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ULEZ another knock on effect - sammy1

""Ulez-compliant second-hand cars are £3,000 more expensive (msn.com)

I do not know how this is affecting the rest of the UK market but if stocks are being dragged down to London then it must have a bearing. I suppose that equally the non compliant cars could be heading out. ULEZ has got the go ahead, I am happy that I live nowhere near the place.

ULEZ another knock on effect - Bromptonaut

What's the price gap between 2014 to 2015 or 2016 to 17? So far as I can see that gets no mention so we're short of evidence.

That said, emission zones that penalise pre Euro 6 diesel cars are not limited to London. Birmingham* has something similar and, if it's not already in place, Bristol have one in the pipeline. Other cities will follow. MArket forces might well give a premium.

Not just a UK thing either.

NOx and particulates are proven to cause harm:


Typical media reporting. Not the whole story, suspect quotes from 'experts' and London centric to boot.

*Mrs B strayed into the Birmingham one while at a conference their a couple of weeks ago. Banged to rights by the pictures and £60; discount of 50% for an early plea :-P

Edited by Bromptonaut on 28/07/2023 at 17:06

ULEZ another knock on effect - Adampr

Bristol has a Clean Air Zone in place.

ULEZ another knock on effect - _

A good bit back I posted that our friend who live in Acton W3 (so inside the North circular road, got rid of her non compliant E220 CDI and someone travelled up from the west country to buy it,

Equally the 12 year old Venga I have with 64000 miles full service history is worth a lot of money as it is compliant.

It is called market forces. some winners, some losers.

Our Parish priest has a non compliant Toyota but his elderly parents live in London, so he has to get another car, as if he goes, stays overnight, that is 2 charges.

ULEZ another knock on effect - skidpan


Do you expect us to continue polluting the environment at the current rate for ever? do you not worry about the consequences?

I like to think I am doing my bit and its not at zero cost.

Take the Caterham, when I built it in 1992 it was fitted with the "starter" engine a Ford Kent Cross Flow, a design that dated back to the early 60's. They were a good engine but not efficient. Mine produced about 160 bhp and did about 25 mpg on a really good day. I had unleaded valve seats fitted but in truth it was only a sticking plaster. When it needed a rebuild I took the decision to fit a modern engine which was a Ford Zetec 2 litre (Focus Mk1). With only external mods it produces about 175 bhp and on a really good day will average almost 40 mpg. The cost to do all that was not huge since the Zetec (brand new in a crate from Ford) was cheap and since the cross flow is still used by historic racers I got a very good price for it. Probably about £1000 to do the work but the result was a much cleaner more efficient car that is actually faster if you wand but nicer to drive at any speed.

Our main car is the Superb PHEV. Most of the time we charge it at home and use sod all petrol locally. But no range anxiety when we go on a twice yearly road trips.

2nd car is the Fabia 1.0 TSi 110PS. Really efficient for an ICE, averaged 48 mpg over the 5+ years we have had it, on a long run (over 40miles) will do almost 60 mpg. Its overdue a change and our current thinking is a Corolla hatch. Cannot see it being a great deal better on fuel out of town but in town should be in its element.

Only a fool thinks we can simply carry on as we are with no consequences, as a life long labour support and voter I am dismayed if the recent reports about Mr Starmer wanting to stop the extension of the ULEZ just because it lost him a few votes (perhaps).

ULEZ another knock on effect - Andrew-T

As a life long labour supporter and voter I am dismayed if the recent reports about Mr Starmer wanting to stop the extension of the ULEZ just because it lost him a few votes (perhaps).

Skidpan, as we are now in shouting distance of the next election, surely you can expect to hear little else from politicians but noises which they believe will not lose them votes - and may even win a few ?

ULEZ another knock on effect - sammy1

"""Only a fool thinks we can simply carry on as we are with no consequences, as a life long labour support and voter I am dismayed if the recent reports about Mr Starmer wanting to stop the extension of the ULEZ just because it lost him a few votes (perhaps)."""

I have not mentioned the pollution or the merits or otherwise of compliant cars. What I have noticed today is a statement by Tony Blair who thinks the UK is wasting its time and money pursuing a green agenda. He compares the UK aspirations for Zero Carbon as a waste of time comparing it to those of China. This comes from a very experienced politician with 13 years or so at the very top. He has a point

ULEZ another knock on effect - Xileno

I assume this article:


That's a fairly loose interpretation. What he's saying is there needs to be global co-operation and what the UK does alone will in itself make a trivial difference. I don't think that's new to anyone.

