You're voice recording a conversation with a salesman to protect your consumer rights, yet you've come to a forum to understand what sort of questions to ask when buying a used car. Forgive me, but this feels very lopsided. Shouldnt your query be "What do I need to know about buying a used 1-series?"
Firstly, HJ's advice section on the website covers good diligence when buying a used car, and secondly, you should research consumer information on the precise vehicle you intend to buy, a 1-series in this case, and formulate your own questions. I dont think many people on this forum who might venture a question to your conversation want to implicated if the purchase proves less than satisfactory.
A salesman at Car Giant, which has 100s of cars on its books, wont know much specific information about the car you're interested in, apart from whats written on the Car Giant sales description sheet or the website. Unless that written history is inaccurate or false, then recording the conversation is of little use.
I had a 120D SE - 55-reg, one of the worse cars I've owned frankly. The interior plastics creaked incessantly, the ride was poor on 17" RFTs., it got nowhere near it's claimed mpg and the standard fit radio (Business CD) was rubbish. I understand the car was vastly improved from 07-reg onwards, so best to get one from then on. Avoid the sport/M Sport models, the crash over every bump in the road.