We’re currently considering replacing our 2012 1.6 petrol c-max as it is currently requiring more and more expensive repairs...........(replace) ....or ...keep paying more on the c-max?
This is the classic situation of a one (or two)-off biggish bill for an older car generating a 'time to change' feeling, and the fear of future bills 'throwing good money after bad'. Was the bill really that big compared to the annual depreciation on a newer replacement car? Your 11yr old has almost stopped depreciating so it might be worth caring for it a few years longer, unless it's done a huge mileage and is rusting badly. A replacement will almost certainly cost more to insure.
(Back in 2011, our then 11yr old 80,000 mile 1.6 petrol Focus estate lasted another ten years and another 80,000 miles with minimal repair and maintenance cost and insignificant annual depreciation, but I did look after it carefully, dealing with rust as soon as it appeared).