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Ford Fiesta 1.4 TDCi - Injector Seals - Red_Alert

Hi, I have a ticking noise coming from my engine especially when cold but gets less as it warms up. Further there are terrible fumes in the car if the heater blower is switched on and I am not moving.

I have an idea it could be an injector seal or seals failing (111,000 miles).

Is this a difficult job to do myself?

Are there any pitfalls I should avoid?

What should I expect to pay if a local garage does the repair.

Any suggestion would be appreciated.


Ford Fiesta 1.4 TDCi - Injector Seals - Big John

Exhaust manifold cracked / damaged?

Ford Fiesta 1.4 TDCi - Injector Seals - bikerider

Sounds like good old injector seal blow by. Pound to a pinch it'll be no.3 injector. Wouldn't recommend tackling it unless you feel competent.

Ford Fiesta 1.4 TDCi - Injector Seals - Red_Alert

Thanks for both suggestions, I think the manifold is okay as the ticking noise is nearer the bulkhead. I am fairly competent at maintenance (change clutch, wheel bearings etc).

May still play safe and ask a garage to quote for the repair !!

Ford Fiesta 1.4 TDCi - Injector Seals - bikerider

If you take off the air filter assy you'll soon know if it is an injector seal causing the problem, there'll be what looks like tar around the injectors. The injectors can seize in the head making their removal somewhat of a sod. hth.

Ford Fiesta 1.4 TDCi - Injector Seals - baitman

my wifes fiesta had a leaky injector issue, strong smell diesel fumes in the car. the diesel was spurting over the cylinders and pooling around the injectors. this had been burning off, causing the fumes. the ongoing issue meant there was an almost glue like residuearound the injector seats.

one garage had problems getting the injectors out, but they did clean off most/all of the residue. i refused to pay them as the car was worse than when i took it in, and then had to take the car to another garage. this one was a diesel specialist and new immediately what the problem was and had fixed several before. he explained the injector seating had a scored groove in it were the first garage had tried to seperate the stuck injector.

he was able to grind out this groove and the cost for the repair was £150 iirc.

Ford Fiesta 1.4 TDCi - Injector Seals - Red_Alert

Thanks to everybody who responded. A mixed bag of answers but I will remove the air filter assembly and have a look. I think I will get a quote from a garage for the work as it seems there are a few pitfalls when undertaking the repair (I always seem to end up with problems when I tackle repairs). Regards, Tim

Ford Fiesta 1.4 TDCi - Injector Seals - jonathan1007

Baitman, that sounds like an uninterested vote in favour of the diesel specialist. Would you mind posting or PM-ing me their details, for my and others' benefit here please? (I'm north London but others may yet benefit). My 1007 1.4hdi is chuffing on idle and I'm looking for a competent party...

Ford Fiesta 1.4 TDCi - Injector Seals - Red_Alert


Just a quick update; I decided to have a go at replacing the injector seals myself. It was actually very easy to do. Number 4 injector (one nearest cambelt) was leaking. Although this injector was seized in the bore I managed to release it quite easily. What I did was use the injector clamp and lever the injector around back and forth until I was able to get it out. The plastic seal was completely missing and there was a lake of black tar all around the injector and over the injector to the right. Having blocked of the injector bores with tissue the black tar was easy to chip away but was 5mm thick at its worst !!

As each injector was removed I bagged it up and labelled it so it went back into the same bore.

I cleaned out the bore and used a small piece of rubber hose attached to my vacuum cleaner to remove any debris. (Plenty of duct tape to seal the hose)

I purchased the copper washers and seals from my local Ford main dealer as well as a circlip for £25.

Reassembly was straightforward. The engine needed cranking over a while before it started but now runs perfect.

The whole job took me about seven hours with the amount of cleaning I needed to do.

Really pleased I did this myself.

I did watch a video on Youtube which is very detailed although in French on how to do the job, here is the link www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVoQjXC44Rg

Thanks for all your advice. Cheers, Tim

Ford Fiesta 1.4 TDCi - Injector Seals - gordonbennet

Well done RA, saved yourself a good wedge there too.

Ford Fiesta 1.4 TDCi - Injector Seals - Zurrieq

I myself have an issue which I am not sure if it similar.

When I switch on my blower there is a hint of fumes for the first few seconds that then dissapears. Also the engine seems to emit a smell which my friend says is normal for a diesel, infact when smelling around the injector area under the air box i dont seem to pick up any smells. The engine though sounds ok and smooth when driving imo (youtu.be/h1VZd8no-BM). I had changed the cabin filter 2-3 months ago when i had my ac serviced.

The engine starts well even in the morning. Power and driving seems normal. Car has only 67.5k km on the clock and the seals themselves were changed by our ford dealer (in Malta ~ €280) @ around 38k km on the clock (he said it is not normal that they fail so early). I had no real symptoms of smell but there was the characteristic loud ticking sound.

Ford Fiesta 1.4 TDCi - Injector Seals - Red_Alert

Hi Zurrieq, I would remove the airfilter assembly, start the engine from cold and have a look around the injectors to see if it is popping, giving off a smell or if there are any signs of black oil like substance around the base of the injectors. Any of these then I would suspect the injector seals. Tim

Ford Fiesta 1.4 TDCi - Injector Seals - Zurrieq
Thanks. i was thinking of doing that but the issue is running the engine without the airfilter.. Would that do any damage to it since sometimes the air can be slightly humid and dusty...
Ford Fiesta 1.4 TDCi - Injector Seals - Victordugg

I had the same problem, got the seals changed and now the car has lost power. It's very slow to pivk up speed and feels like the turbo is not kicking in. Went to the mechanic and he said come back later! Any ideas of what this could be so I can go back to him Prepared?

Ford Fiesta 1.4 tdi, 2008
Ford Fiesta 1.4 TDCi - Injector Seals - Daz74

Hi did you ever find out what the problem was? I have a 1.4 diesel mazda 2 (ford diesel engine) just had the injector seals replaced & now the car seems to have lost all performance as if the turbo is not kicking in.