Skoda Felicia - Overheating - Ray Wight

I have just changed the thermostat on my Skoda Felicia 1.3 petrol engined car of 2000 vintage. The whole unit, including temperature sensor, thermostat and housing was fitted. As per the manual, the coolant was topped up with the temperature sensor and expanion tank cap removed, the engine running and the heater set at full. Whilst adding the coolant a lot of air bubbles were surfacing. After well over half an hour, these appear to have subsided, hence I presumed that any air in the system had been expelled. The temperature sensor was re-fitted and the coolant topped up via the expansion tank, to the correct level. Throughout this procedure the temperature gauge did not fluctuate, but rose gently until the fan kicked in and it dropped back to normal. I then took the car for a 20 mile run, along a variety of roads, including motorways, A and B roads and three town centres. During this trip which lasted over an hour, the temperature gauge fluctuated to just below the top red marker and then dropped back to normal. This occurred on 6 separate occasions on all the roads traversed. Furthermore, the heating which was fierce, cooled just before the gauge rose to the danger level, dropping back to normal a minute or two later, when the heating would return. When I got back home the expansion tank required 800 cc's of coolant to bring it back to the required level. Your thoughts on the possible cause and solution to this problem would be most welcome.

Raymond Wight, 31 Byron Road, Greenmount, Bury, Lancashire BL8 4EN

Telephone No: 01204 886562

Skoda Felicia - Overheating - Peter.N.

Sounds as though you still have some air in the system, try bleeding it from before the thermostat, you may find there is a blanking plug in the housing, otherwise you ne thermostat may be faulty.

Skoda Felicia - Overheating - alastairq

Possibly a head gasket failure?

Changing a head gasket on the Felicia 136 engine is straightforward [as it is a pushrod engine]....and is outlined in the Haynes manual.

As it is a wet liner engine, once the head is off [and a quick check done for signs of warping?}...check/ensure the cylinder liner heights are even and within the required amount.

When purchasing a new 136 gasket, it may be worth buying a new set of head bolts.

The tightening procedure involves a little 'stretching' of these bolts.....and bolts already stretched [too far?] may not tighten up correctly or evenly.

For tightening you'd need a protractor [becasue the sequence involves turning the bolt through a certain well as a small torque wrench

To bleed the cooling system, you could try simply removing the temp sensor?

Hope this helps.

Skoda Felicia - Overheating - madf

Try squeezing - with care - all the water hoses when the engine is warm. This may expel any air trapped. Run it till warm.. do again - with gloves on..

Then if it still overheats.. worry about the above.

Skoda Felicia - Overheating - Dave N

I have one of these with a 1.6 engine. Never had a problem with bleeding it, just kept filling the bottle until it would take no more.

Did you replace the complete plastic housing with the thermostat and switches, and were these genuine parts? If so, I would replace the thermostat again. I bought a new one from VW, and the thermostat was sticking closed. Tested it in a pot of boiling water to prove it. You may also want to check it's seated properly, as it's a bit of a funny arangement. A coupe of aftermarket thermostats I tried were rubbish.