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Hey, trying to learn cars—where do I even start? - valux

Hey eveone,

I’m 20 and trying to get into cars and mechanics, but honestly, I don’t know where to start. I already do a full-time job, so I’m looking for advice or guidance I can fit around that.

Are there any good resources, tips, or things I should focus on first? Maybe even someone who wouldn’t mind me tagging along to learn? I’d appreciate any help—thanks a lot!

Hey, trying to learn cars—where do I even start? - focussed

Try joining your local technical college and try to get on the Motor Vehicle tech course.

If tech colleges still do that sort of thing.

Hey, trying to learn cars—where do I even start? - edlithgow

Too late. Those days are almost gone.

But at least you didn't waste a lot of time acquiring obsolete skills and knowledge.

Hey, trying to learn cars—where do I even start? - SLO76
Almost every garage is desperately short of mechanics. You could apply to become an apprentice and they’ll teach you everything you need to know. Both bus companies I’ve worked for are always short of mechanics as the aircraft engineering firms around the nearby Prestwick Airport are always hoovering them up with offers of very decent money. It’s a dirty job but an interesting and quite well paid one these days if you’re any good.
Hey, trying to learn cars—where do I even start? - elekie&a/c doctor
Most of the technical colleges that I know of, have closed their automotive division for 2 good reasons. Lack of student interest and more importantly, lack of tutors/ training staff .
Hey, trying to learn cars—where do I even start? - Adampr

Tech colleges still exist and still do that sort of thing. I know the one in Weston Super Mare is thriving, I'm sure others are too.

As mentioned, an apprenticeship is better because you get paid (not much) whilst learning and getting more practical experience.

If you just want to know a bit and have nowhere to start, buy a book called 'How to keep your car alive, by Lindsay Porter. It's quite dated, but has a lot of the basics in there.


Hey, trying to learn cars—where do I even start? - gordonbennet

We all started knowing nothing, our cars were usually at end of life and we kept them running on a wing and a prayer with parts from the breakers yard.

If you have some friends of modest means they're more likely to be menders of their own cars, so we'd help each other out learning along the way.

Cars have more electronics now but the basics haven't changed much, even battery cars still have brakes suspension and steering, which despite rumours to the contrary still need looking after.

Find some like minded friends and have a go, Youtube is great for guidance through some jobs, if you find you enjoy looking after your own cars you could do worse than pick up one of those really tool kts from Halfords Professional range when they have a sale on. The other invaluable tool you'll need is a decent trolley jack, don't spend £50 on one, buy a good one and it will last you 30 years or more.

Hey, trying to learn cars—where do I even start? - John F

I’m 20 and trying to get into cars and mechanics, but honestly, I don’t know where to start......Are there any good resources, tips, or things I should focus on first?

I use the amazingly knowledgable Professor YouTube. For any maintenance task you care to think of, just enter it into the search box after 'how to.....'. followed by the make of car. E.g. 'how to change the oil on a toyota prius'. Unless it is a rare and esoteric procedure, you will almost certainly find something helpful. It is an astonishingly generous and comprehensive free-at-the-point-of-use service from our transatlantic colony. For general info, just enter 'basic car mechanics'.

Hey, trying to learn cars—where do I even start? - Big John

Hey eveone,

I’m 20 and trying to get into cars and mechanics, but honestly, I don’t know where to start.

Owning an older car that you can buy a Haynes manual for and do your own servicing / repairs could be a good intro.

Edited by Big John on 26/01/2025 at 18:32