Previously franchisees tended to service only their local market. Increasingly, "local" is becoming unimportant - longer service intervals, on-line vehicle sales, lease and PCP, vehicle delivery services etc.
Old style of franchised dealers competitively discount to win a sale. This reduces franchisee profits and puts pressure on the manufacturer to subsidise individual franchisees.
Like banks, the traditional dealer in every major town is under threat. Increased reliability, online connectivity, updates and fault reporting, service once a year, etc,. Even the volume manufacturers will be reduced to a handful of outlets in the next decade.
With a fixed price the franchisee/agent can get a reasonable margin. The manufacturer can set price and promotions nationally having regard for competition, stock levels, target markets etc etc. The manufacturer gets back control and eliminates expensive showrooms.
Edited by Terry W on 29/07/2024 at 13:13