decision on how reasonable the case is. On the balance of probabilities would a normal person expect an MB gearbox to fail after only 36K or just over 3 years? The answer is clearly no. I think MB will play brinkmanship and cry off just before the case. This happened to me with a claim against Royal Mail, they cried off 2 days before the hearing and paid up my claim and all the cost involved. However if you do have to go the distance remember to always be very calm and assured and very polite. You can get the Judge on your side by being calm and reasonable. State your case accurately but succinctly, do not flower it or exagerate or accuse MB of anything, the Judge will decide that. Best of british and keep us posted. Cheers Concrete

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court - Auni Jaffer

The court has directed me to provide an experts report on the satisfactory quality and fitness for purpose of the CVT gearbox. And on the life time of such a car.

Can anyone help?

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court - tony g
While a report on the gearbox would be usefull to support your case ,I'm surprised that a report has been requested before you get to present your case .

Who has requested the report ?

If you need a report ,you need one by a qualified motor engineer , preferably one with expertise in cvt gearboxes . It's not necessary for him to attend court but you will need a written report ,with a synopsis of his statement to present to the judge .

He will also need to give a short conclusion of the faults and likely progress of the fault in layman s terms .Dont overburden the judge with technical detail .

All the above may be desirable and usefull ,however I think a written report by an expert engineer would cost £4/£500 .
Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court - focussed

I have seen reports by these people get results:-

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court - Auni Jaffer

Thanks to all who reponded.

Tony G - The court has requested this report.

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court _Update - Auni Jaffer

MB have now inspected the vehicle and have confirmed that the gearbox needs replacing.

The cost of replacement is just over £5200 including VAT

They have made an offer of contributing 50% of the cost as a goodwill gesture.

I have rejected this offer on the grounds that had the gearbox failed 6 months earlier, they would have had to replace it at no cost to me

I have asked the question as to how long should an automatic gearbox in a B Class last?

I have also stated the this particular gearbox is not fit for the purpose intended.

Lets see what happens, I will keep you posted.

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court _Update - hookster66

all the very best at court...the engineers report is a bit of a hassle,but from the perspective of a judge, it gives them a 3rd party assurance that backs up their decision in finding in your view it as a positive request by the court.

I had a citroen Xm back in the day...gearbox went to pieces at 27000miles,(travelled to france alot...was a good idea... at the time) citroen didnt want to know, then when the court documents arrived car was collected and taken to Citroen uk hq was one of the first hundred built and found to have been fitted with an experiemental gearbox


Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court _Update - Auni Jaffer

MB have now decided to telephone arbitration.

I am hoping they will agree to a complete replacement of the gearbox at no cost to me.

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court _Update - Armitage Shanks {p}

It looks as thought they are crumbling! Telephone arbitration is a new line, to me. daren't they appear in person?

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court _Update - Auni Jaffer

We now have had the arbitration

1. Arbitrator stated the MB had no obligation to fix the problem as it was out of warranty

2. I stated that the car being out of warranty was not an absolute defence

3. MB confirmed that as a good will gesture they carried out a diagnosis and found the gearbox was faulty. However they were not obliged to prove how or why this had happened. It was up to me to prove that.

4. Arbitrator stated that I had yet not suffered a financial loss

5. I stated that I now had an asset which was not fit for purpose intended

6. Arbitrator stated that I would need to have the gearbox dismantled to ascertain the precise nature of the fault and why this fault had developed. This is what the judge needs. I would need to prove to him of a premature failure of a bearing or whatever.

7. Arbitrator stated that MB could not be sure how the vehicle had been driven since I purchased it.

8. Arbitrator stated that I would need to prove that the fault with the gearbox existed when I purchased the vehicle.

9. MB would not budge on the offer of 50% contribution towards the fixing of the vehicle.

I stated that if the gearbox had failed 6 months earlier, then MB would have had to replace it FOC

All in all I felt the arbitrator seemed to want me to take up their offer.

She put in a lot of negative comments relating to what the Judge will want at the full hearing, and that I would probably fail in my claim

So that's were we are.

Court hearing at the end of August.