We cannot turn around to the big polluters such as China if we don't do the same. Also to add into the mix is the fact the West has exported much of its pollution and the West industrialised first so we have legacy pollution on our scorecard.

We need all countries to be involved.

And I'm certainly no fan of Blair!

ULEZ another knock on effect - sammy1

I assume this article:


That's a fairly loose interpretation. What he's saying is there needs to be global co-operation and what the UK does alone will in itself make a trivial difference. I don't think that's new to anyone.

We cannot turn around to the big polluters such as China if we don't do the same. Also to add into the mix is the fact the West has exported much of its pollution and the West industrialised first so we have legacy pollution on our scorecard.

We need all countries to be involved.

And I'm certainly no fan of Blair!

The same article more or less in the Telegraph. Also a very good point again on the west ""exporting its pollution" to others. The waters are further muddied by the so called carbon trading which is a cop out as far as I see it and a very expensive one..

As far as Tony Blair is concerned I bet he still holds considerable sway in the Labour party together with his old colleges they have consderable experience

ULEZ another knock on effect - Bromptonaut

As far as Tony Blair is concerned I bet he still holds considerable sway in the Labour party together with his old colleges they have consderable experience

As a member of the Labour party (for now*) I can say that Blair is generally regarded with disdain. His reputation is poisoned by Iraq. But for a lot of us the tack to right abandoning promises about schools, privatisation etc means he's poison. I resigned as a member around Y2K for rightward drift.

* Starmer's failure to commit to removing the two child rule and now equivocating over 'bedroom tax' have driven me to the point of leaving again. Failure to stand up unequivocally for Trans rights feels like a further push out.

ULEZ another knock on effect - Adampr

"""Only a fool thinks we can simply carry on as we are with no consequences, as a life long labour support and voter I am dismayed if the recent reports about Mr Starmer wanting to stop the extension of the ULEZ just because it lost him a few votes (perhaps)."""

I have not mentioned the pollution or the merits or otherwise of compliant cars. What I have noticed today is a statement by Tony Blair who thinks the UK is wasting its time and money pursuing a green agenda. He compares the UK aspirations for Zero Carbon as a waste of time comparing it to those of China. This comes from a very experienced politician with 13 years or so at the very top. He has a point

Tony Blair did a very stupid thing 20 years ago and has lost his mind with guilt. Everytime you see him, it's blindingly obvious he's not well.

ULEZ another knock on effect - RT

"""Only a fool thinks we can simply carry on as we are with no consequences, as a life long labour support and voter I am dismayed if the recent reports about Mr Starmer wanting to stop the extension of the ULEZ just because it lost him a few votes (perhaps)."""

I have not mentioned the pollution or the merits or otherwise of compliant cars. What I have noticed today is a statement by Tony Blair who thinks the UK is wasting its time and money pursuing a green agenda. He compares the UK aspirations for Zero Carbon as a waste of time comparing it to those of China. This comes from a very experienced politician with 13 years or so at the very top. He has a point

That's the politician who falsely thought Iraq had weapons of mass destruction - so not reknowned for good judgement.

ULEZ another knock on effect - gordonbennet

Surely no one pays attention to what message Gollum is passing on, heard it all now.

ULEZ another knock on effect - skidpan

Surely no one pays attention to what message Gollum is passing on, heard it all now.

Why not use the mans correct name. What is your problem?

ULEZ another knock on effect - FP

"Why not use the mans correct name. What is your problem?"

He was just alluding to what, apparently, is an internet meme. You may wish to Google it and it's quite amusing.

I don't think you should take it too seriously.

ULEZ another knock on effect - Bromptonaut

Is 'Gollum' Tony Blair?

There's a habit on another forum of referring to Angela Rayner as Zippy and Starmer as some other character from the same kids TV prog.

It's silly and childish there but I'll cur GB some slack here.

ULEZ another knock on effect - skidpan

It's silly and childish there but I'll cur GB some slack here.


ULEZ another knock on effect - _

Can we please stick to the subject in hand.


ULEZ another knock on effect - Terry W

With Mr Blairs analysis of a balanced approach to net zero which should not be unreasonably burdensome, ULEZ would still be a wise thing to do.

It is not unreasonably burdensome - it affects ~10% of cars in greater London.

It is a significant contributor to air quality improvement

It generates revenue either to supplement the public services provided by TfL or reducing the subsidy received from all taxpayers.

ULEZ another knock on effect - sammy1

""It is not unreasonably burdensome - it affects ~10% of cars in greater London.

