My first reaction was that it's time for an enterprising tech geek to offer blueprints of all cars on the market, which indicate where every single camera and microphone is located, so that an owner can legitimately disable/mask/rip out the wretched things.
However, the obvious problem with that is that if certain safety features are disabled (automatic emergency call is one that comes to mind, as well as the proposed (EU) automatic speed limiting widget which will one day hamper or physically prevent all attempts to break speed limits) there could be issues of insurance cover, compensation payouts and even legal penalties. Leasing companies will likely insist on the electronic eyes and ears being kept in the "ON" position to protect their assets. Ditto those who operate fleets of company cars. Watch the increase in divorce rates amongst married drivers who "stray" inside or anywhere near their cars in years to come!
There really doesn't seem any way out of this dystopian nightmare known as car ownership/usage.
Not sure why anyone is surprised by this as its been mentioned a few times here, as I remember, Elon did say they were collecting data from all there cars on the road, partly for a supercomputer to teach its AI so it can learn much faster, it is faster teaching AI that way than a programmer writing software to install on a computer
I think he was having second thoughts about AI, as he knows what it can do, not sure anyone would disagree with him on that....