The owner/MD of the SAAB dealership I worked for was absolutely obsessed with private reg numbers. They had just become a big thing, and on the day whichever the new 'letter' (this was 1990-1995) was released, he would have all the sales staff, one of the receptionists and one of the parts guys (and himself) constantly phoning the DVLA (presumably?) to get whichever SAAB themed numbers he wanted. When I started there, he had H1SAB, H11SAB, H111SAB, H15AAB, not to mention (my favourite) FLY900T on a 900 Turbo 16S demonstrator used by one of the sales. He also had AS66 and 66AS on two of his own cars (his name was Adrian Smith, presumably born in '66). But all the company vehicles, including the 1982 900GLE automatic we used as a runabout and the Vauxhall Midi van we got for parts deliveries had private plates. Probably 10 in all, but he also had on his wife's car and both parents, plus a couple of other plates which he owned, but let the two longest serving mechanics use on their cars.
I do remember preparing a new SAAB and making number plates with the initials KKK, wasn't long after I'd first seen the film Mississippi Burning!. Fortunately this was Aberdeen rather than the Deep South, but even so.
Also remember making up plates with the initials PMT, the owner was an elderly gentleman!.
A while ago I had customers who's name was Cumming. Their car had the initials CUM.............!
Edited by badbusdriver on 15/03/2023 at 16:01