Their father has passed away. Son is named as additional driver on insurance policy.
Son has own car and own insurance. Car owned by the father. The son is executor of Will (but no paperwork has been filed). The Will passes all assets to their mother, but she does n't drive or have a licence.
The insurance is due next week and set to auto-renew. There is money in their father's account.
Car is up for sale. Car is parked on public road. They are worried if they notify insurance, then may struggle to get insurance. Also, car may get taken away if uninsured on public road or fines etc...
The other option is to drive the car off road somewhere else, but can the Son drive it to do this?
If insurance is not renewed. Then it will need to SORN and it is a pain for test driving a car.... As have to insure and re-tax.
Son undecided to keep the car, may be as a spare run about. Use it time to time, as it is a low mileage car. he was thinking of getting electric and keeping his dad's as the spare for longer journey. He thinks he will probably only use it a few times a year.
I have suggested they get a temporary insurance cover (from a specialist) for when they needed, if this is what they want to do and re-tax it.
If someone taxes it on the 5th Feb and then asks for a refund on the 8th Feb, will they get car tax refunded for the full amount? What is the best way to drive tax free?