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False accusation - Videoman1959

In May 24, my 40yr old son was sent an email by his insurance saying he was involved in an incident in March 24 and they would be accepting a 50/50 settlement. My son told me he wasn't involved in any incident.

My son called them but they could give NO times and NO evidence, and it was only after the third time of calling that I was able to ascertain the make and model of the TP and find the location of the incident as I spoke to the complaints dept as the claims dept didnt tell us anything! My son still says it wasnt him.

I discovered that son's insurance have paid out for a courtesy car while the TP car was being mended! My son's insurance firm STILL, nearly 7 months later, have had NO evidence to support this claim from the TP insurers despite 'chasing them up' numerous times. My son's insurance firm sent out an independent firm to check his vehicle and found no evidence of damage that could have caused the massive damage to the front end of the TP car which they claimed was 'backed into whilst standing at a petrol pump'.

I have spent hours on the phone to the insurance firm trying to understand why/ how car insurance firms evaluate and admit liability, and pay out, when there's no evidence forthcoming.

My son's insurance renewal is next month and obviously this (non)claim will affect his costs, possibly by £250 or more. His insurance co. have told me that the TP insurance firm can have up to SIX years to reply to the request for evidence! My son's insurance will not/are reluctant to put a stop to this stress and cancel the claim. We are not happy.

The Ombudsman will not 'intervene' in bad practice/poor service, so that avenue is not an option. The Ombudsman only looks at cases AFTER the final outcome to see if anything untoward has been done by any of the 'players'. This charade has already cost my wife an additional £175 as our son is an additional driver on her car and this claim is on his record.

There is no one, as far as I can see, to appeal to and put a STOP to this nonsense.

[put some linebreaks in to make it bit easier on the eye and more likely to get some replies. Mod]

Edited by Xileno on 19/10/2024 at 11:41

False accusation - bathtub tom

If it happened at a filling station, then I'd suspec there'd be CCTV. Can the OP not ask for evidence from there?

False accusation - Robert J.

This happened to me around 20 years ago, so I feel your pain. I too started a thread and had a lot of useful advice offered, I don’t know how far back the HJ archive goes but you could try and have a look.

In my case my insurance company contacted me before they paid out, so I am surprised yours didn’t. I was told by my insurer it was a case of the wrong details being recorded at the scene of the accident and ‘you would be amazed how often this happens’.

One poster suggested, since I was out of pocket due to the loss of NCD, try a small claims court case against the third party for the difference in insurance premiums and an additional £200 for wasting my time and causing my unnecessary stress and inconvenience! I didn’t do it but I admired the suggestion.

False accusation - Xileno

Possibly this one?


False accusation - Terry W

I think I would attack. Worst outcome is that the NCD is lost which seems likely to be the case anyway, and the insurance is shortly up for renewal.

Write to them (recorded delivery) pointing out:

  • denial of incident and inspection which they should already know
  • disappointed they refuse thus far to respond constructively
  • note all your previous attempts for contact - if you have dates etc
  • question why they would even consider paying a claim without asking you first
  • possibly engage a solicitor to write the letter on your behalf
  • small claims court proceedings to recover lost NCD unless evidence is forthcoming
  • give time limit for response - 2 weeks???

False accusation - Adampr

This happened to me too. Somebody must have read my registration off the drive, then claimed I'd hit them just around the corner. My insurer contacted me and, after a bit of to-ing and fro-ing, it seems they were happy.

I'm surprised the insurer didn't contact you/your son/your wife (I'm a bit confused about whose policy it is) before settling. If they didn't, I'd suggest you send them a Letter Before Action letting them know that a court case is on its way. If they have no evidence whatsoever, what's to stop them just making up accidents and cancelling people's NCD all the time?

Before getting too aggressive, though, I'd make sure everything is legitimate with your cover. It sounds like a convoluted arrangement and you may be opening Pandora's Box if the insurer suggests you have misrepresented things

False accusation - Videoman1959

Cheers, mate. I have posted an update. :-)

False accusation - Videoman1959

Sorry for the late reply, I have been away, working. Thank you for your comment but I feel that the third party should prove that my son was the guilty person and not my son have the trouble of proving his innocence.

False accusation - Miniman777

Some of this doesnt sound right. Possible scam? IDK.

1. How did the third party know who the vehicle was insured by? AskMid only shows a vehicle insured or not, and not who the insurer is, doesnt it?

2. Surely the InsCo would write first, and ask for his version of events and a diagram? Emails can be lost as spam, wrong email address etc.

3. With no details of where and when, so no evidence whatsoever, did it really happen? Independent inspection suggests not.

4. How can you accept a 50/50 without evidence from the insured? Seems absurd to me they'd accept it without any form of investigation.

So what are we left with? A chancer trying it on (again, how did he know the ins co); a car with a cloned plate; some kind of scam?

