You dont seem to have anything on your pricelist relating to fixing "ïnlet camshaft extremely pitted", which I would have thought was the most likely showstopper, depending on how extreme "extremely" is.
This suggests you are considering just living with it. This MIGHT be a viable option, depending ditto, and on the cause. Possibilities would seem to include manufacturing defect, oil supply and oil quality, (hydraulic?) tappet function/adjustment, and of course it would be worthwhile looking at the mating wear surfaces (cam rollers, tappets, whatever it has), for concomittant wear.
On the Skywing my cams looked OK, but I initially had a lot of ferrous metal in the oil which MIGHT have been due to cam wear.
I upped the oil viscosity (from 10W40 as per the PO's dealer oil changes to a roughly 20W40 blend) and considered rigging something like a soap dispenser pump and piping to pre-oil the cam lobes before starting, but never got around to implementing the latter improvisation.
Edited by edlithgow on 08/09/2024 at 11:34