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ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Orb>>

So, friends son passed his test last year, bought a Corsa (which didn't last long) and is actually a very cautious driver.

After a long day as a brickie had nothing to eat allegedly had a single pint on the way home and stopped for driving at 30 in a 40 zone, breathalysed, booked taken in and over the limit as a new driver. £700 fine, 12 points and 17 month disqualification. (YEP ! )

So retest looming and associated insurance costs. He was already paying about £4000.

His Parents don't drink if they are out ( well the driver doesn't other one can ) and he knew that with going out with them for years.

My only comment was "silly b******* ****."

If we go out my maximum is a "ghost ship 0.5 %" or alc free.

Youngrovergirl doesn't touch alcohol.

Edited by Orb>> on 27/07/2024 at 15:43

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - 72 dudes

He's learnt the hard way.

Stopped for doing 30 in a 40 limit?

Seems unlikely to me unless there was some other contributory factor.

Or maybe someone at the pub reported him before he got in the car?

In any case, he hopefully won't do it again in future

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Xileno

Probably meant 40 in a 30.

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Heidfirst

was this in Scotland where we have a lower limit or is he a will o' the wisp?

A single pint of average strength beer shouldn't put an average weight adult male over the English limit. I did note the "allegedly". ;)

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Andrew-T

Yes, if the 'facts' were as described, I can't see him either being pulled over or failing the breathalyser.

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Orb>>

Stopped for doing 30 in a 40 limit?

Yes according to Mum ! (This is ESSEX !!! )


Seems unlikely to me unless there was some other contributory factor.

young male driving slowly in a dark fiesta ???


Or maybe someone at the pub reported him before he got in the car?

Maybe ???

In any case, he hopefully won't do it again in future

I certainly hope not. Next brother 1 year younger, just passed test has "inherited car"

Edited by Orb>> on 27/07/2024 at 18:08

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - madf

Ahh the old "only one pint" story..

More like three..

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - bazza

Ahh the old "only one pint" story..

More like three..

Ah yes, probably. But some of these ales are very strong and one pint knocked back quickly on an empty stomach, then driving straight away could easily put someone over the limit. Very unfortunate but a lesson learned.

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Gateway88

Happened to me several years ago when driving back from a late shift. Unmarked police car followed me for some distance doing around 25 in a 30. Can't think why I was doing that speed.. perhaps fatigued. Anyway they thought it was suspicious enough at that time of night on a fairly quiet road to pull me over. Fortunately I passed the attitude test :)

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - OceanMan

Zero percent chance that a pint would put you over the limit. Unless he's a hobbit he was (under) exaggerating the story

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Brit_in_Germany

Unless it was in Scotland.

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Engineer Andy

Ahh the old "only one pint" story..

More like three..

Ah yes, probably. But some of these ales are very strong and one pint knocked back quickly on an empty stomach, then driving straight away could easily put someone over the limit. Very unfortunate but a lesson learned.

Indeed - a former colleague had something similar happen to him in his 20s. He never drinks alcohol when there's even a slightly possibility he may drive - just not worth the risk, for both safety and getting nicked, given the ramifications.

I wonder how many extra £1000s it cost him in insurance, taxis and using public transport to get around during the ban. Some people will lose their jobs if they get done for drink driving or get banned for major offences, and not just because they cannot do their job because they need to drive as part of it.

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - mcb100
Non-drinking, non-medical person here.

How would the contents of a stomach affect how one performs in a breath test?
ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - 72 dudes
Non-drinking, non-medical person here. How would the contents of a stomach affect how one performs in a breath test?

Empty stomach means alcohol is absorbed into the blood stream more quickly

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Andrew-T
Non-drinking, non-medical person here. How would the contents of a stomach affect how one performs in a breath test?

Non-medical here too, but wife is trained in nutrition. Circulating blood takes what stomach extracts from contents, transports it to lungs etc, where alcohol vapour is breathed in and out. Not too hard, surely ?

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Maxime.

Had a single bottle of 8.5 alcohol beer yesterday with food.

No way I was going to drive till today.

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Falkirk Bairn

A few years back the SNP dropped the alcohol level from 35 to 22.

Every week the local paper has drink drivers up in court. In court I have yet to see anyone caught below the old 35 limit.

The average is probably 2 to 3 x the limit - 44 to 66 although we had a 40 year old woman blowing over 90 last week.

What has the reduced DD limit done?

Golf club/Bowling Greens closing - bar receipts down and the club closes.

Country Pubs closing

Unless we have a nominated driver my safe limit is a Shandy but more often soft drinks.

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - galileo

A few years back the SNP dropped the alcohol level from 35 to 22.

Every week the local paper has drink drivers up in court. In court I have yet to see anyone caught below the old 35 limit.

The average is probably 2 to 3 x the limit - 44 to 66 although we had a 40 year old woman blowing over 90 last week.

What has the reduced DD limit done?

Golf club/Bowling Greens closing - bar receipts down and the club closes.

Country Pubs closing

Unless we have a nominated driver my safe limit is a Shandy but more often soft drinks.

An unfortunate consequence of the 'democracy' system enjoyed in the UK and its devolved countries.

Most people voted for the SNP, all suffer the results.

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - John F

The UK threshold is generally thought to be far too generous. So is the volume of a standard measure of beer (a gut-bloating pint, rather than the ubiquitous 330ml bottle in mainland Europe). Anyone who really needs to drive and who finds it difficult to resist alcoholic temptation should (as I once did soon after the 1967 Road Safety Act came into force) take out insurance. I see the venerable St. Christopher's service is still available.

