ANY Denmark - Crossing the Oresund Bridge. - _

Off on a jaunt to Copenhagen in september.

Has anyone had experience of crossing the Oresund bridge.

Friend wants to hire a car and do it.

Edited by _ORB_ on 16/08/2023 at 15:56

ANY Denmark - Crossing the Oresund Bridge. - Adampr

I've done it on a train from Copenhagen to Gothenburg. It was very pleasant, but I'm not sure I'd go out of my way to visit.

Assuming you're going France/Belgium/Netherlands, Germany, Jutland, there are lots of big bridges between Jutland and Copenhagen that will probably satisfy him.

I'm just back from a few days spent in Copenhagen, then west on the train to Jutland.

ANY Denmark - Crossing the Oresund Bridge. - _


Friend wants to do it, I'll be tagalong.....

Any Good tips for Copenhagen anyways?

ANY Denmark - Crossing the Oresund Bridge. - Adampr

Not really. It's a lovely city, and one of those where you don't feel you've missed out on not seeing everything because there's so much. Just watch out for the bikes; they're fast, the bike lanes run between the road and pavement pretty much everywhere and they take no prisoners.

The metro is excellent and you can buy a City pass for not much money, which is valid on trains, buses, waterbuses and the metro. Not that there are any ticket barriers or inspectors.

I'd recommend getting one of the tourist boat trips from Nyhavn on your first day. That will give you a good idea of what's what so you can choose what to do with your time.

It's not as expensive as you think. Even the tourist traps are only around London prices.

ANY Denmark - Crossing the Oresund Bridge. - craig-pd130

Any Good tips for Copenhagen anyways?

As Adam says, it's just a really nice, relaxed city to wander around. It's quite a compact centre, so very easy to walk from place to place and enjoy. Lots of cafes and bars from which to watch the world go by. And the public transport system is excellent as mentioned.

I would strongly recommend visiting Vor Frelser's Kirke (Our Saviour's Church), you can climb the spiral steps around the outside of the spire and get a great view over the city if you've a head for heights (link -

Eats-wise, there's every type of cuisine going. The meat-packing district is lively and has all sorts of bars and restaurants (

Copenhagen's oldest restaurant, Den Lille Apotek (the little apothecary) is not a tourist trap and actually serves good, unpretentious Danish food:

One thing to note is that service is pretty much always included in cafe / restaurant bills, tipping is not expected. Same with taxis (which are reasonably priced too).

ANY Denmark - Crossing the Oresund Bridge. - John F

Any Good tips for Copenhagen anyways?

Don't miss the Jens clock (in the main square IIRC). Re the bridge, we took the return to Malmo is not expensive. There's a small transport museum there you might like.

ANY Denmark - Crossing the Oresund Bridge. - Dave N
Plenty of experience using the bridge, as I live in Sweden. From the danish side, you drive over and pay on the swedish side. Pay with cash or card, danish or swedish money.

Coming back you pay on the swedish side before crossing. If its really windy there may be speed restrictions, or closed completely.

Pretty pricey though, I think over 600SEK or 450DKK each way.
ANY Denmark - Crossing the Oresund Bridge. - daveyjp
Must see for me in Copenhagen would be the incinerator with the ski slope. It was under construction when I last visited so a trip wasn’t possible.

Good call re the boat trip. The former submarine berths and shelters converted to housing are worth seeing. The mermaid isn’t worth going out of your way for!
ANY Denmark - Crossing the Oresund Bridge. - Xileno

Totally agree about the mermaid. When I was there in 1993 on a holiday I was looking forward to seeing it but it came nowhere near my expectations. It's about 4ft tall.

ANY Denmark - Crossing the Oresund Bridge. - John F

Totally agree about the mermaid. When I was there in 1993 on a holiday I was looking forward to seeing it but it came nowhere near my expectations. It's about 4ft tall.


ANY Denmark - Crossing the Oresund Bridge. - Metropolis.

ANY Denmark - Crossing the Oresund Bridge. - Smileyman

I last drove in Denmark in the 1980's so my experiences will be out of date (and the Oresund bridge was just a dream). But the mermaid, in 2018 we stopped off in Copenhagen on a cruise, really big (or should I say little) let down, all the hype for a statue so small.

There is a new undersea connection across the Femern Belt to Germany under construction, a road and rail tunnel - it will be interesting once finished. (see B1M on YouTube)