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Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - Steveieb


Motability converted Vivaro catches fire on drive when it’s not even charging, damaging house

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - Engineer Andy


Motability converted Vivaro catches fire on drive when it’s not even charging, damaging house

Yet another EV fire out of nothing in benign weather for a non-supercar and not just used and sitting in very strong sun.

At least ICE fires can be extinguished.

Note that one person commenting under the video used to work for a producer and says that they believe insufficient due dillience has been carried out on this tech before implementation, and that it's being pushed forward when it's not ready.

Now when I have I heard that before?

Edited by Engineer Andy on 07/10/2023 at 14:23

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - madf

Went to a pub two years ago, friend rolled in a petrol VW Polo. It caught fire 5 minutes after he parked

Don't buy a petrol car: they are dangerous.

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - Adampr

Yawn. Probably left a fag burning in there. It hardly looks like the 'thermal runaway' the luddites obsess over.

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - FP

Am I the only one here who finds the anti-EV agenda posts boring? We know what certain of our fellow-posters here think by now. This thread adds nothing new - just another example of something that has been noted and dissected many times before, just as continues to happen in the tabloid press.

Perhaps someone should start posting all the dangerous and problematic incidents involving ICEs. (I note the post in this thread which does this.)

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - Bolt

We know what certain of our fellow-posters here think by now.

No you don`t, the problems of EVs are only reported as they happen which is no different to ICE have been in the past and some have now, and besides if you don`t like the posts you don`t have to read them, I suspect there will be more info on EV problems, only to be expected on tech thats rushed to market which also happens on other electronics not only cars

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - Xileno

"if you don`t like the posts you don`t have to read them"

It's not as simple as that. As I've mentioned before, we have the reputation of the website to consider. If the website gains a reputation for being very anti-EV then this could impact on advertising.

I have no desire to curb discussion and debate but I am currently of the view that when I look at the front page of the forum on my laptop I see five threads that are largely anti-EV (including the locked one) and that is enough for a while. The pendulum needs to swing back the other way for a bit. We need the forum to be neutral.

I will leave this thread running but may exercise my choice to close any further ones for a period.


Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - alan1302

For a bit of balance:


Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - Speedbird 747

It is not a question of being “anti EV, but the reality of the situation.

Yesterday I arranged an insurance policy with an agency. I asked the lady I was dealing with the same question:”why have insurance policies gone up so much”?

Her answer was interesting. They are refusing to insure Teslas and Land Rovers. With the Land Rovers it is due to the high rate of thefts.

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - edlithgow

"if you don`t like the posts you don`t have to read them"

It's not as simple as that. As I've mentioned before, we have the reputation of the website to consider. If the website gains a reputation for being very anti-EV then this could impact on advertising.

I have no desire to curb discussion and debate but I am currently of the view that when I look at the front page of the forum on my laptop I see five threads that are largely anti-EV (including the locked one) and that is enough for a while. The pendulum needs to swing back the other way for a bit. We need the forum to be neutral.

I will leave this thread running but may exercise my choice to close any further ones for a period.


Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - edlithgow

"If the website gains a reputation for being very anti-EV then this could impact on advertising."

Ahem....Last time I checked my bank statement, no one was paying me as a motoring journalist. I assume this applies to most other posters. The above seems to imply a certain...er...shilliness...is exacted simply for accessing the website.

Imagine the potential impact on advertising if people also started discussing how much new IC cars suck.

Doesn't bear thinking about.

Be a bit of a boost for the Classics section though.

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - Andrew-T

As I've mentioned before, we have the reputation of the website to consider. If the website gains a reputation for being very anti-EV then this could impact on advertising.

Hmmm. It's one thing to curb naming and shaming, but if some everyday opinions are to be controlled as possible 'impacts on advertising' I shall think twice about continuing. I hope the site owners aren't applying gentle pressure ? The site attracts contributors who find its attitudes congenial.

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - expat

We have sub forums for Classics and for motorcycles. Why not one for EVs? Either that or merge the EV fires thread into one big one and the EV charging threads also. As others have said there is little new being posted and just repetitions of old stuff. The only interesting EV thread with useful new information was SLOs experiences with his Nissan Leaf.

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - Andrew-T

"if you don`t like the posts you don`t have to read them" - It's not as simple as that.

For one thing, it's hard to know whether you dislike a post without reading it ?

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - FP

"We know what certain of our fellow-posters here think by now.

No you don`t..."

I said "certain of our fellow-posters" and I meant those who have an obvious ant-EV agenda, and we know who they are.