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court _Update - 72 dudes

I'm surprised and disappointed for you. I think this arbitration seems harsh. They seem to be looking only at the facts as opposed to the bigger picture of whether a CVT gearbox in a well maintained car should fail at such a low mileage.

Good luck at the full hearing. Does going for this mean you forefit their current offer of 50% towards the cost??

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - Taking Mercedes Benz to Court _Update - hookster66

question 8

really ? sale of goods act, fit for purpose and all that, surely covers this...and as for question 7..disgraceful...i agree with OP, arbitrator was negative, but then was he/she a qualified solicitor?? judge will know their stuff...i'd be online gathering notes on previous cases where judges have found for the complainant...and speak with local trading standards, they have been very useful to me in my XM claim.

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - RESULT- Taking Mercedes Benz to Court _RESULT - Auni Jaffer

Court Hearing today 23rd August

I won the case with MB to pay me the Claim (£5000 + £465 Costs)!!!

The judge ruled that MB did not provide any expert witness to justify that there was no fault with the gearbox when I purchased the vehicle.

The Judge relied on my expert witness letter.

MB tried to rubbish my expert witness report and the Judge would have none of that

MB tried to settle the case before the hearing offering to pay 53% of the cost of repairs and I pay 43%. I rejected that and offerred £1000 which MB rejected.

I now have a B Class with a faulty gearbox and have lost trust with MB.
I cannot give it to them to repair the same.

Might try to sell it in the Auction with a specified fault.

I have read bad reports of online car buyers. They offer a lot online and when one takes the car to them, they will find all sorts of reasons to reduce the offer by 50%

Any suggestions welcome
I will try to get MB to take the car off me.

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - RESULT- Taking Mercedes Benz to Court _RESULT - skidpan

MB tried to settle the case before the hearing offering to pay 53% of the cost of repairs and I pay 43%.

What happened to the other 4%

I will try to get MB to take the car off me.

Why would Mercedes want to buy a faulty car off you. They have just given you £5000 to fix it.

Might try to sell it in the Auction with a specified fault.

That is without doubt your best and most honest way out if you don't want to spend on the car.

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - RESULT- Taking Mercedes Benz to Court _RESULT - FP

Fascinating to read - thanks for the update.

I imagine that you will feel better if you can just get shot of the car now, rather than trying to get it repaired. Online car buyers - I'm not impressed with the little I have had to do with one of them. (Offered me £X and I got £X x 2 from a private buyer shortly after. Probably wouldn't even have got £X from them in reality.)

Auction or private sale (with all the time-wasting etc) seems the way to go.

Edited by FP on 23/08/2013 at 17:07

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - RESULT- Taking Mercedes Benz to Court _RESULT - Auni Jaffer


Sorry 53% should have been 57%.

Thanks to all who responded.

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - RESULT- Taking Mercedes Benz to Court _RESULT - WayneJ

Hello Auni - thanks for the post. I have the same issues, almost identical circumstances. I would like to use your case a prescidence, for that I would really like to know where your case was heard and the case number if you can supply? I can then consult my solicitor.



Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - RESULT- Taking Mercedes Benz to Court _RESULT - Avant

We haven't heard from Auni Jaffer for over a year, so we probaby won't now.

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - RESULT- Taking Mercedes Benz to Court _RESULT - WayneJ

Thanks Avant, shame looks like I will have to go through the process.


Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - RESULT- Taking Mercedes Benz to Court _RESULT - Auni Jaffer

Sorry, I have read your post
Happy to provide you details

Claim No 3QT13015, Staines County Court.
Make sure you get an engineers report.

Any further info needed please contact me.

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - RESULT- Taking Mercedes Benz to Court _RESULT - Auni Jaffer

Hi Wayne. I have replied to your message. Should you require any further info, please contact me.

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - RESULT- Taking Mercedes Benz to Court _RESULT - concrete

Just read through the entire post again. Great result and a s good precedence for the future. Yes; it's a slow day here in rural Kent!!!!!!!!

Cheers Concrete

Mercedes-Benz B-Class B150 Auto - RESULT- Taking Mercedes Benz to Court _RESULT - AlastairM

And thanks to the OP for responding to the new enquiry, I think some credit be extended - not everyone comes back to the forum with a result or is prepared to help with other similar situations.