I've had Diskloks for over twenty years.
There are more online articles and reviews and forum topics on them than you could imagine ... going back for years and years. Most are positive, most comment on the weight and awkwardness and inconvenience of storing them when not in use. Occasionally you see a piece where someone has defeated one but that usually involves cutting with a grinder, and nothing is resistant to a grinder, given time and, maybe, a spare cutting disc. It will be a noisy affair though and there will be sparks aplenty. The trouble is not many people take any notice of thieves breaking into vehicles unless it's outside your house at 3am and it wakes you up ... but even then, are you going downstairs in your jim jams to confront two or three blokes wielding a grinder and a baseball bat?
In spite of the above I still own two and use them when circumstances dictate. On other occasions I use a simpler "bar" type device (which is no longer available so I won't name it) but the two most similar "bar" type devices would be (a) the Stoplock (but not the ELITE version, just the PRO version) ... and (b) the Milenco.
The three devices I mention would be at the top of my list. All can be overcome with a grinder or by an experienced locksmith but you're not going to find ANY device that is impregnable,
The recent spate of Range Rover thefts has reinvigorated interest in steering wheel locks and I imagine Diskloks are selling well again. They've gone up a bit in price though. There are always plenty on Ebay but most are grubby or only have one key.
I say again, Google the topic - there's tons of stuff to read. If you buy a Stoplock PRO don't pay more than £39.99. Disloks are around £140 (you probably only need the SMALL size unless you have a big steering wheel).