As above re rust, rust is not a thing of the past despite what some believe so take some preventative measures.
Most normal cars (preferably avoiding poor designs such as wet cam or oil pump drive belts) will last a long time if driven and serviced sensibly, good servicing is not just changing the oil once a year, change the coolant every few years too, change the gearbox and any other transmission fluids periodically ignoring any sealed for life stickers (not guaranteed for life you notice) that might be seen, change the spark plugs before one corrodes in so tight the plug snaps off and have the brakes serviced by someone competent.
If you did just these things (most if not all are DIY'able) and nothing else you'll still be driving the same car in 20 years time if you want to, seriously cheap motoring, though some engine work is likely on some designs due to carbon building egr related issues on some Diesels and intake and/or valve issues on some direct injection petrols, but given these usually one off expenses overall cost still cheaper than depreciation on new cars.