"... if you don`t like the posts you don`t have to read them.."

Quite, but that doesn't preclude my saying they are boring and repetitive. The main problem is that the issues raised have been trawled over ad nauseam.

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - edlithgow

I'd say the problem (if there is one) is not so much the critical reportage of how much sparkys suck, as the proliferation of redundant threads on how much sparkys suck.

That does tend to give the impression, however unjustified, that sparkys suck.

That probably IS a legit target for gentle moderation, combined maybe with a bit of self discipline on the part of posters.

Unless there's some special event, like, say, an electric car setting fire to a nuclear power station, stick it in the "Sparky's Suck" thread.

Could be a record breaker.

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - Adampr

We know what certain of our fellow-posters here think by now.

No you don`t, the problems of EVs are only reported as they happen which is no different to ICE have been in the past and some have now, and besides if you don`t like the posts you don`t have to read them, I suspect there will be more info on EV problems, only to be expected on tech thats rushed to market which also happens on other electronics not only cars

There are about 35,000 accidental car fires in the UK every year. That's nearly 100 a day. They are not all reported in the tabloid press and reposted here (thank goodness).

The incidence of fires in EVs is not the issue, it's that fires in cars are so common that they're not even worth talking about.

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - daveyK_UK

I am disappointed with your comments

As a long time forum user, there is no anti EV agenda, this is a factual story.

Most people are intelligent enough to realise there are draw backs with EVs, there is no problem in discussing these issues.

Your comments are as distasteful as auto express and its refusal to never upset VAG so it doesnt impact advertising.
Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - Adampr
Xileno I am disappointed with your comments As a long time forum user, there is no anti EV agenda, this is a factual story. Most people are intelligent enough to realise there are draw backs with EVs, there is no problem in discussing these issues. Your comments are as distasteful as auto express and its refusal to never upset VAG so it doesnt impact advertising.

Today, the coach carrying Barnsley FC home from their victory against Exeter caught fire on the M5. Other than me, just now, I very much doubt anyone will post about it.

The problem for me, other than the tedium, is that some people are looking for anti-EV stories to post here. These stories are prevalent in the press not because there are so many problems with EVs but because a certain type of person latches on to them and spreads them around, leading to more hits and encouraging more stories.

As I've said before, it's not a competition. Both ICE and electric (and hybrid) cars can co-exist without doing any harm to each other. I can only assume that EVs have become a proxy for progression, which conservatives (with and without the capital c) are by definition opposed to.

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - edlithgow

"As I've said before, it's not a competition. "

Well, not after 2030 er 2035 it isn't, anyway.

"Both ICE and electric (and hybrid) cars can co-exist without doing any harm to each other."

As above, plus it might depend on how close one parks

"I can only assume that EVs have become a proxy for progression, which conservatives (with and without the capital c) are by definition opposed to."

Not really a proxy for progression. They are an example of progression, and progression does seem, lately, to progressively suck. a phenomenon certainly not restricted to EV's

But EV's can of course be very good in certain circumstances. Very positive experiences reported with a used Nissan Leaf, on here, for example.

Environmentally and politically, in combo with large scale renewables, and in contrast to your "peaceful coexitence" postulate above, there is no alternative, but this is undeniably going to hurt many people.

Edited by edlithgow on 08/10/2023 at 01:28

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - Maxime.

But it is getting very boring having the same things reposted and regurgitated so often and then it all gets puerile and childish.

Maxime and sid

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - FP

"... there is no anti EV agenda, this is a factual story."

I am happy accept it is a true story, but that is not the point. The idea that there is an anti-EV agenda comes from the fact that (a) there are people here who are self-confessed opponents of EVs and say so more than once and (b) from the sheer number of fairly similar posts (whoever they come from) focusing on some real or imagined problem with EVs.

No-one is saying there are no problems with EVs, but it's a matter of keeping things in proportion and avoiding hysteria.

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - Sofa Spud

We have to understand the motivation of the anti-EV brigade and their propaganda.

Yes, this was an EV fire. But what if the vehicle that caught fire was a petrol car? Someone said "At least the fire would be easier to put out." Well, yes - if you get it before the petrol tank explodes, that is.

Here's what one stray spark can do to a petrol filling station. We live with this risk every day: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aYd2OCNhdg

And here is a BMW fire (nobody was hurt). Ironically it was filmed by cameras on a Tesla www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGanf4hcyWc.

