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Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - _

From the impressions gathered in reading various reports of the sad death of a 14 year ol in London the other day,

A couple of questions.

If it was a licensed scooter, what was it doing in an area not included in the test, which leads to the question (and I have seen it here, Neighbour young children.. 14 15 and 16 riding the licensed spin scooters.

Many others are riding unlicensed scooters too.

If an illegal scooter, then there is zero training, online or otherwise.

And at such young ages are riders conscious of the pendulum effects of having a backpack on

Here in Colchester SPIN scooters have been warning riders of fast food deliveries about not using escooters for deliveries, and of the dangers. Spin have been very good about making riders aware of where they can and cannot ride.

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Metropolis.
Pendulum effect, that is just training for when they buy a 911 :-)
Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - sammy1

If the UK Gov are in any way serious about reducing road casualties then it is a no brainer to ban the e scooters. They are a danger to both a rider and any pedestrian they come into contact with. They are not safe to have on any road and the more reckless are even seen riding two up. I have even seen some exercising their dogs while riding these things. Like many things in life they look great fun, until you fall off!

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - RT

If the UK Gov are in any way serious about reducing road casualties then it is a no brainer to ban the e scooters. They are a danger to both a rider and any pedestrian they come into contact with. They are not safe to have on any road and the more reckless are even seen riding two up. I have even seen some exercising their dogs while riding these things. Like many things in life they look great fun, until you fall off!

Too late to ban them - there's already an established market for them

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Metropolis.
Like many things in life they look great fun, until you fall off!

Sounds like a metaphor for life itself
Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Terry W

There may be little difference in risks attached to normal bikes, e-bikes and e-scooters. They are all fundamentally more dangerous than cars and to minimise risk rely upon rider caution.

That some people are killed riding e-scooters does not make them bad. They can be ridden legally, or like other 2 wheeled transport, on pavements, 2 up, with luggage etc etc.

If the government were intent on limiting KSI they would ban all of them - not an approach I endorse. Mandatory helmet wearing would be sensible.

E-scooter use is only very intermittently policed and I see little prospect of that changing. The sooner they are legalised and the pointless debate closed, the better.

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Andrew-T

E-scooter use is only very intermittently policed and I see little prospect of that changing. The sooner they are legalised and the pointless debate closed, the better.

It might be worth setting a reasonable legal speed limit for them, as an attempt to mitigate the damage in collisions. And make sure it was under surveillance of some sort.

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - badbusdriver

It might be worth setting a reasonable legal speed limit for them, as an attempt to mitigate the damage in collisions. And make sure it was under surveillance of some sort.

There already is a speed limiter of 15.5mph on the scooters you can buy 'officially' (which is less than most people could pedal a bike if they put some effort in), but there are at least three further problems to making this happen. How would this be enforced? and who would be paying for it?. Also, it isn't that difficult to buy a scooter from one of these big online Chinese marketplaces, which may or may not be limited to the above speed.

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - RichT54

There is a report on the BBC about mechanics offering to disable the speed limiters.


Posing as an e-scooter owner who intends to illegally ride on public roads, a BBC South East journalist phoned nine randomly-selected workshops in Kent, East Sussex and London to ask if they could increase the speed.

Four offered to hack the software to remove restrictions, while one explained how customers could do it themselves. Two offered to sell new e-scooters that could travel in excess of 50mph, two declined and warned against tampering with an e-scooter.

An e-scooter workshop in London said they could increase the speed to 21 or 22mph.

The reporter said: "I'm using it to commute into London, it's not likely to get me arrested any more or cause any problems is it?"

The mechanic responded: "No, no, nothing whatsoever."

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Bolt

There is a report on the BBC about mechanics offering to disable the speed limiters.


Posing as an e-scooter owner who intends to illegally ride on public roads, a BBC South East journalist phoned nine randomly-selected workshops in Kent, East Sussex and London to ask if they could increase the speed.

Four offered to hack the software to remove restrictions, while one explained how customers could do it themselves. Two offered to sell new e-scooters that could travel in excess of 50mph, two declined and warned against tampering with an e-scooter.

An e-scooter workshop in London said they could increase the speed to 21 or 22mph.

The reporter said: "I'm using it to commute into London, it's not likely to get me arrested any more or cause any problems is it?"

The mechanic responded: "No, no, nothing whatsoever."

I am of the opinion with all the Scooters I have seen so far in town and around, of which is a lot more now than a year or so ago, it isn`t the speed so much causing the problem as the way they are ridden.

