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Mercedes-Benz AMG GT 4-Door - Car parking over my drive - Reg doesnt exist DVLA - RENMASTER

I have an issue where a Scummy bloke keeps parking his car over the driveway on our street,

Bit of background - We live on a main access road through a village and not much parking available.

He seems to feel its fine to just park over our access white line and dropped kerb in to driveway and there is an ongoing back and forth where we are trying to make subtle annoyed comments when he's about so he hears - We have 2 kids, under 5 and newborn so I keep bringing it up around him when he's moving the car and we are leaving house etc. OBLIVIOUS or IGNORANT he carries on. (He is the only one doing it - All other neighbor's and visitors respect the driveway access and leave it clear.)

I took the reg last night to report to the council and INTERESTINGLY - its coming back on DVLA as "Vehicle details could not be found" I have seen some guys here have ability to do a deeper search than using the DVLA site so was wondering if anyone would mind taking a look to see if there's anything dodgy about this car that I can throw some weight behind when reporting it? Lack of TAX or MOT would be good - Non registration even better! I would not be shocked if all 3 are the case tbh.

Thank you in advance for any advice or help.

Mercedes-Benz AMG GT 4-Door - Car parking over my drive - Reg doesnt exist DVLA - 72 dudes

Sounds like an entitled sort.

He might be "scummy" but have you thought of approaching him and politely asking him not to block your driveway?

If you get a mouthful of abuse then at least you'll know that your instincts were correct!

Obviously nobody on here can do any search without a registration number.

Mercedes-Benz AMG GT 4-Door - Car parking over my drive - Reg doesnt exist DVLA - RENMASTER

He is quite known in the area -

Not the type of person I want to waste my breath on trying to explain - He saw us getting the kids out while getting in his car to move it from the drive spot the other day and I said there you go "partners name" we can now park back in our drive and get the kids out safely! He just grunted and got in his car.
Thought it was enough as the next few days he didn't park close but again last 2 nights its been there.
I can provide a reg - Just don't want to publicly post it if you get me, don't need any hassle comeback

Edited by RENMASTER on 04/10/2024 at 11:56

Mercedes-Benz AMG GT 4-Door - Car parking over my drive - Reg doesnt exist DVLA - leaseman

If the car is causing a nuisance or obstruction by parking over a dropped kerb, then you should not need further weight in reporting it to the local police, using the displayed Registration mark.

Is the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number or "Chassis Number") visible on a small plate below the windscreen? If so, this could be included in your report.

Mercedes-Benz AMG GT 4-Door - Car parking over my drive - Reg doesnt exist DVLA - RENMASTER

Na I know what you are saying, True that it wont need any more weight but Id also like to see out of curiosity and a strong belief its probably a dodgy owner,

I didnt think to look for the VIN in all honesty - But I will check the next time he is about.

The issue with reporting is that he isnt there all the time - I think he visits a few times sporadically a week so hard to catch him to report - Especially if the reg isnt valid or anything,

Mercedes-Benz AMG GT 4-Door - Car parking over my drive - Reg doesnt exist DVLA - leaseman

Photograph the car, at a time it is blocking access, from a couple of angles and include the pics. in your report.

I have removed your duplicate post under Motoring Discussion as it serves no purpose- Moderator.

Edited by leaseman on 04/10/2024 at 12:46

Mercedes-Benz AMG GT 4-Door - Car parking over my drive - Reg doesnt exist DVLA - Anita J

You could also escalate the issue with the local parking authority or law enforcement, as parking over a dropped kerb is usually a violation.