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2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - H Blackhurst

I took my car to be have its 60k service. The garage told me that car was dangerously low on oil. (low oil warning light had not come on) They said they had to put 2.5 lltrs of oil in the car and that because it had got so low the engine will have been damaged and said i would need a new engine. They said there would have been enough oil to prevent warning light coming on but not enough to service the engine. The last time i had filled the car up with oil was 6 mths ago but before this have never needed to top up oil between services though i do check levels but obviously not often enough (lesson learnt!). Was told common problem with this particular engine burning oil as it gets older. Used this garage before with no problems and they do have good reputation and weren't pushing me to have work done and didn't service car as said wouldn't be worth it . Went to another garage to get second opinion as also advised timing belt needs replacing and easier to have it done there. They ran diagnostic on car, timing chain does need replacing but they said engine seems okay to them but cant say for certain re damage without stripping it down. They seemed to think the oil warning light would have come on before damage was done to engine and previous garage was being over cautious. I'm now confused and don't know what to believe. Any thought on this would be welcome

Edited by Helen Blackhurst on 06/01/2023 at 21:44

2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - gordonbennet

If its running OK not blowing smoke not rattling unduly not knocking no odd warning lights coming on just carry on driving it but do keep the oil topped up.

Possible that running low could have caused extra wear so it might use slightly more oil due to this, if it does burn a bit extra buy 5 litres of half decent oil of the correct spec from ebay (doesn't need to be made from angels tears @ £70 a sumpful from the makers parts dept, anything of the right spec from one of the indy suppliers on ebay will do) and top it up to at least the half way mark every week, even if it costs you £40 a year in top up oil that's not even an hours labour towards fitting another engine, which is probably not needed anyway.

Worry about it if it starts to make odd noises or smoke.

2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - sammy1

Are you saying that you drove the car to the garage for a service and it had no problems before you left it? I cannot understand if they were going to service it why they would put so much new oil in it before draining the old does not seem to make sense.. When you drove it away to go to the second garage was did it drive as you would expect. Cannot comment on the belt?chain? Presumably the first garage did not service it saying the engine had a big problem?

2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - elekie&a/c doctor
I think you’ve been lucky. Timing chain problems on these are a common problem. Get it replaced and drive on . Keep your eye on the oil level and check it more often.
2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - Big John

There are potentially two types of oil warning lights 1) Low oil level 2) Low oil pressure

Unfortunately not all cars are fitted with a Low oil level light - I wonder if this is the case with you car?

If you experience a low oil pressure light it can be game over - you have possibly JUST ducked a bullet as this never happened. It's not great - but hopefully....

Have you experienced any rumbling or tapping that wasn't there before?

Edited by Big John on 06/01/2023 at 22:30

2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - Ian Tomalin

For a car not to have a "low oil level" warning light seems a major design flaw.

I just took my 2014 Nissan Qashqai for a service, and was told that the oil had run out. They looked inside the engine and found that it's been so badly damaged that it's a write-off. The car does have a "low oil pressure" warning light (which failed to come on), but no "low oil level" warning light. The car is driving normally, so frequent use of the dipstick was the only way I could have spotted the problem.

Next time I buy a car, I'll insist that it has the "low oil level" warning light. (The 2024 Qashqai still doesn't have one).

2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - FP

"I... was told that the oil had run out. They looked inside the engine and found that it's been so badly damaged that it's a write-off."

I would get a second opinion if I were you. The garage could just be trying to create work.

2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - edlithgow

If they topped up (as opposed to changing) the oil, an elemental oil analysis would give you a clue as to whether significant damage was done. though of course it wont fix it. Bearing wear will put excess lead (and perhaps copper) in the oil.

Probably more commonly done in the US at the consumer level than in the UK, but for 40 quid or so might have given you clues/some peace of mind.

32.5 quid from these people, who apparently give you large (abnormal wear) particle analysis that the standard method misses.


You could do it before your next oil change if you still have the car and are still concerned about possible bearing wear.

4WIW, due to being distracted by the blazing row that tends to follow whenever I attempt to get GF's to help with car problems (that's MY excuse anyway), and/or/aka simply my stupidity, my car was towed in gear for a few hundred metres with the oil below the pickup pipe. This certainly damaged the bearings, since I could see bearing lead sediment in the sump when I subsequently took it off.

Its still going 7 years later, but I do run relatively thick oil.

2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - John F

I took my car to be have its 60k service. The garage told me that car was dangerously low on oil. (low oil warning light had not come on) They said they had to put 2.5 lltrs of oil in the car and that because it had got so low the engine will have been damaged and said i would need a new engine. ........ The last time i had filled the car up with oil was 6 mths ago but before this have never needed to top up oil between services..... I'm now confused and don't know what to believe. Any thought on this would be welcome

I'm also confused. Why would they put 2.5 of oil in before they drained it? I presume an oil change was part of the service.

My thought? The editing note name implies that you are probably genetically XX. I think some garage mechanics assume that this implies little or no knowledge of engines which leads some of them to offer, ahem, opportunistic advice. I also think that if an oldish car sounds and works OK, it's OK to continue to drive it. If it works, don't mend it. I'd keep an accurate record of oil consumption - i.e. how many litres per 10,000 miles. A small engine of this age in reasonable nick shouldn't use more than two.

2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - Brit_in_Germany

It is not unknown for dealers to fabricate high repair costs then buy the car off the owner, repair it for a pittance, then flog it at a vast mark-up.