I have complained at Cyclists in the past for the way they ride, but they have nothing on the scooter riders, even middle aged people are now using them to go shopping and give others a lift, ie, 2 on board.

most ride in such a way as to be a menace to other pedestrians and car drivers, they appear from nowhere, cross the road at any time, even in rush hour without looking, and when a driver has to brake hard to miss them, the rider puts his hand up presumably to thank the driver for missing them. there is enough to concentrate on, I have no objections to these scooters if they are ridden in a way which is safe for everyone, but so far have seen none that do.....

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Andrew-T

<< I have no objections to these scooters if they are ridden in a way which is safe for everyone, but so far have seen none that do.....>>

I suppose it is no different from any other form of transport - there is always a minority (fortunately) who enjoy pushing the envelope, especially with the novelty aspect of an e-scooter.

There is an offset crossroads near here, on the A56. One side-road is a B-road, fairly busy at peak hours; the other leads to a housing estate. At any time of day one can watch drivers flashing others inviting them to turn, forgetting that several others might misread the intention. And some turning right across a stream of traffic with only feet to spare. I am continually amazed that the only incident I know of involved a fire engine.

Nothing to do with e-scooters, but it illustrates the blasé-ness of many road users.

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Terry W

Few observations:

  • fit a dash cam to limit being held responsible for the stupidity of other road users - including cyclists, scooterists etc
  • there is no point in creating laws which are either not enforced or incapable of enforcement - a waste of time, effort and money
  • mandate helmet wearing - easy and obvious to enforce and will save lives
Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Andrew-T
  • there is no point in creating laws which are either not enforced or incapable of enforcement - a waste of time, effort and money

Of course there is a 'point'. We all know that many, perhaps most. laws cannot be full or even partially enforced, but they do have the purpose of setting out (usually) sensible rules which make life simpler for everyone when they are followed.

Today's problem is that life has become so complicated that there are too many laws, which probably has the downside of turning people off the idea of conforming. Quite a few of them could usefully be struck off the statute book.

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Gibbo_Wirral

If the UK Gov are in any way serious about reducing road casualties then it is a no brainer to ban the e scooters. They are a danger to both a rider and any pedestrian they come into contact with.

The same logic could apply to cycles and cars. e-scooters are only as safe as the responsible user.

I'm almost 50 and occasionally use the ones for hire in Liverpool. They're a great fun way to get around, I've never driven one dangerously, although I am amazed at how fast they can go.

I would certainly consider using one for a morning commute instead of the car if they were legal for private ownership.

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Sulphur Man

Well said.

Nearly 40% of private car journeys are under 2 miles. 58% are under 5 miles. That's a lot of car spend, fuel, congestion and pollution for a lot of very short journeys. Of course people are going to choose far, far, FAR cheaper alternatives to owning a car, or waiting and paying for public transport.

Bicycles have been around longer than cars and are fantastic for short journeys, provided the roads are comparatively safe and the drivers are following the updated Highway Code rules.

Remember Napster? It was the illegal music sharing 'store' which allowed everyone to get the latest music digitally and without paying a penny. It caught the music industry off guard and took a successful lawsuit from the Recording Industry in 2001 to get stopped. However, it changed the way people got hold of their music forever. iTunes and legitimate digital music selling followed, then streaming.

eScooters are Napster right now. A method of personal powered transportation over short-medium distances which for a tiny fraction of the cost of a car, and with much more convenience, The infrastructure might not be there for them yet, nor the legislation. And that is leading to conflict and teeth-gnashing from some motorists. But the market is now wide open and people want them - like the Recording Industry in 1999, it's up to the regulators and the legislature to catch up and make it work to the benefit of society. Which it should. There's way too many cars on the roads, and people need cheaper alternatives.

Edited by Sulphur Man on 28/03/2022 at 17:18

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - alan1302

There's way too many cars on the roads, and people need cheaper alternatives.


Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Gibbo_Wirral

There's way too many cars on the roads, and people need cheaper alternatives.


Electric bicycles (with speed restrictors removed) ;-)

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - bananastand

a few months ago I was in a public park in Liverpool. A few teenagers (parents were present) were riding these things, weaving in and out of people in a dangerous manner. One also noted that they could have benefited from walking a bit more and laying off the happy meals. Anyway one of them hit a pot hole and went flying, and although he probably grazed his knee the shrieks of pain were ear-splitting. Strangely, nobody seemed to show much sympathy

A couple of lads ride scooters past my house on the pavement at what has to be around 30mph. I can imagine the outrage if someone has the temerity to step out of their garden gate without looking.

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Alby Back
I simply don’t care.
So many things have been “banned” in my lifetime that you almost have to carry a handbook with you at all times to remind you what is left that you actually can still do.
I have no immediate, or indeed, forecast interest in powered scooters, but if others want to use them, then as far as I’m concerned, crack on. Your call.
Bigger fish to fry and so on.
Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Bolt

I simply don’t care.

