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Ford Fiesta Zetec MK5 - Passenger door lock - FiestaReggie
Hi, just wanted to ask about cost of a new passenger door lock. Mine needs replacing and my garage has said they have to get it from a main dealer and have been quoted £365. Is this an average cost?
Ford Fiesta Zetec MK5 - Passenger door lock - elekie&a/c doctor
Which part exactly are you referring to? The barrel where the key is inserted, or the electric latch that does the central locking system?
Ford Fiesta Zetec MK5 - Passenger door lock - FiestaReggie
They just said the door lock so I’m afraid I don’t know
Ford Fiesta Zetec MK5 - Passenger door lock - FiestaReggie
Occasionally the ‘passenger door is open’ warning light comes on and therefore the car won’t lock. The car door is closed though. It is not a constant problem - the warning light only comes on intermittently and will lock no problem
Ford Fiesta Zetec MK5 - Passenger door lock - elekie&a/c doctor
That’ll be the latch . Fairly common issue on all Fords of this era . I would try and get some lubricant into the lock mechanism. That often fixes it . I had the same issue on my transit van last year . Gave it a good dose of wd 40 and work the latch open and close . It’s been fine ever since. That price is about right . I guess the part is £150 ish . These are a right pita to change on this model fiesta . If it’s got remote central locking, then there’s no key on the passenger door .

Edited by elekie&a/c doctor on 13/01/2025 at 11:29

Ford Fiesta Zetec MK5 - Passenger door lock - FiestaReggie
Thank you for the reply. It’s much more expensive than I anticipated. I’ll try the wd40 first before deciding it’s worth the cost. It has a few other things needing repair and the costs are mounting up :(
Ford Fiesta Zetec MK5 - Passenger door lock - Andrew-T

A year or two ago the lock on a rear door of my Pug 207 started acting up, wouldn't latch. Cost of new OEM part similar to yours. Local indy got a used lock from E-bay for about £30 + fitting (no warranty of course). No problem since.

Front door more complex of course, but perhaps the barrel can be swapped ?

Edited by Andrew-T on 13/01/2025 at 11:48

Ford Fiesta Zetec MK5 - Passenger door lock - FiestaReggie
What a difference! I’ll have a chat with them
Ford Fiesta Zetec MK5 - Passenger door lock - elekie&a/c doctor
You could go the s/hand route , but it’s a big job to fit only to find it may be worse than the one you’ve already got. Definitely try the lubricant route first .
Ford Fiesta Zetec MK5 - Passenger door lock - elekie&a/c doctor
No barrel in the passenger door on these