The recent;y announced crack-down on eyesight testing, especially among the elderly (and I count myself as one!) has more than likely been made as a result of the modern trend to fit LED headlights to new cars, and also to retro-fit old ones. Virtually everybody I know, old and young, complains about the dazzle from them. The regulations were written so long ago that LEDs had not reached the brilliance they now have. They might very well obey the regns. as regards the number of Lumens emitted, but they still dazzle, and no doubt accidents have been caused (but of course nothing can be proved...)
And don't get me started on the number of cars, vans, lorries and even buses, with one dead headlight! Being "old school" I always flashed my headlights when a car approached at night with no lights on, and now I increasingly do so to cars with only one. And they are often LED - so much for their vaunted longevity!