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VW golf - V888 valid reason for requesting details - Scott johnston 87

Hi, a few months I was clipped from behind while stationary at a roundabout. (Waiting to turn left). The other drivers continued straight on without stopping. This caused bumper damage and a popped out parking sensor which bleeps continuously in reverse (repair cost approx 1k) I managed to capture his reg with a high degree of certainty. I reported it it to the police- apparently they have been making occasional checks at his/ her address without successfully interviewing him. Going through my insurance I was able to find his insurance provider. They have made some token efforts to contact the policy holder however he appears to be stonewalling them. I'm trying to get the DVLA to release his/her information so I can contact the other party directly (no vigilante action planned I would just like to ask them to engage with the insurance company and understand why they didn't do the right thing and stop). I received a reply to a v888 form submission.

'I can’t deal with your enquiry for the following reason(s):

• Please clarify further how the information will be used if released i.e. how will you

contact the keeper if released.

If you still want the information, please return your correspondence with this additional


Does any one know of a reason which will be accepted by the DVLA?

Thanks in advance for any help. Scott

VW golf - V888 valid reason for requesting details - Brit_in_Germany

You could try writing that you intend to file a complaint for damages at the small claims court.

VW golf - V888 valid reason for requesting details - Falkirk Bairn

Your insurer should handle the claim.

The 2 insurers should settle matters between them - the fact that the bloke who hit you is stone walling should mean nothing to you or your insurer.

The 3rd party insurer owns the problem of stone walling policyholder and should settle with your insurer.

VW golf - V888 valid reason for requesting details - Bromptonaut

The law allows the DVLA to release keeper detail where (paraphrasing slightly) the person seeking the details can show good reason. This could be, as here, an accident or it could be a parking infringement on public or private land.

Return the form stating clearly that you are following up a hit/run and that you intend to contact the keeper by post to further your claim.

However, as others say, you should not need to do any legwork as the insurers should deal with it one way or another.

VW golf - V888 valid reason for requesting details - Grenache

You might even find there's a clause in your insurance contract requiring you to let the insurance company deal with it,

Did you report it to the police as hit-and-run? If you did then give the details to your insurer.

VW golf - V888 valid reason for requesting details - SonB
Hi Scott,

I find myself in the same situation, the incident occurred in October and I am still none the wiser with my insurance company hearing nothing from the other driver’s. Have you solved your case?

Thanks so much,
VW golf - V888 valid reason for requesting details - Gibbo_Wirral

I had the same problem - someone hit me, my insurers (swift cover) were really lazy at chasing it up with theirs (Churchill)

In the end after six weeks of no progress I was recommended to use a local claims company.

Within 24 hours I had a hire car and the matter was resolved with a visit to inspect the car a day after that, with a payout within a week.

As soon as Churchill saw the bills racking up that they'd have to pay they were quick to act!

VW golf - V888 valid reason for requesting details - SonB
That’s brilliant @Gibbo_Wirral which claims company did you use? What was their charge?

Thanks so much,