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Ford transit tt9 (mk7) 2.2l tdci duratorq engine - Ford transit clutch replacement - Reck

Looking to do a diy repair clutch and flywheel replacement on a ford transit tt9 (mk7) fwd 2.2l tdci duratorq engine van. Have a few tools (trolley jack, engine hoist, breaker bar etc. No post lift or pits though.
I am a relative beginner in diy auto repairs. I have the Haynes repair / workshop service manual for the van as well as the Haynes as Autofix service. I also have the replacement dual mass flywheel and clutch assembly and pressure plate.

Do I stand a good chance of pulling this off in 3 days as as relative beginner who has only ever changed water pump and serpentine belt or as should I just pay ££££ 1k to have it done profesionally?

Vehicle specs are : ford transit tt9 fwd. 2.2l duratorq tdci engine.

Ford transit tt9 (mk7) 2.2l tdci duratorq engine - Ford transit clutch replacement - elekie&a/c doctor
You’re going to need a lot more tools than that . Also a gearbox is very heavy , so you’ll need assistance to remove it . So much easier on a lift /ramp
Ford transit tt9 (mk7) 2.2l tdci duratorq engine - Ford transit clutch replacement - Reck

Thanks for your reply elekie&a/c doctor, I also have the spanners, torque wrench, pry bar etc.

Too many tools to realistically List all.

I am hoping to support /strap the gearbox on a trolley jack or alternatively, high rise pallet jack (both rated at 3 tons safe working load).

The gearbox is around 40kg weight, I imagine. I think manual gearboxes are lighter than their automatic equivalents.

Please I welcome your candid feedback.

If a beginner has all the tools available, do you think they can pull this off with plenty of patience and caution?

Ford transit tt9 (mk7) 2.2l tdci duratorq engine - Ford transit clutch replacement - elekie&a/c doctor
Plenty of people out there do clutch jobs on the floor. It’s certainly a challenge, if you’re up for it, good luck .