That appears to be the attitude of some drivers as well as scooter riders, until either hit each other, there are a lot of scooters around my way but not seen one that rides in a safe manor, but never mind, the vehicle drivers will look out for them, not that they have a choice....

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Andrew-T

... there are a lot of scooters around my way but not seen one that rides in a safe manner

Maybe I should get out more. Haven't knowingly seen one of these things yet, but perhaps where London leads, the rest of us will follow some time soon. Can't say I look forward to it much.

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Terry W

Apparently e-scooters are not allowed to use cycle lanes - dates back to an 1835 Act of Parliament.

This is utterly stupid. It also reinforces the arguments (a) to only create legislation when it can be enforced, and (b) repealing it when no longer relevant.

E-scooters and e-bikes should both be allowed to use cycle lanes.

If folk can ride electrically assisted vehicles in relative safety it will (a) reduce accident rates, (b) make motorists less frustrated, (c) reduce congestion, (d) environmentally better than cluttering limited road space with 1+ tons of vehicle.

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - sammy1

"""If folk can ride electrically assisted vehicles in relative safety it will (a) reduce accident rates, (b) make motorists less frustrated, (c) reduce congestion, (d) environmentally better than cluttering limited road space with 1+ tons of vehicle

Have you really been reading this thread and others on E scooters. a and b no chance c and d wishful thinking!

The police are confiscating these things all over the country and the sooner the GOV bans them the better

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - alan1302

"""If folk can ride electrically assisted vehicles in relative safety it will (a) reduce accident rates, (b) make motorists less frustrated, (c) reduce congestion, (d) environmentally better than cluttering limited road space with 1+ tons of vehicle

Have you really been reading this thread and others on E scooters. a and b no chance c and d wishful thinking!

The police are confiscating these things all over the country and the sooner the GOV bans them the better

Should get them to ban cars as well - they kill a lot of people each year and getting rid of them would lower the accident rates and increase space for bicycles/buses and lorries :-)

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Andrew-T

E-scooters and e-bikes should both be allowed to use cycle lanes.

If you think cycle lanes are suitable for these vehicles, you may as well include 50cc or even 100cc motorbikes - especially if those scooters have been tweaked to do 50mph, as has been suggested above. Plus the extra safety factor that e-vehicles can't be heard approaching from behind.

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Bolt

E-scooters and e-bikes should both be allowed to use cycle lanes.

If you think cycle lanes are suitable for these vehicles, you may as well include 50cc or even 100cc motorbikes - especially if those scooters have been tweaked to do 50mph, as has been suggested above. Plus the extra safety factor that e-vehicles can't be heard approaching from behind.

They do travel above 40mph as I have had them overtake on the inside while doing 40mph, and they are worse than cycles during manoeuvring, ie, swerving in between cars and up and down kerbs regardless of any pedestrians walking along.

I think the accident rate of these e scooters will increase as they become more popular, as riders don`t appear to be very careful while riding, similar to trials bikes that ride all over the place because they can.

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Andrew-T

E-scooters and e-bikes should both be allowed to use cycle lanes.

If you think cycle lanes are suitable for these vehicles, you may as well include 50cc or even 100cc motorbikes - especially if those scooters have been tweaked to do 50mph, as has been suggested above. Plus the extra safety factor that e-vehicles can't be heard approaching from behind.

Thinking a bit more on these lines - what about those Segways, which seem to have never caught on, tho I remember seeing police using them in Lisbon several years ago. They would be equally suited to cycle lanes, and about as safe as an e-scooter ?

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Terry W

I have not suggested that restrictions over top speed of e-assisted bikes and scooters be increased from the level which can anyway easily be achieved by a normal pedal driven bike. Extending the logic to 100cc motorbikes makes no sense.

Segways are potentially more stable than scooters and bikes - they are stable side to side, and back/forwards is controlled electronically. I have no doubt that if used foolishly a rider can fall off.

They are still being used in Spain as of a few weeks ago. They also have two wheeled wheel chairs using the same technology - a smart idea IMHO.

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - catsdad

The owner of the Segway company died on 2010 falling from a pathway above a cliff. He was riding an off-road Segway at the time. Accidents do happen.

Electric ride on Scooters - Using in London and legalities - Andrew-T

Extending the logic to 100cc motorbikes makes no sense.

In my opinion opening cycle lanes to any mechanically powered vehicle makes equal sense., as plenty of permitted users would abuse their permit. The only qualification would be that the rider has little crash protection - which, as we all know, some regard as an important criterion when buying a car.