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N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - sammy1

The Mail on Line has an aerial view of the roundabout where the TV presenter was in collision with a car and suffered serious face injuries. The roundabout is very big one with 3 traffic lanes all around it. The road entering the roundabout at the alleged collision spot is 4 lanes. Whether the collision happen with a car already in the roundabout or one entering it is not stated. I would seriously question the wisdom of any cyclist attempting to navigate a roundabout like this. There is an underpass and cycle lane under the roundabout which would be the safer option. The chap lives in Sheffield so would probably know it existed. I wish him a speedy recovery.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Brit_in_Germany

Depends on the state of those underpasses. If they are covered with a carpet of broken glass, that might be a reason to risk the traffic.

Edited by Brit_in_Germany on 21/02/2023 at 20:24

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Xileno

When I lived in Cambridge in the 90s the ones I used were pretty shabby (East Rd towards Chesterton if anyone knows the City). I never used them at night unless I was in a group. Things may be different now, probably got cctv and the like.

Likewise I wish a speedy recovery.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Brit_in_Germany

If you mean the East Rd/Newmarket Rd roundabout, I never knew there were underpasses. The roundabout was generally taken at a fairly high speed with no recollection of any incidents. Not sure if the traffic lights had been installed then.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Xileno

That's the one. It was a long time ago and maybe you couldn't ride underneath but there was a long ramp thing by the steps you could guide the bike down. I can't remember any traffic lights, maybe they came later.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Bromptonaut

Is this the view mentioned?


Without knowing what the traffic speeds and congestion were like it's difficult to tell whether it's 'wise' to use it on a pushbike. As others have pointed out the existence of a cycle lane under the roundabout doesn't say whether it's actually safe to use in terms of the state of its surface, alignment and whether it's shared with pedestrians and street sleepers.

My own experience as a London commuter rider was that it was easier to use busy roundabouts by keeping out from the kerb and behaving like a car so people could see you. Worked ok at Waterloo, Trafalgar Sq and even Hyde Park Corner but you have to be super alert and have eyes in the back of your head.

Ironically London's busy junctions were easier than those around Northampton....

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - sammy1

That is the article. Another shot shows an underpass and cycle lane which looks to be in good order. I used to do a lot of cycling and in todays traffic conditions would not attempt a giant speedy roundabout like this. The road management presumably thought likewise to put in facilities for cyclists to avoid this. In many ways I do not think it fair on any motorised vehicle to be mixed with cyclists an accident waiting to happen on such a fast roundabout. It is bad enough staying in lanes on two lane roundabouts let alone 3 jostling for exists

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - catsdad

The still of yesterday has been updated with a fuller video. It appears he was riding to the left of the lane then moved (not quite a swerve) significantly to the right into the immediate path of the car which was going slowly enough to stop without running him over. My take is that Dan is to blame but I guess the new Highway Code guidance on giving way to cyclists on roundabouts might lead others to blame the driver. At least in part.
I still think the driver was behaving reasonably in real road conditions and giving ample room to the bike.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Adampr

My take on it is that he's riding his bike minding his own business and someone's driven a car into him. I don't think you can call it ample room considering it's slightly less than zero.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - sammy1

DW is apparently on an electric bike in the middle lane of 3 on a fast roundabout. He is dressed in black in stead of high VIZ and as a father of 3 ought to have had more sense than to put himself in such a dangerous position The cycle lane is there but then again he was not cycling really. He seemed to be on an electric bike which is more akin to a motor bike but probably a lot slower

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - badbusdriver

Haven't seen a video, but the DM article now has 3 stills taken from a dash cam. They are not of very good quality, but my take on it is that the car (a Qashqai I think) struck Dan from behind as it moved into his lane. The still does not appear to show any undue movement from Dan, he appears to be slightly to the right of centre in his lane. The car is very slightly behind him but already moving into Dan's lane.

I suspect Dan was hidden from the drivers view in the blind spot created by the N/S A pillar. Without seeing actual video footage it is difficult to say for certain, but it looks to me like the car driver was solely to blame.

And just to point out, looking on Google street, there is nothing to suggest the speed limit on and around the roundabout is anything other than 30mph. So not entirely sure what Sammy is banging on about?.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Adampr

The video is on the Sun website. Of course, getting Sun and Mail cookies the same day means that your algorithms will go full bigot.