Sorry but this is one of the main arguments in affect that 10% or so you quote probably don't have the funds to change cars which at the beat of times the scenario is you loose money on the trade in and as what this thread is about grossly overpriced on the replacement. We are not only talking about your private motorist but trades people who perhaps do most of the running around. Yes emissions are very important but all this green business is being done in too short a time scale for people to adapt. £12 50 a day is a b fortune for those not well off.

ULEZ another knock on effect - alan1302

""It is not unreasonably burdensome - it affects ~10% of cars in greater London.

Sorry but this is one of the main arguments in affect that 10% or so you quote probably don't have the funds to change cars which at the beat of times the scenario is you loose money on the trade in and as what this thread is about grossly overpriced on the replacement. We are not only talking about your private motorist but trades people who perhaps do most of the running around. Yes emissions are very important but all this green business is being done in too short a time scale for people to adapt. £12 50 a day is a b fortune for those not well off.

I know this does not happen often but I agree with Sammy on this - if it only affects 10% of the cars, then I don't see much point in it as a lot of those cars are older ones anyway which will be replaced in due time. You need to encourage people buying new to go for the better versions rather than penalizing people because they are poor and live in the wrong place.

ULEZ another knock on effect - Terry W

The proposition that older non-compliant cars will anyway reduce in numbers over the coming years is entirely fair. Were pollution the only issue the political cost of implementation may have exceeded the benefit.

We know (or suspect) that the end game is to widen the scope of the charge to reduce ALL private cars (possibly even EV) in London balanced by improving public transport.

A more generic point - any "rule" change will impact negatively upon some. If all are insulated from its effects, the change will have little or no effect. Pointless.

Changes produce losers. Imagine charges for ICE cars weighing more than (say) 1500kg. It would reduce Chelsea tractors and premium Mercs. Non-owners would benefit from more road space, parking space, better driving visibility, less pollution etc.

Encouraging buyers of new cars to buy "best of breed" compliant cars is not a solution - it will be a decade or more before they find their way into the lower levels of the s/h market. It would do nothing for current pollution.

I understand there was a scrappage scheme operating for non-compliant vehicles for the low paid and those on some benefits. Whether the rates were adequate is another matter!

ULEZ another knock on effect - sammy1

I wonder in the real world what the difference is in emissions between a non compliant car and a more modern one soon to be Euro 7. In any case as you say 10% or so being gradually eroded away by old age in any case. Yes change produces losers but why put peoples backs up with unreasonable financial penalties.

AS regards buyers of new cars well again authorities seem to be at odds with the car makers. Wide spread ever reducing speed limits being imposed. Wales 20 mph default on all populated areas and a lot more to come in the rest of the UK Yet EV cars are going the other way with crazy acceleration capability. It will be tears yet before the UK has a full green energy generating ability if ever. Sweden is recognising this and going more nuclear but it takes years to do this. The big question on low speed limits is that do they really reduce emissions. For my money having to drive in low gears at higher revs say NO. In Wales a car ad might soon read " excellent condition gears 3-6 hardly used clutch and gears 1 & 2 knackered! So yes buy your EV IF you can afford one

ULEZ another knock on effect - HGV ~ P Valentine

I will never get an elecric car, as it is simply not practical. It is also telling that you have a fossil fuel car as a back up, despite stating you believe in elecric cars. Anyway all that aside.

I went to Bangor, Nth Wales on holiday, it was a farm in the back of beyond with NO ELECTRIC CHARGING POINTS, it is 332 miles from my home, longer if you make a day of it and go through the national parks avoiding the non scenic motorways.

If I wanted to charge the car up I would have had to park it 5 miles from the campsite and walk the rest of the way.


Your argument for all electric also fails on a commercial level, without deliveries we all would have nothing to eat, wear or use. It took trucks to deliver the stuff across this country which later on got put on smaller vehicles to deliver to shops, so we can all EAT, WEAR CLOTHES AND HAVE GAS AND ELETRIC in our homes.

Trucks are limited by weight, to take just 1 example a 7.5 ton vehicle can only carry about 3 ton as the unladen weight is around 4 ton depending on the vehicle, if you then decide to put 2 ton of batteries on this to make it "green" then it reduces the load to about 1 ton, which means the only way it can be commercially viable is to use bigger trucks, and all the problems that will cause. Also most long haul trucks run 12 hour days, some longer because another driver will take over the vehicle shortly after the other has finished with it.

1 final point, it is absolute rubbish to believe that the sale of fuel will stop totally, this can only happen if you want to go back to the days of deliveries being done by horse and cart, the whole country relies on delivery drivers, the fueling points have got to remain.

ULEZ another knock on effect - HGV ~ P Valentine

Only a fool would think that all commercial vehicles ( artic trucks especially ) will eventually do away with using fossil fuels.