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - skidpan

The UK threshold is generally thought to be far too generous. So is the volume of a standard measure of beer (a gut-bloating pint, rather than the ubiquitous 330ml bottle in mainland Europe). Anyone who really needs to drive and who finds it difficult to resist alcoholic temptation should (as I once did soon after the 1967 Road Safety Act came into force) take out insurance. I see the venerable St. Christopher's service is still available.

That is crazy. The drink drive laws are there for road safety and encouraging drivers to insure against their own stupidity should not be permitted.

What does this insurance actually do?

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Andrew-T

<< The drink-drive laws are there for road safety and encouraging drivers to insure against their own stupidity should not be permitted. >>

I think it might be fairer to suggest that they are insuring against their misfortune in getting caught, or others' misfortune in suffering as a consequence. Most insurance is against expensive misfortune, after all !

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Engineer Andy

<< The drink-drive laws are there for road safety and encouraging drivers to insure against their own stupidity should not be permitted. >>

I think it might be fairer to suggest that they are insuring against their misfortune in getting caught, or others' misfortune in suffering as a consequence. Most insurance is against expensive misfortune, after all !

I suppose the problem would be that insurers would rightly believe that those asking to be insured against the consequences of getting 'done' for drink-driving (presumably paying out for public transport, taxis, loss of job, etc) would be highly likely to claim, meaning premiums would be astronomical.

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - thirts

I can honestly say I have never drunk and driven, however for all those wanting lower limits at what point the following day (or days) are you OK to drive?

If limts are set very very low and you have two pints Friday night when are you safe to drive, and how can you be sure if the limts are set very very low?

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Orb>>

Best way is Don't drink alcoholic drinks.

If limts are set very very low and you have two pints Friday night when are you safe to drive, and how can you be sure if the limts are set very very low.

Edited by Orb>> on 01/08/2024 at 16:54

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Andrew-T

If limits are set very very low and you have two pints Friday night when are you safe to drive, and how can you be sure if the limits are set very very low?

Depends on the size and shape (i.e.capacity) of the individual, and how much absorbent food they have eaten. But after two pints almost anyone should be OK the next morning. It's just getting home that is the problem, especially if more than two pints have been consumed :-)

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Engineer Andy

I can honestly say I have never drunk and driven, however for all those wanting lower limits at what point the following day (or days) are you OK to drive?

If limts are set very very low and you have two pints Friday night when are you safe to drive, and how can you be sure if the limts are set very very low?

It depends on how quickly each person metabolises the alcohol and then gets rid of it. That's why eating food will help, and why often (though not always), larger people can tolerate more alcohol before getting the drunken side effects than smaller ones.

Some say (anecdotal evidence?) that regular boozers (including alcoholics) can more easily tolerate it rather than novices / occasional drinkers. I'd personally not take my chances even if that were true.

Each person will need to see how consumption affects them, especially when not eating as well. Of course, the more you drink, the longer it will likely take to be eliminated from your system.

Best to err on the side of caution.

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - skidpan

Best to err on the side of caution.

i.e. don't drink and risk driving when there is any chance of having ANY alcohol in your system.

It was very different when I was a kid, everybody did it. One local used to boast after a heavy session that "he could jag a drive" but never got caught. Probably because all the plod was in the pub.

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Xileno

If I'm going to be at my destination for at least three to four hours then I will have one pint of beer at no more than 5% strength. As a rough guide It takes about an hour for the body to clear a unit. My favourite supermarket slurp in the hot weather is San Miguel, the bottle is 3.3 units but it's 660ml so a bit more than a pint in the pub.

Edited by Xileno on 01/08/2024 at 20:49

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Bromptonaut

Depends what the pint was.

You'd need to be a lightweight for a pint of 3.5% bitter to put you over the limit.

A pint of Leffe, 6%(?), on the other hand....

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - thirts

Best to err on the side of caution.

But if it is set very very low, some suggest 0, when would you be safe to drive, 24 hours later, 48 etc etc?

As I have said previously I have never drunk and driven but I would be concerned if limits were set very very low as it may not be possible to know how long it takes for the body to completly eliminate the alcohol and you could end up being over the limtet two days later

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Andrew-T

<< As I have said previously I have never drunk and driven but I would be concerned if limits were set very very low as it may not be possible to know how long it takes for the body to completely eliminate the alcohol and you could end up being over the limit two days later. >>

Only if you have an extraordinarily slow or inefficient metabolism. The body breaks down alcohol just as it breaks down any carbohydrate (compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen) that you consume. The rules for Personal Track Safety on the railway where I volunteer require 10 hours after drinking before returning to work - which is effectively overnight.

No authority would set a limit as low as zero - some people's systems can contain a low alcohol level much of the time because of an unusual metabolic condition.

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Bromptonaut

The rules for Personal Track Safety on the railway where I volunteer require 10 hours after drinking before returning to work - which is effectively overnight.

The one occasion I may have been over the limit was driving to work the morning after a skinful at home with friends. A couple of strong beers, two thirds of a bottle of wine and a few whiskys is pushing 20 units; you're not getting rid of that in ten hours.

No authority would set a limit as low as zero - some people's systems can contain a low alcohol level much of the time because of an unusual metabolic condition.

About half the UK drink/drive limit is regarded as practical for public transport operatives.

Much lower than that and you're tail chasing over mouthwash, cold remedies and, as you say metabolic oddities.

ANY Drink driving. - The Folly of youth - Manatee

The limit in England is the same for a new driver as an experienced one.

I guess he wouldn't be drinking brown beer. A full pint of 5% lager would contain up to 28ml of alcohol. One unit = 10ml., so nearly 3 units. The official advice says the limit can roughly be equated to 4 units for men and 3 for women.

So unless he's a big lad I can believe he might be marginal on one pint, quaffed quickly, on an empty stomach say an hour after drinking it.