Many years ago, a vintage MG owning instructor at technical college explained how he rust proofed a replacement exhaust for it.
Plugged one end, filled it with (used I think) engine oil and left it for a couple of hours. Drained the oil, fitted the exhaust to the car and gave it a good blast on a quiet road (lots of smoke till the oil had fully dried on). No idea how effective it would be, but he was certainly convinced by it!.
Hmm...I suppose the areas it burns off off quickly are not the areas that will suffer worst from condensation -induced corrosion, and *providing it isn;t VERY used, the base in the engine oil will have an antacid effect., so it might work, though these days a vintage MG exhaust replacement would probably be stainless steel.
Still think my aluminium / cement treatment is likely to be better, though I suppose one could do both, I wonder how vegetable oil, which will set, (or a mixture) would compare.
I would be a bit concerned about the possible effect of the oil on the HC reading in the MOT emission test, though.
Of course I wouldn't risk either on a cat-equipped system, but I've never had one of them
Edited by edlithgow on 05/10/2023 at 08:53