Hi all,
Just need some advise please. So last week we sold our late father's car as it wasn't being used. 4 lads came to view, test drove and wanted to buy it. It was late at night and they said they had get get back so didn't give any details for the v5 apart from name which I have from Facebook. Gave them new owners slip and they went on their way. Next day we called DVLA to say we didn't get the details so they said to write to them with the v5 and they will take my wife off the owner. A week later and we get a letter from and removal company because the car has been abandoned and they want £300 for us to get it back.
Question is, if we say we sold it and don't want the car back are we still responsible for fees etc. We have the cash from the sale and don't want the car back. Can't think why they would abandon it, we have tried to contact them for details but they never get back to us.
Never sold a car before , but to be honest they could of give false details anyway for the v5 but now know we should have got some more detail rather than just a name.
Any advise would be appreciated.