ULEZ another knock on effect - alan1302

Only a fool would think that all commercial vehicles ( artic trucks especially ) will eventually do away with using fossil fuels.

Seeing as non fosil fueled commercial vehicles already exist - and over time will get better why would you think that?

And what happens when fossil fuels run out?

ULEZ another knock on effect - barney100

Khan and his colleagues in other cities need money from motorists for their schemes. At the moment parking fees and ULEZ are bringing some in but once the ULEZ income declines a different revenue raising scheme will be needed of which road pricing seems the favourite, Usual tactics will apply, a small charge at first followed by relentless rises. Same nationally, fuel duty will erode so other ways of taxing the motorist will be brought in and many will not be able to afford EVs, as usual the poorer in society will be hit.

ULEZ another knock on effect - daveyK_UK
It’s madness

It’s complete madness from all the main parties

Heavily taxing transportation is bad for productivity and enterprise

Transportation should be one of the lowest taxes to encourage growth and trade

EVs while having questionable environmental impacts from a new build point of view and battery disposal do not pollute the air we breathe.

While EVs range and charging is still set to improve (and why I am not buying one yet) the government should be making long term commitments to minimise tax for owners to encourage manufacturers and the buying public.

It’s economic madness a so called Conservative Party still taxes transportation heavily.

Low transportation costs are essential if you want economic growth and prosperity
ULEZ another knock on effect - Andrew-T
It’s economic madness a so called Conservative Party still taxes transportation heavily. Low transportation costs are essential if you want economic growth and prosperity

Of course - playing devil's advocate - many decades of 'economic growth and prosperity' are what have got us to the position we are in !! All we will try to do is to run faster just to stay where we are.

ULEZ another knock on effect - daveyK_UK
I slightly disagree, poor productivity has been a hallmark of the UK for nearly 2 decades

Transport systems are a large component of it.

Encouraging mobility and enterprise by lowering costs are crucial to prosperity.
ULEZ another knock on effect - Maxime.
I slightly disagree, poor productivity has been a hallmark of the UK for nearly 2 decades

More like since the 2nd world war. To increase productiviry Investment is needed and investment has been poor ever since. It is no good having service industries on low wages. Producing stuff is what earns a return on capital.

ULEZ another knock on effect - Terry W

Devils advocate again!

Transport has become absurdly cheap. It has enabled the utterly non-productive - commuting time wasted, import of food and manufactured goods from 1000s of miles. It has lead to a loss of jobs, skills and made us dependant on trade for critical goods and services.

To add insult to injury when the goods are no longer wanted we often send them 1000s miles to be recycled. We have become a throwaway society.

Pursuit of ever more material goods in the belief that continued growth in GDP is a real measure of human well being and contentment is flawed. It is also unsustainable indefinitely - something will have to give.

There should be a strategic policy to replace (progressively over 20 years) income tax with taxes on energy. It would transform the value placed upon "local" - social interaction, services, jobs, education, health care etc

ULEZ another knock on effect - gordonbennet
It’s madness It’s complete madness from all the main parties Heavily taxing transportation is bad for productivity and enterprise Transportation should be one of the lowest taxes to encourage growth and trade EVs while having questionable environmental impacts from a new build point of view and battery disposal do not pollute the air we breathe. While EVs range and charging is still set to improve (and why I am not buying one yet) the government should be making long term commitments to minimise tax for owners to encourage manufacturers and the buying public. It’s economic madness a so called Conservative Party still taxes transportation heavily. Low transportation costs are essential if you want economic growth and prosperity

Whilst i agree with you, where else can successive govts addicted to spending money like a shipful of drunken sailors get the dosh to pay back even the interest on the massive nationally bankrupting loans they secured from their mates.

We're living in the unfunniest farce ever imagined.

Where i disagree is calling this a conservative party, it's a fake just like the labour side of the uniparty is fake, the fake conservatives conserve nothing and the fake labour party detest the genuine working classes it was formed to represent, both parties need to be exorcised while there's still a slim chance of saving whats left of the country.

ULEZ another knock on effect - daveyK_UK
I agree

90% of both the conservative and labour parliamentary parties and structural leadership are social democrats with no principles, no vision, no wisdom, etc.

The best countries are ran like businesses who want its customers to proper.

ULEZ another knock on effect - Bromptonaut
I agree 90% of both the conservative and labour parliamentary parties and structural leadership are social democrats with no principles, no vision, no wisdom, etc. The best countries are ran like businesses who want its customers to proper.

How on earth can anyone see people like Braverman, Badenoch, Coughey or Heaton-Harris as Social Democrats.

