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Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - Falkirk Bairn

4,000 European jobs cut - 1300 in UK


Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - sammy1

Ford mentions high inflation in Europe as one of the reasons. We all know that at the moment we have inflation at 10% in the UK and food is up some 16%. What Ford don't mention is the militant trades unions and strikes which are doing damage to the UK economy. If you had anywhere else to build new EVs would you chose the UK? Also everywhere you look in the UK it appears to be anti car, from congestion zones to 20mph zones, space given over to empty bike lanes and so on. The latest I have read is that it may cost you more to park your high emission car assuming you can drive it in the first place

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - RT

Ford mentions high inflation in Europe as one of the reasons. We all know that at the moment we have inflation at 10% in the UK and food is up some 16%. What Ford don't mention is the militant trades unions and strikes which are doing damage to the UK economy. If you had anywhere else to build new EVs would you chose the UK? Also everywhere you look in the UK it appears to be anti car, from congestion zones to 20mph zones, space given over to empty bike lanes and so on. The latest I have read is that it may cost you more to park your high emission car assuming you can drive it in the first place

Irelevant! Ford hasn't built vehicles in the UK since 2013 and hasn't built cars here since 2002

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - John F

What Ford don't mention is the militant trades unions and strikes which are doing damage to the UK economy. If you had anywhere else to build new EVs would you chose the UK?

Irelevant! Ford hasn't built vehicles in the UK since 2013 and hasn't built cars here since 2002

So what exactly do these 1300 employees do?

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - Andrew-T

.... everywhere you look in the UK it appears to be anti car, from congestion zones to 20mph zones, space given over to empty bike lanes and so on. The latest I have read is that it may cost you more to park your high emission car assuming you can drive it in the first place.

It's easy to rant about restrictions on car use, but unfortunately that is a consequence of their popularity in large metropolitan areas, where their effluent has become unpleasant for those living there. An unpopular compromise has to be found. EVs go some way towards satisfying everyone, but I don't know whether they will reduce overall CO2 emissions for some time yet. They mainly move them elsewhere.

If ULEZ excludes many polluting vehicles from central London, is it easier to find a parking space there ?

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - Bolt

If ULEZ excludes many polluting vehicles from central London, is it easier to find a parking space there ?

No. those workers who pay it will charge customers as they still have to work.

It has been mentioned there is a shortage of ulez compliant motors so anyone who wants one may have a long wait assuming they can afford one?

where their effluent has become unpleasant for those living there

only because the traffic was moved onto main roads that couldn`t take it!

Didn`t Ford see this coming but didn`t do anything about it?

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - alan1302

If ULEZ excludes many polluting vehicles from central London, is it easier to find a parking space there ?

No. those workers who pay it will charge customers as they still have to work.

It has been mentioned there is a shortage of ulez compliant motors so anyone who wants one may have a long wait assuming they can afford one?

where their effluent has become unpleasant for those living there

only because the traffic was moved onto main roads that couldn`t take it!

Didn`t Ford see this coming but didn`t do anything about it?

They did and this is what they are doing - it's nothing to do with ULEZ. Car manufacturing and what is needed is changing so Ford is changing.

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - mcb100
Engine and transmission production, plus R&D at Dunton.
And they own some of their own dealerships.
Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - pd

The jobs are nearly all R&D. R&D is being moved out of Europe back to the USA and the remaining European teams will just adapt US designs and tech. So no more European developed Fords.

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - groaver

It's not just the UK that is facing cuts:


Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - pd

A lot of the roles are connected with engine development. As Ford have declared they won't be making ICE cars for much longer I guess they have no need of R&D in that area.

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - Engineer Andy

4,000 European jobs cut - 1300 in UK


The Telegraph reported today about this, making the point that they are cutting jobs because making EVs (and significantly less of them compared to ICE) doesn't require as much labour in western nations - kit like the motors can be made in countries like China, Indonesia or India where labour is far cheaper and the components just finally assembled - rather like PCs - in the UK, Germany, etc. About twice as many jobs are going in that country, so it ain't Brexit either.

The same was part of the reason why Honda closed the Swindon plant (report) as well as a general rationalisation back to mainland Japan.

So much for new green tech 'bringing in more jobs to replace the old ones'.

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - alan1302

So much for new green tech 'bringing in more jobs to replace the old ones'.

Green tech brings different jobs - just because some are going does not mean there are not others.

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - sammy1

Unless they have reinvented the wheel the electric motor has been around since the 19th century. So not much R&D required here, all you have to do is alter the appearance of the car and rake in the money

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - alan1302

Unless they have reinvented the wheel the electric motor has been around since the 19th century. So not much R&D required here, all you have to do is alter the appearance of the car and rake in the money

If it's that easy then why don't you start up a car compnay and rake the money in yourself? You have a total lack of appreciation for the engineering that goes into creating a new car.

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - sammy1

Unless they have reinvented the wheel the electric motor has been around since the 19th century. So not much R&D required here, all you have to do is alter the appearance of the car and rake in the money

If it's that easy then why don't you start up a car compnay and rake the money in yourself? You have a total lack of appreciation for the engineering that goes into creating a new car.

Yet another snide remark. Why don't you lighten up a lot?. What is wrong with the comment? I am a consumer just trying to understand how the milk float has moved on and why it is so expensive

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - skidpan

I am a consumer just trying to understand how the milk float has moved on and why it is so expensive

Well a milk float did about 10 mph flat out and had a huge collection of lead acid batteries under the load bed.

Modern electric cars do a bit more than 10 mph and don't use lead acid batteries just for starters.

They are expensive because early buyers always have to pay for development.

