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YT - Adverts on YT - Ethan Edwards

Laid up after some surgery. Watching a lot of YT. Have to admire Jet2Holidays optimism. After the first 900 views of their advert and still not purchasing. They're still showing it every four minutes. The rictus grinning young lady the stupid song the lot.

It's been five weeks so far....understandable why people go loopy having the same advert every four minutes day and night....I need to get out.

YT - Adverts on YT - daveyjp

Not seen that ad, but I have just booked at Jet2 break in a couple of weeks. Thanks to a healthy Black Friday discount a weekend in Spain was cheaper than a two night trip to any UK city we looked at.

YT - Adverts on YT - movilogo

Brave browser blocks all ads without you having to do anything (other than just simply using it).

YT - Adverts on YT - Ethan Edwards

Indeed but I'm laid up so I'm using a smart TV. Ok though Jet2 appear to have now stopped that one annoying advert.

YT - Adverts on YT - Orb>>.

AdGuard is the only ad blocker for TV. It's a unique app that blocks ads and trackers, filters DNS requests, and secures your TV traffic. Plus, AdGuard is the only Android TV app that allows you to use encrypted DNS, which greatly increases the security of DNS requests.

YT - Adverts on YT - gordonbennet

AdGuard is the only ad blocker for TV. It's a unique app that blocks ads and trackers, filters DNS requests, and secures your TV traffic. Plus, AdGuard is the only Android TV app that allows you to use encrypted DNS, which greatly increases the security of DNS requests.

Thats what i'm using and it works.

YT - Adverts on YT - Dave N
I also saw some sort of program that takes out adverts that the youtuber themselves advertise in their videos. Viewers can mark videos when the they start schilling a product, and when they finish, so other viewers don’t have to see it.
YT - Adverts on YT - movilogo

adverts that the youtuber themselves advertise in their videos

That is not a big issue as one can always fast forward those bits, unlike YT's own adverts which you can't skip.

YT - Adverts on YT - Engineer Andy

adverts that the youtuber themselves advertise in their videos

That is not a big issue as one can always fast forward those bits, unlike YT's own adverts which you can't skip.

It depends upon the platform you're watching the videos on. If you're using a web browser on a PC (and I can only comment about Firefox here, which is what I use), then there's a decent chance you can block all but the video's own in-video ads, via using ad and/or cookies blocker add-ons like UBlock Origin and Ghostery.

I never get such ads when watching YT videos this way, but I do get them if I watch the same via the YouTube app on my (Android) tablet or mobile phone.

For a time (about a year or so ago), YT had its own anti-ad-blocker blocker (!) to stop this (via warnings and X goes until you can't watch YT videos via the website unless you switch off the add-on blockers), but it appears either they dropped it after complaints or the cooker or ad-blocker add-ons got round it. Such issues have yet to re-occur.

The annoying ads are those I'd never, ever spend my money on, and yet they keep being shown. At least, most of the time (not so good around Christmas, for obvious reasons), you can skip the rest of the ads shown on the app version after a few seconds, except ones advertising paid-for YT services.

If it's an in-video one by/for the content creator, then I suppose you can jump forward manually to miss 95% of the ad.

YT - Adverts on YT - movilogo

YT had its own anti-ad-blocker blocker

I read somewhere Google dropped the idea as it made more people use ad blocker.

Only ~10% of web users use ad blocker so 90% of population still see ads.

Funny that YT charges advertisers and then offers viewers premium plan to not show those ads. They win either way ;-)

Blocking ads a non issue in computers but in mobile or devices like Fire TV there is no easy option without doing some serious hacking - which most can't/won't do. Also, as Google knows people are watching in TV (large screen) they show even longer non-skippable ads!

Brave browser works fine in tablets so watching YT via browser is good option instead of using native YT app.

YT - Adverts on YT - Engineer Andy

YT had its own anti-ad-blocker blocker

I read somewhere Google dropped the idea as it made more people use ad blocker.

Only ~10% of web users use ad blocker so 90% of population still see ads.

Funny that YT charges advertisers and then offers viewers premium plan to not show those ads. They win either way ;-)

Rather like the ads themselves with the 'Skip' function - you skip, and YT probably takes a bit of money for the 5-20 sec of ad they do show, but I bet the YouTuber content creator gets no cut of it; watch the whole ad, and YT gets 99% of a much larger amount that then goes into (for me at least) more of their ideological r****** 'other work', censorship efforts and behind closed doors politicking.

Blocking ads a non issue in computers but in mobile or devices like Fire TV there is no easy option without doing some serious hacking - which most can't/won't do. Also, as Google knows people are watching in TV (large screen) they show even longer non-skippable ads!

I'm glad my TV is a 'vintage' LCD one - no digital tuner, no 'Smart' functions, essentially, since the switchover to DTV, just a 'dumb' monitor to view stuff through the PVR or Blu-Ray player.

Brave browser works fine in tablets so watching YT via browser is good option instead of using native YT app.

Never came across that one before. I could watch YT via my Firefox app like my PC, though even that may not stop the ads (despite having both uBlock origin and Ghostery as add-ons installed) as it looks like a cut-down version of the PC one, despite that (for me running very old Win7) now being the 'legacy' version of Firefox that hasn't been updated for about a year now.

A lot of my tech (and my car) is getting long in the tooth now, but mostly still works perfectly fine (for the moment - some remote controls of mine cannot be replaced [even by universal / cheapo knock-offs] except some via eBay with good condition/ low-used originals), without all the grumbles of the overly complex hardware and software that is prevalent today.

I miss the good times of the 1990s and early 2000s. :-(

YT - Adverts on YT - expat

It is possible to block ad sites by editing the hosts file and adding a list of sites you do not want to see. There are lists available on the internet of thousands of sites which are annoying, malicious, pornographic, etc. Do a quick google for host file blocking and it will come up with instructions on how to do this for Windows, Linux or Android. The benefit of blocking adverts this way is that your device never even downloads them. You just download a list from the net
