How do I check for lack of "swirl"? [1] Do I remove the filler cap? If so, [2] it's presumably best done when the engine is cold?
[1] yes. [2] best done after the thermostat has opened - when the engine has warmed up enough for coolant to reach the radiator.
Someone ought probably to stress that you do this from COLD
Apologies if this is bleedin obvious, but I I wouldnt feel you deserved to be maimed because it wasn't.
I would remove the radiator cap before I started the engine, and watch the surface of the coolant in the radiator.
You'll likely see a bit of turbulence due to thermal upwelling when the Tstat opens, then some fairly vigorous pump driven swirling. Once you are convinced you've seen that (or are convinced you havn't, suggesting its bust), shut it off.
If you keep going it'll eventually boil over, (because its only at atmospheric pressure with the rad cap off) which isnt useful in this context, (though I did it deliberately to clear air pockets, so it isn't necessarily fatal) might scald you if you are careless, and if you really overdo it could damage the engine, likely cracking the exhaust valve seats.
I should say that while I've done this routinely on my last car, which suffered from air pockets a lot, I havnt done it on yours, but I'd expect it to behave similarly.