Never mind the Mark Francois, J R-M etc types on the back benches.

ULEZ another knock on effect - Andrew-T

<< ... both parties need to be exorcised while there's still a slim chance of saving whats left of the country. >>

Yes, I get where you are coming from. But it is often easy to demolish something that you don't like ; much harder to replace it with anything better. That way can lead to anarchy, which is probably worse.

ULEZ another knock on effect - Warning

There is already ULEZ in inner London. People who lived in outer London and travel via inner London already upgraded their cars or tried find another route.

Hence the claim only 1 in 10 cars don't comply. However, that does not include the people who already upgraded their vehicle.

It has surprised my why ULEZ extension has become controversial.

ULEZ another knock on effect - sammy1

There is already ULEZ in inner London. People who lived in outer London and travel via inner London already upgraded their cars or tried find another route.

Hence the claim only 1 in 10 cars don't comply. However, that does not include the people who already upgraded their vehicle.

It has surprised my why ULEZ extension has become controversial.

The new outer circle seems a whole lot bigger than the inner and a whole new ball game for most

ULEZ another knock on effect - Warning

ULEZ has divided communities in London and around the country.

Sadiq Khan could see support ULEZ 'extension' was slipping away. As evident from the questioning of the Mayor. He got the help of the 'active travel' lobby and the cycling lobby. These are extremists who just think there should be no cars on the road. I am wondering if they have seen those container ships bring in consumer goods on a daily basis to the UK.They want all the conveniences of consumer goods and the modern world, but they don't have a clue how the world works.

These lobby groups support LTN (Low Traffic Neighborhoods). They frankly petrol bombed the debate on social media with their harsh view and made it toxic.

Looking at social media profile some of them, they are avid cyclists. They are religiously anti-car, but at the same time are jetting off around the world. I don't understand how they can take two opposing views?

It feels they are climate hypocrites.

Changing your mode of transport is n't going to solve climate change. All of us using our gas boilers in winter. All of us are cooking food. Or taking a hot bath or shower....

They seem to think getting rid of diesels will help the climate, but diesels have a lower carbon footprint then petrol cars.

Most of them are out of touch with working class people. This was quite evident with the Just OIl Protestors. Often blocking the path of builders, delivery drivers or scaffolding company.

They are middle classes, working from home on their laptop but unable see that someone may be driving to their job to an industrial estate inthe middle of nowhere. They would not have cycle route to there. My neighbhouurs is an HGV driver and he has to drive to the lorry depot. People like him re-fiill our local supermarkets and shops.

The Tory Grant Schapps (when Transport minister) may have been playing games, as they imposed ULEZ / Congestion on London, but at the Tories same time are attacking Sadiq Khan for support it.I am not sure if Grant Schapps imposed the ULEZ 'extension' on London.

This is not to say that Sadiq Khan has been a climate saint. He pushed through expansion of London City Airport which increased pollution. He is building a new river crossing in London. Both of which increase reduce air quality and increase pollution.

There are also Cruise ships coming into London chugging out diesel smoke.....

ULEZ another knock on effect - Bromptonaut

They seem to think getting rid of diesels will help the climate, but diesels have a lower carbon footprint then petrol cars.

Can you support this suggestion?

Diesels are an issue because of NOx. That's what the ULEZ is for.

ULEZ another knock on effect - Warning

NOx is not the same as CO2. Two different issues. NOx impact air quality. CO2 impacts the climate.

ULEZ another knock on effect - HGV ~ P Valentine

Funny I checked online if my car was ok expecting it to fail but it was fine for such zones. I kinda think it is too little too late for polution. And what is more, we are all paying the financial cost with the councils across the country spending millions on being green.

The gov of course will not back down or admit they have it wrong, and that applies to all gov, the fact is that we only recycle about 20% of the stuff collected because they underestimated how much of it there is, and how expensive it is.

These batteries that electric cars use, will still have to be buried somewhere, or disposed of as they still cannot recycle most of it, also following huge fires caused by electric car factories, and scooters in homes. I will never trust them.

Ps Did anyone hear how that fire in the Jaguar plant got started ? They where very quick to say it WAS NOT because of the electric cars/components or related machinery in the factory? But, stated they did not know what caused it in the same sentence, is it just me or did they contradict themselves in that if they do not know what caused it, they surely cannot say what did not ?

ULEZ another knock on effect - mcb100
‘ will still have to be buried somewhere ‘ - No they won’t, that’s illegal.

‘ as they still cannot recycle most of it ‘ - Yes they can, and they are. And that’s after the battery has served a second life as a static power reserve. After that, about 90% of the battery is recyclable.