How long does it take for a fully charged battery to be incapable of starting the engine when installed in the car without being driven.
A typical 12v 60 amp car battery has a capacity of 720 watts. The speed with which this discharges is a guide to the power loss.
Normal ancillaries - alarms, radio, central locking etc are low draw - a car could remain unused for a month or more before problems with battery charge.
A couple of standard headlights will use ~120w - if they were left on the battery would be flattened in ~6 hours.
If the battery is drained within (say) 15 minutes this would be the equivalent energy to a 3kw electric fire - a lot of energy being lost somewhere. Sparks would fly and a vehicle fire a real risk.
This may help identify what is causing the charge loss.
The alternative is that it appears discharged after having been driven - this is more likely to be caused by a loose or corroded connection becoming detached due to vibration etc when the engine is running and car moving.