17 Dec 2022 13:28
Hi John, I'm 79 Years old, in Two Years Time, Will I have the Usual 3yrs update ( from, 79.?) Thanking You Rob
Yes - but - DVLA may decide to issue a shorter licence, for 2 years or even 1, if you have any medical conditions which concern them - I have an implanted Pacemaker/Defibrillator so I only get a 12 month licence from DVLA, which takes them about 6 months to consider the renewal but I'm allowed to drive in the meantime.
Interesting. Is it that your pacemaker has a defibrilator built-in make the difference to the licence being issued annually rather than every 3 years? I ask, as my dad has a pacemaker only, and I don't recall him saying he needed to get his licence renewed that often (he's 79).
Given my mum has essentially given up driving (she doesn't have any conditions that would reduce the period of the licence afaik), it would be useful to know, especially as my dad will only be doing the driving.