Anyway, your summary is correct from what I've seen. The Qashqai goes to pull off the roundabout and hits the cyclist already in that lane. It's an accident; I'm surprised the Qashqai driver wasn't aware of there being a bike nearby but you're right that he was almost certainly obscured by a pillar at that point.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - catsdad

Good point Adam. The first time I looked at the video I was concentrating on the cyclist, hence my comments about his movement. Looking again at the car’s movement it is moving into the lane rather than already being in it. So both parties are trying to move into the same lane.
More care and attention needed by both but I am now swinging in Dan’s favour as the more vulnerable party. I am glad I am not in a witness box.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Adampr

I am glad I am not in a witness box.

As long as they don't bring in capital punishment for minor collisions I think we're all safe.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Brit_in_Germany

I don't see DW changing lanes. He is proceeding in his lane a yard or so to the right of the lane marker. The other car moves into his lane and takes him out. DW would not have been in the blind spot of the car as he was in front until he got hit. It does look like an illegal motorised bike though - no sign of pedal movement.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Adampr

I don't see DW changing lanes. He is proceeding in his lane a yard or so to the right of the lane marker. The other car moves into his lane and takes him out. DW would not have been in the blind spot of the car as he was in front until he got hit. It does look like an illegal motorised bike though - no sign of pedal movement.

It's a Gocycle G4. Completely legal.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Warning

It's a Gocycle G4. Completely legal.

The Gocycle is made in the UK. It is an amazing bike, designed by a former McLaren F1 designer. The chains is hidden and the wheel is only attached by one side, just like a car. Yes, it is legal.

Cycles should have side mirrors fitted, loud horns and daylight running lights (which the Gocycle G4 has).

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Brit_in_Germany

Are you sure it's not a G4i+, a beast of a machine which in the U S can reach 20 mph (not sure if it requires pedal action)?

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Adampr

Are you sure it's not a G4i+, a beast of a machine which in the U S can reach 20 mph (not sure if it requires pedal action)?

It could be, but all I can tell is that it's a Gocycle and it's white!

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Bromptonaut

@catsdad, please could you provide a link to te video you mention. All I can find are a couple of very poor quality stills.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - catsdad

Sorry Bromp I don’t know how to do it on an iPad. However if you Google Mailonline or The Sun you will find it. Although the same source video the Mail one was in slower motion and easier to follow.

The Mail one may have now reverted to stills but the Sun one works (for now).

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Bromptonaut

Thanks. The Sun's version, at least for now, is here.

Looks to me as though Walker is well out in his lane on the roundabout and moving at pace. At the start of the vid the car that hits him is well behind him

Either the car driver didn't see him at all or intended to pass behind and misjudged it.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - badbusdriver

The Sun's version, at least for now, is here.

Having now watched that too, there is surely no doubt that the car driver is entirely at fault.

Have to say though (and in no way an excuse for the car driver to mow him down), IMO cycling on roads like that without hi-vis is madness.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Crickleymal

The Sun's version, at least for now, is here.

Having now watched that too, there is surely no doubt that the car driver is entirely at fault.

Have to say though (and in no way an excuse for the car driver to mow him down), IMO cycling on roads like that without hi-vis is madness.

I agree.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - corax

Can't really tell how dark it is from camera views, but at 8.30am this time of year I'm assuming it would be fairly gloomy. As said, crazy to not wear a high viz with lights on a road that busy. You don't always get the full picture from videos/images. The foreground in front of Dan Walker might have been dark and he could have blended in and not showed up in the drivers peripheral vision, especially if that driver was checking behind for traffic while moving across. Not saying that it wasn't the drivers fault but unless you get all the facts you can't be sure.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - sammy1

The dash cam video is on you tube. Looks like a coming together

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - maz64


N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Gibbo_Wirral

The Mail on Line has an aerial view of the roundabout where the TV presenter was in collision with a car and suffered serious face injuries. The roundabout is very big one with 3 traffic lanes all around it. The road entering the roundabout at the alleged collision spot is 4 lanes. Whether the collision happen with a car already in the roundabout or one entering it is not stated. I would seriously question the wisdom of any cyclist attempting to navigate a roundabout like this. There is an underpass and cycle lane under the roundabout which would be the safer option. The chap lives in Sheffield so would probably know it existed. I wish him a speedy recovery.

I'm a Sheffielder:

That DM story was a complete dumpster fire trying to put the blame on Walker in a snide way.

The video has now been released and you see the car drift across lanes and hit him.

The St Mary's Gate underpass isn't a dedicated cycle lane, its a shared space.

Its also full of glass and a muggers paradise. I know two people who were attacked there and there are plenty more found by Googling.