A takeaway from the second video is how many flammable materials are used in the structure of modern cars (and older ones), whether they're i.c. or electric.

Edited by Sofa Spud on 08/10/2023 at 09:12

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - Orb>>

We have to understand the motivation of the anti-EV brigade and their propaganda.

Can you not be anti EV AND anti ice ?

Is everything you or me disagree with propaganda.

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - Xileno

"Can you not be anti EV AND anti ice ?"

In which case the person has probably got the wrong website as this is Motoring.

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - Bolt

Odd how weve been asked to cut down on scaremongering yet more is being posted, even though the point has been completly missed on purpose of EV fires

Never mind ill say no more about EVs

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - Xileno

As a long time forum user,.........."

In which case I am sure you are as keen as anyone that the forum continues for a good many more years yet.

I don't think there's anything more to add that hasn't already been covered. It's not so much what is written but the number of these threads.

I've just had a look at Pistonheads (a forum I follow but rarely post on) and judging by the subjects (I've not opened each thread) I can only see one EV thread on the first two pages and that is the same one as this Vivaro van.

We need to allow all sides to be expressed in a balanced and neutral way but making sure the commercial interests of the forum are not harmed. Otherwise none of us will be long time users.


Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - mcb100
I’m a great believer in using data from much larger sample sizes, and taking results from reputable sources, over guessing and speculation (which is why I have no qualms whatsoever about driving an EV and having one parked next to my house).
Doubtless there’ll be a fire service report into the cause of it at some point.
Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - mcb100
I’d be interested to know why, seeing as it was an EV fire, once it was extinguished it was left in the driveway of the house and not taken away.
Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - gordonbennet

Not all of us have an agenda, for myself i won't be having a battery car because basically i don't want one and will not ever be forced/cajoled/bullied/bribed into doing or spending my hard earned on something against my will but decided for me by the sorts of people that have run the country for the last 3 decades at least and the western world at large.

What other people do, what they spend their money on, whether its expensive to buy (if not currently to run) cars or wine women and song, so long its their money they can dispose of it entirely as they wish.

I'm not against battery cars but i'm not for them either, they have good and bad points, if you wanted a safe from fire vehicle as possible you'd be running a Diesel, yes they can still catch fire but unitl the fuel gets heated enough its very difficult to set light to in its natural liquid state.

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - movilogo

The reason why EVs and ICEs are unlikely to peacefully co-exist because EVs are considered good and ICEs bad by the government and they have introduced polices to effect this.

There is no friction between petrol & diesel cars because it is a free choice by consumers - hence no conflict and peaceful co-existence. One may remember when government pushed diesels more few years back, citing low CO2 (but entirely ignoring NOx emission until several years later) there were similar friction in motoring forums comparing petrol and diesel.

I can understand mods' point of view ad revenue thing if site is viewed as anti-EV.

But this site is mostly used by motoring enthusiasts (like us) and I think a majority of them are pro-ICE bunch. I'd be interested to see if any factual data available to support this rather than anecdotal evidences.

On a separate note, anti-EV is a harsh term IMHO. When the term anti-vaxer was used to define anyone who is unwilling to take Covid vaccine it caused similar furore.

After 3rd/4th vaccines, majority of common public is no longer taking Covid vaccines. The government is neither actively pushing for any more vaccination.

Same thing can be said for Brexit too. Until UK left EU, there were furious debates whether Brexit is good or bad. But after few years later, Brexit debate died down because nobody could see any tangible benefits of Brexit as such.

This brings to a common theme - i.e. if government tries to push an agenda where there are sizeable population who is against it, there will be frictions and pro/anti views.

When all cars will become EVs, there will be another government backed agenda like old batteries are harmful for environment, so you must buy EVs with new battery technology which is better for environment (and penalize EV drivers with old battery tech).

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - Andrew-T

.... I won't be having a battery car because basically i don't want one and will not ever be forced/cajoled/bullied/bribed into doing or spending my hard earned on something against my will but decided for me by the sorts of people that have run the country for the last 3 decades ...

Each to his own, but decisions about major purchases should not depend heavily on whether a disliked group of politicians advised for or against them ?

Vauxhall Vivaro EV - Cornwall EV Fire - Xileno

I'm closing this one now as I think we've covered the Vivaro article. It will be interesting to see the fire report when it's ready.

Also the specific EV thread will be running imminently where discussions like these can take place.

When other running EV threads have run their course then they will be locked in the same way so hopefully we can keep all these discussions in one thread.

We've had these specific threads over the years, hopefully this strategy will work.