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Festive Greetings to all Contributors and Readers - leaseman

Just a quick note on behalf of HJ and ourselves to wish all our members and readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year.

Many thanks to all who give their time and advice so freely to assist others. The forum would be nothing without its knowledgeable contributors and readers.

leaseman will be driving the 600 mile round-trip South to spend time with family and Xileno will spend the day in London also visiting family. We will, no doubt, be lifting a glass or two on days not involving time "behind the wheel"

Safe travels for all those on the roads.

Have a great time over Christmas and Best Wishes for 2025.

Xileno and leaseman (Mods)

Festive Greetings to all Contributors and Readers - FP

Thanks to Leaseman and Xileno for their tireless work in keeping the forum running smoothly and best wishes to you both for the festive season and the New Year to come.

We shall be having one of our quietest winter periods ever, it seems, with just the four of us here at home for Christmas Day and three for Boxing Day.

The arrival of the winter solstice today has got us thinking about the passing of winter, the gradual increase in daylight hours and making plans for 2025, including, hopefully, a motoring trip to France to see my second son and family in St-Nazaire (on the Atlantic coast) via overnight ferry from Portsmouth to St-Malo, possibly in March.

Compliments of the season to all forum members!

Festive Greetings to all Contributors and Readers - Chris M

"Thanks to Leaseman and Xileno for their tireless work in keeping the forum running smoothly and best wishes to you both for the festive season and the New Year to come."


Festive Greetings to all Contributors and Readers - Andrew-T

Compliments of the season to all forum members!

Reciprocated with pleasure. Our Christmas will also be fairly modest, but mine will likely be spent trying to reassemble the instrument cluster on my 205, which has taken about an hour to extract, so far. All to try to make the speedo behave properly.

Festive Greetings to all Contributors and Readers - expat

Merry Christmas and a Good New Year from Australia to all contributors and mods.

Festive Greetings to all Contributors and Readers - paul 1963

Merry Christmas to one and all, fairly quiet one for us, just me, swmbo and the dogs.

Festive Greetings to all Contributors and Readers - alan1302

Merry Christmas to all on the forum and wishing everyone a Happy New Year

Festive Greetings to all Contributors and Readers - Brit_in_Germany
Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr
Festive Greetings to all Contributors and Readers - Adampr

Merry Christmas everyone.

Festive Greetings to all Contributors and Readers - Orb>>.

Thanks to Xileno and leaseman for carrying on, and being so "spamalert".

Quiet Christmas here after a very sad few months and trying to redo a run down bungalow bought in the summer of 2024.

Best eishes to all ORB, YRG and Blodwen.