It's all very mysterious and to be frank, I dont know why the accused's insurer has not been far more vigorous in pursing the claimant for a possible fraudulent claim based on the alleged damage to the other vehicle.

If, as the OP indicates, the incident happened at a petrol station two months previously, why has it taken so long (March to May), and if I was the aggrieved party, I'd have made sure that my Ins Co had obtained the video evidence from the forecourt to support the claim.

Finally, can the OP's son or third party provide evidence of a transaction at the petrol station to prove they were there?

False accusation - Videoman1959

No 1.... This is a good point, Hastings ( 3rd party insurer ) didnt send any letters or anything else to my son. It was my sons insurance co. who contacted him via email only.

No 2.... agreed. They sent emails and after a couple of weeks, due to holidays etc, we responded but by that time they'd paid out for a hire car whilst the 3rd party was being repaired!

No 3.... it wasnt until the 2nd or 3rd phone call to Admiral ( my sons insurer ) that I was able to get a make and model of the 3rd party car, and location of alleged bump. No time was given, IIRC.

No 4. I TOTALLY agree, but they did! According to my sons renewal letter ( arrived this week ) they have coughed up £1522 without seeing ANY evidence that their client caused any damage at all!

Everyone has a camera phone nowadays. How come Hastings havent sent photos to Admiral to prove my lads car was involved??

Crazy, crazy, crazy!

Thank you

False accusation - Palcouk

Simply do as Terry suggested in his post - dont bother with phone class

False accusation - Andrew-T

- don't bother with phone class

I suppose this must mean phone calls ..... ?

False accusation - Videoman1959

Yes, Terry W's idea does seem the best way forward at the moment. My lad's insurance firm have still not been in touch to tell him if they've received any evidence from Hastings Insurance, the 3rd party's company. I suspect there isn't ANY evidence forthcoming. It is now over 7 months since the date of the alleged bump which my sons insurance has paid out £1522 out for! Thank you.

False accusation - Videoman1959

Just as an update.....

Admiral ( son's insurance ) havent been in touch to say they have received any evidence from Hastings the 3rd party's insurance firm. It is over 7 months now since the alleged incident and over 5 months of us asking Admiral to get this evidence ( which you would have thought was standard and obvious! ) .

My son's renewal is tomorrow. We received by letter his renewal quote. This included the doubtful claim of 21/3/24. This claim reduced his NCD to zero. He would have had 2yrs NCD. The claim cost Admiral £1522 according to the renewal letter.

I rang the renewal team and asked for a quote WITHOUT the claim and loss of NCD but the call operator couldn't do that on his system.

So! I went to 3 comparison sites and filled in details 'without claim' and 'with claim' and was able to see that the insurance would cost at least 75%-90% more with the claim and the loss of NCD. I therefore conclude that his new quote from Admiral would be similarly loaded. I signed up with Admiral again ( despite their uselessness and poor performance ) due to the fact that they were £400 cheaper than ANY comparison quote!

I have kept screenshots of these comparison site pages as proof of increased costs.

I think that I will check up with Admiral Claims today via a phone call to see if any evidence has been forthcoming and then follow Terry W's suggestion with the ultimate 'threat' of taking Admiral to Small Claims for all the money, time and effort that it has cost me so far.

Thank you all.

UPDATE...... I rang Admiral today. Admiral have sent yet another email to Hastings asking for evidence after Hastings did reply to Admirals last request ( 14 days ago ) for evidence by sending an email saying what allegedly occurred....no evidence... just that there was a collision and my son was to blame! I asked Admiral how long will this BS go on for and basically she said 'until Hastings stop responding to our emails' ( whatever is contained in those emails doesnt appear to matter! ). I realise that nothing will change now for the next 12 months. Admiral did say that I am obliged under Terms and Conditions to supply evidence to support our case that we were not involved. Considering they have only given me the DATE ( due to data protection FFS! ) and no time of the incident, we dont want to 'implicate by assumption' if my lad COULD have been there because we only have evidence where he was before or after the unknown time. My lads insurance costs have risen and been paid ( new policy 1st Nov ) so we have until the next policy is due in 12 months to get these allegations expunged off his record, and then we will attempt to get our over-paid monies back. Shocking isn't it?

Edited by Videoman1959 on 31/10/2024 at 18:07

False accusation - Videoman1959


I contacted the wife's insurance today too tell them that the additional £173 she had to pay due to this claim on my sons insurance may be 'reclaimed' by us because the claim has not been substantiated, 7 months on. They claimed that they would NOT be refunding anything because at the time of her insurance, the 'claim' was on file and they've done nothing wrong by charging extra and I would have to claim it back through Admiral , my sons insurance. We'll see.....

False accusation - Adampr

Forgive me if insensitive, but why are you taking this all upon yourself? Why doesn't your son call his insurer and ask for the facts if they won't tell you?

Can you not reduce the premium on your wife's insurance by just taking him off again?