I have just flushed and refilled both screenwash reservoirs on my Pug 205 - one under the bonnet, the other in the boot. Both easy to get at. The boot one is attached by 2 screws so the tank is easily emptied and given a good shake with fresh water before refilling. Some strange dark brown gubbins appeared.
The bottles in the BX, both front and rear, were in the scuttle under the windscreen. Again dead easy to remove and take into the house for a proper clean now and then.
At some time, possibly adopting a kid's misnomer, we started referring to the cars squash bottles. It stuck and we're still using the term now.
Yes brilliant designs on most cars for simple things things that go wrong and you have to take half a car apart to get at it.
Amazed though that someone could wreck a whole wheel liner most have lost their rag with the thing. Can they not duck tape it or botch something considering where it is and what it does.
Regarding the squash bottle thing, we were motoring along and a sign was read by one of the kids as """loose chickens"" instead of course chippings. So that's what the signs have become in our house.