Look at flat screen TV's as an example. The first one we bought about 18 years ago was the cheapest 26" we could find (Currys own brand) and it still cost about £350 and whilst thinner than a CRT TV it still weighed a fair bit. No freeview and not even 1080 resolution, don't even remember it having HDMI sockets (it was all SCART and S Video back then. For £350 today you can get a far better TV with a bigger screen that has far more features, a better picture and doesn't give you an hernia getting it into the house.

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - sammy1

Has anybody got a sense of humour on this site? I suppose the advent of solid state batteries will push the EV price even higher, someone has to pay.

And a stale pork pie caught him underneath the eye and Ernie bit the dust!

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - skidpan

And a stale pork pie caught him underneath the eye and Ernie bit the dust!

I think you may have had to much marching dust.

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - Andrew-T

Has anybody got a sense of humour on this site?

I think so, but if a contribution is not clearly meant to be funny (possibly by including an emoticon) it may appear simply naive, and be given an appropriate riposte. Maybe best not to take that too harshly ?

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - alan1302

Unless they have reinvented the wheel the electric motor has been around since the 19th century. So not much R&D required here, all you have to do is alter the appearance of the car and rake in the money

If it's that easy then why don't you start up a car compnay and rake the money in yourself? You have a total lack of appreciation for the engineering that goes into creating a new car.

Yet another snide remark. Why don't you lighten up a lot?. What is wrong with the comment? I am a consumer just trying to understand how the milk float has moved on and why it is so expensive

It's not a snide remark - you clearly don't have an understanding of what goes into making a car if you think an electric motor from the 18th century compares to one from now. If you are trying to be funny at least use an emoticon to make it clear.

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - sammy1

"""s not a snide remark - you clearly don't have an understanding of what goes into making a car if you think an electric motor from the 18th century compares to one from now. If you are trying to be funny at least use an emoticon to make it clear."""

I have never seen one of those emoji things on here, and I do not use the silly things in any case. And yes I do know that electric motors have come on a bit. They even use them in industry, lorries, buses, lifts and almost anything else that needs to move. Just reading the post you should have realised it was a bit of a wind up!

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - Andrew-T

I have never seen one of those emoji things on here,

I don't think this site supports emojis - only emoticons, which can be useful to prevent offence being taken by sensitive people.

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - Engineer Andy

So much for new green tech 'bringing in more jobs to replace the old ones'.

Green tech brings different jobs - just because some are going does not mean there are not others.

Unfortunately (as the Ford chief plainly admitted) less jobs on the higher high 'green tech' that would be availble in the West for the reasons I gave (facts, as you wanted elsewhere, and are in the DT report) because low cost jobs only are availble in China, etc, not the UK.

Thus jobs lost in the UK and German in assembley plants won't be gained in 'green tech' by those losing them. Like with coal miners, there'll be precious little they can do other than unskilled jobs, which pay less and where there is lot of competition from younger people, especially migrants who are willing to accept low pay and conditions.

The 'green jobs revolution' is a con for these reasons. The ONLY ones to benefit are the entrpreneurs / rich business owners (often who get vast taxpayer subsidies) and those running / working in poorer nations who build most of the components and often the entire product.

Most UK 'green' jobs are in sales and installations / repiars, the latter of which requires a decent amount of training over a good period of time (and ongoing), most of which a redundant shop floor worker at Fords wouldn't be able to afford, not helped by many of them being nearer to the end of their working life than at the beginning.

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - Bromptonaut

The ONLY ones to benefit are the entrpreneurs / rich business owners (often who get vast taxpayer subsidies) and those running / working in poorer nations who build most of the components and often the entire product.

Capitalism in a nutshell...

The stuff I heard yesterday was about jobs going to America, possibly because their government is giving incentives. Where in the DT was China fingered?

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - Engineer Andy

The ONLY ones to benefit are the entrpreneurs / rich business owners (often who get vast taxpayer subsidies) and those running / working in poorer nations who build most of the components and often the entire product.

Capitalism in a nutshell...

The stuff I heard yesterday was about jobs going to America, possibly because their government is giving incentives. Where in the DT was China fingered?

Who do you think makes all the sub-components in EVs? It ain't firms in the US. They *may* assemble them, but as I've said before, the market for EVs are FAR smaller than that for ICE vehicles, and thus they don't need so many staff anyway.

That most of the sub-components of the 'engines' are likely designed and made in China, etc just makes it even worse. Just like PC manufacturers assemble only and make almost no components themselves in the West, even Dell.

I would also point out that it was President Trump that 'incentivised' Ford to bring jobs 'home' by threatening to put or actually putting trade tarriffs on competing nations that use lower wage labour (Mexico in the case of Ford, and China with many other things), and lo and behold the jobs or the money to subsidise jobs came back to the US. Did Biden reverse this policy?

High tech will never get equal numbers of jobs in the West unless all countries are equally wealthy with plentify energy, and thus there's only two scenarios - jobs go to the cheap labour nations, or we put trade tarriffs on them/firms to subsidise them here. Or we stick with ICE and only changeover organically - why? Because the world won't be ending if we don't go net zero by 2030. We will go bankrupt (apart from the ultra-wealthy though) if we do.

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - madf

Tesla now makes its batteries in house.

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - mcb100
Radio interview on this subject from a couple of days ago -

Ford - Ford cuts1300 jobs in UK - sammy1

"""But it was Sander who eventually cut through all the noise to lay the decision fairly squarely at the door of electrification. “There is significantly less work to be done on drivetrains moving out of combustion engines,” he said. “We are moving into a world with less [sic] global platforms where less engineering work is necessary. This is why we have to make the adjustments.”

The above is a quote from Ford Germany's boss Martin Sander.

Seems pretty obvious if you have an understanding of how cars work