Edited by Gibbo_Wirral on 22/02/2023 at 13:19

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Warning

It is interesting Dan Walker says a helmet saved his life. Many cyclists are anti-compulsory helmet.

A common problem with helmets is that they protect the jaw, which from my reading is where a lot of injury seems to occur. People don't wear those type of helmets.....

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - De Sisti

The thing is, even when wearing high-viz and being lit-up like an xmas tree, a lot of motorists still see cyclists as an impediment to their journey and will stop at nothing to get ahead of the person on a bike. The motorist only has to slow down and be patient in order to make a safe overtake. The (not wearing of) high-viz excuse is an attempt at victim-blaming.

Edited by De Sisti on 22/02/2023 at 14:43

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Manatee

The (not wearing of) high-viz excuse is an attempt at victim-blaming.

Quite, although I wear it anyway.

I also like the way that when a cyclist complains about a dangerous driver, all the unknown, unnamed and unrelated cyclists who ever went through a red light, rode on a pavement, or went the wrong way up a one way street get the blame along with the victim.

I don't cycle when it's cold, I walk the 3 miles odd to the paper shop instead. It's no better as a pedestrian on country roads without footway. Most drivers will give reasonable distance when passing, but if there's something coming the other way they are quite likely to pass within inches at 40mph. A minority will slow down or stop until there is room to pull out.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - badbusdriver

Many years ago I remember during the course of a bus run coming upon a youngish chap cycling along a country road (single carriageway) in low light conditions. He had no lights on the bike and was wearing dark clothing.

The best bit?, he was cycling towards me on my side of the road!

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Crickleymal

Many years ago I remember during the course of a bus run coming upon a youngish chap cycling along a country road (single carriageway) in low light conditions. He had no lights on the bike and was wearing dark clothing.

The best bit?, he was cycling towards me on my side of the road!

I saw (just about) 2 cyclists on the A40 between Gloucester and Cheltenham one dark winter's morning. It was about 6am, pitch black and foggy. No lights, nothing. I caught a glimpse of the pedal reflector when I was about 20 yards away. If I hadn't been alert enough to spot that I could easily have killed them.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - badbusdriver

Many years ago I remember during the course of a bus run coming upon a youngish chap cycling along a country road (single carriageway) in low light conditions. He had no lights on the bike and was wearing dark clothing.

The best bit?, he was cycling towards me on my side of the road!

I saw (just about) 2 cyclists on the A40 between Gloucester and Cheltenham one dark winter's morning. It was about 6am, pitch black and foggy. No lights, nothing. I caught a glimpse of the pedal reflector when I was about 20 yards away. If I hadn't been alert enough to spot that I could easily have killed them.

Darwinism in action?!

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Crickleymal

Could be. I didn't have time to phone the police as I had to be at work in Birmingham at 7. There is a B road which runs parallel to the dual carriageway and they could have ridden on the pavement there as well as the cycle path.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Steveieb

I see the story all over the Sunday Times today.

Whereas Dan wasn’t actually on a push bike but an electric bike which is in all accounts a slow speed motorcycle my work colleague was involved in a serous cycle accident a few months ago.

He was just leaving his house on a housing estate and was hit from behind by a motorist tossing him into the air after which he suffered major trauma.

He was airlifted to hospital and treated for 9 broken ribs and a punctured lung. He is still in pain when trying to lie down to sleep . His bike helmet saved a head injury but the accident has persuaded me to give up cycling on urban roads and stick to walking. Maybe a little safer if you can avoid the scooters which my council have signed up to for another five years.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Redcar01

Yes the driver was at fault but if he had used the cycle lane in the nice clean wide underpass and wore a hi-viz and not all black clothing it might not have happened.

I'm from Sheffield and wish him well.

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - badbusdriver

Yes the driver was at fault but if he had used the cycle lane in the nice clean wide underpass and wore a hi-viz and not all black clothing it might not have happened.

So you think it still could have, in the underpass?

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - Brit_in_Germany

When did you last use this underpass? Other locals say broken glass is a problem, the tunnels are dark and the chances of meeting an insalubrious character are not low. Would you use it if you were female?

N/A - Dan Walker Bike Crash - sammy1

When did you last use this underpass? Other locals say broken glass is a problem, the tunnels are dark and the chances of meeting an insalubrious character are not low. Would you use it if you were female?

This is the UK most underpasses are like this and the modern female can usually take care of themselves if you ask some. DW accident was in broad daylight so a few seconds in the underpass would have saved him a lot of grief but we are all wise after,