2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - PaulR1111111

The light on my nissan qashquai has never came on. It was running fine until one day it died while I was pulling away from the curb. Brought it to the garage to find out that the oil has run out (checked 3 month prior and yes, also lesson learned). This caused chain to slip and wrecked the engine. No warning signs, no rattling, no signs at all. Just died. 5k to repare. The car is only 55k miles. Ill repare it and sell it before something else breaks. Nissans are extremelly c***py card since they merged with Renault. My advise, fix it if you can and get rid of it. I will certainly avoid nissan like a plague in future. "s*** brand" doesnt even describe how c*** they are.

2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - Andrew-T

Nissans are extremely c***py card since they merged with Renault. My advise, fix it if you can and get rid of it. I will certainly avoid nissan like a plague in future. "s*** brand" doesnt even describe how c*** they are.

Oh dear, another Trustpilot-style zero-star report - I suppose we are lucky not to have had a Francophobe comment. But you have admitted to 'learning a lesson', which in this case may be to check the oil level regularly, instead of waiting for a warning light. Assuming that works correctly, it should prompt you to add some oil. Maybe it didn't ?

2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - medview

I think that all small capacity turbo petrol engines suffer increased oil consumption between 60k and 80k miles. The engine oil consumption rises quite suddenly and that's when there's a danger period for missing low oil.

I am certain that any damage from low oil is likely to affect the engine lifespan to some extent and this may not show for some time. The engine wear gradient will change.

Small turbo petrol engines are unsuited to the traditional high mileage life of cars. It's better to go for a non-turbo larger capacity engine if you want your car to live long and prosper!


2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - Big John

I think that all small capacity turbo petrol engines suffer increased oil consumption between 60k and 80k miles. The engine oil consumption rises quite suddenly and that's when there's a danger period for missing low oil.

I am certain that any damage from low oil is likely to affect the engine lifespan to some extent and this may not show for some time. The engine wear gradient will change

Small turbo petrol engines are unsuited to the traditional high mileage life of cars. It's better to go for a non-turbo larger capacity engine if you want your car to live long and prosper!

Why? My small(1.4) turbo petrol engine fitted to a Skoda Superb pulls well at lowish revs and only does 2000rpm at 60 mph. It doesn't feel stressed - you never need to rev it. Currently at 119k miles and you don't need to top up between services , although I always check everything regularly and it's on fixed service intervals.

Edited by Big John on 05/04/2024 at 12:20

2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - gordonbennet

Small turbo petrol engines are unsuited to the traditional high mileage life of cars. It's better to go for a non-turbo larger capacity engine if you want your car to live long and prosper!


It makes sense to maintain all vehicles properly, doubly so with turbocharged engines for multiple reasons, with good maintenance aided and abetted by mechanical sympathy (ie warm up and cool down actions) there is no reason why any engine shouldn't last given that its been designed and built well in the first place.

Good maintenance might include giving high mileage recommended service intervals a good ignoring if you wish to keep the vehicle for many years.

The many known failures of some makes of small turbocharged engines tend to be the results of shockingly poor design, ie wet cam belts doing what anyone with an ounce of common would expect or sub standard timing chains or guides failing, the latter again not helped by silly service schedules.

2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - Big John

The many known failures of some makes of small turbocharged engines tend to be the results of shockingly poor design,

I've dealt with many a poor design in normally aspirated engines eg Ford Pinto - terrible cam shaft lubrication resulting in a knock, hex oil pump drive shaft made of cheese. Ford Essex V6 weak cam fibre wheel (it was designed to be sacrificial compared to the crank sprocket but it died prematurely) and again hex oil pump drive shaft. Vauxhall camshafts..... Rover v8 camshafts wearing round.

And yes, these days service intervals (not extended) and correct oil, coolant & parts are crucial.

Edited by Big John on 05/04/2024 at 12:43

2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - John F

The many known failures of some makes of small turbocharged engines tend to be the results of shockingly poor design,

Not always. Many early Ford 1.0 ecoboosts failed because badly made cooling water pipes split. Many early Peugeot 1.2 puretechs failed because badly made cambelts crumbled. Both were basically good designs, admittedly needing further improvement over the years, as do most innovations.

I've dealt with many a poor design in normally aspirated engines........And yes, these days service intervals (not extended) and correct oil, coolant & parts are crucial.

Quite so, especially the correct oil and a good quality oil filter for BIO engines.

2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - Dorset123

These engine did suffer from high oil consumption when the model was first released but if the oil is checked every couple of weeks these problems would come to light. then something can be done before the engine is toast. There is no reason why a oil change can not be done mid way between the services I know it costs something but is much cheaper than a new engine. The other problem is people stretch the service intervals by a month or add on another 1500 miles etc this can also cause major problems. I have worked in a dealer for over 40 years and most major problems are caused by poor servicing then they complain about the car these are c*** etc etc !

2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - Metropolis.
I agree, no replacement for displacement.
2014 Nissan Qashqai 1.2 - low oil damaging engine - John F

Small turbo petrol engines are unsuited to the traditional high mileage life of cars. It's better to go for a non-turbo larger capacity engine if you want your car to live long and prosper!

Not so. Small turbo petrol engines are ideally suited to the actual traditional UK car use. Average annual mileage is around 7,000 per annum, skewed by a small number of high milers; the mode is even lower. Cars are sc***ped at around 15yrs old and they rarely have more than 150,000 miles on the clock. I agree that a non turbo engine producing around 70hp per litre (i.e. not a Ferrari or Aston Martin 'non-turbo larger capacity engine' ) is likely to be more durable, but most people do not need an expected reliable lifespan of 300,000 miles.