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Roads more dangerous now - barney100

Watched a Panorama programme on the net. The presenter wants to know why the roads are more dangerous. To cut it short there are less traffic police, breathalyser tests are well down so drinking drivers are escaping, smart motorways can be lethal, many many speed cameras are switched off. Wiltshire for example dosen't have any working. He drove from Lands End to John 'o Groats to gather his evidence. Add to this lots of roads in a bad state of repair and it isn't a pretty picture. They are recruiting 20,000 new police officers so maybe we may get a few more traffic police.

Roads more dangerous now - Terry W

I can't find the statistics to back up the claim they are more dangerous - save for the observation that road deaths fell by ~25% in 2020 attributed to Covid and low traffic levels. Since then traffic and casualties have no doubt increased.

A story which seems to be manufactured from very limited actual data. Driving 800 miles from Lands End to John O Groats is hardly convincing.

That smart motorways are foolish, cameras not maintained, breathalysers down may well be true . Willingness to speed or drink is a behaviour/habit which may change over time, not directly linked to immediate changes in the number of police or cameras.

Roads more dangerous now - bathtub tom

I've noticed the standards near me are definitely worsening. Also the number of learners seem to have increased enormously.

Roads more dangerous now - Engineer Andy

I've noticed the standards near me are definitely worsening. Also the number of learners seem to have increased enormously.

That might be the backlog of those who were prevented from having lessons or slowed down the numbers who could learn / get tests during the COVID lockdown periods over the last 2 years. My neighbour being one who has now taken up lessons in her mid 20s to add to the numbers.

Police priorities as well as funding has meant that it's likely more drivers can get away with poor driving, including that (I suspect) more people are afraid to say / do anything when they witness such indicents because of possible intimidation or threats of violence from the perpetrators and their chums.

Roads more dangerous now - barney100

I can't find the statistics to back up the claim they are more dangerous - save for the observation that road deaths fell by ~25% in 2020 attributed to Covid and low traffic levels. Since then traffic and casualties have no doubt increased.

A story which seems to be manufactured from very limited actual data. Driving 800 miles from Lands End to John O Groats is hardly convincing.

That smart motorways are foolish, cameras not maintained, breathalysers down may well be true . Willingness to speed or drink is a behaviour/habit which may change over time, not directly linked to immediate changes in the number of police or cameras.

You can watch the Panorama programme on line it's quite interesting. The point about drink driving is that the lower number of traffic police drops the number of offenders caught and breath tests done.

Roads more dangerous now - JonestHon

I noticed that there is an absolute increase of inexperienced van drivers everywhere, many driving like they have a stick of dynamite up their jax, shocking level of disregard to other road users and the obvious scrapes and dents left behind.

I guess that with the desolation of the high street something got to give and increased parcels movement is one of those costs.

Roads more dangerous now - Xileno

Plus we all want our parcels delivered for the least amount. Plenty of youtube videos on the often daft pressures these drivers are put under to deliver their goods.

Roads more dangerous now - Will deBeast

I watched this programme, and thought it pretty shocking - but not for the reasons they highlight.

The presenter spending more time talking to camera than focusing on the road.

An 'expert' claiming that people were safer taking an A road than using a smart motorway. Smart motorways have their issues, but deaths/serious injury rates are still lower than A roads - so people following his advice were more likely to come to harm

They attribute most of the issues on the A82 purely to speed. It was very clear from the filming (and when I drove it last summer), that cars and lorries have become wider over the years, and the road is simply not wide enough any more.

In one clip, they observed that many drivers were driving too close on a smart motorway. But didn't pick that up as a theme. Indeed, they didn't talk at all about driver training.

Overall, I was not impressed.

Roads more dangerous now - John F

Cars (and motorbikes) are more dangerous too. Tiny thin tin boxes are now often capable of 100 mph. In combination with sometimes inebriated youngsters they contribute to the increasing number of shrines appearing on our country roads.

Roads more dangerous now - _

I saw the program, and live close to one of the worst roads in the south east, namely the A12.

Have now taken to driving more defensively, but still see in and out undertakers overtakers ar silly speeds.

Combined with the freight traffic from the Essex and Suffolk ports it is no fun at all.

As for "Smart" motorways, I just refuse to drive in lane 1 at all.

I have forgotten the last time I saw a speed camera van on the A12, perhaps 3 years ago, at Capel st mary?

Roads more dangerous now - bathtub tom
As for "Smart" motorways, I just refuse to drive in lane 1 at all.

I thank you as the person doing 70 in the inside lane that is now clear of the lane hoggers.

Roads more dangerous now - thunderbird

Roads are not more dangerous. They are strips of tarmac that sit there passively and do nothing.

But the problem is there are more cars using them and many drivers seem to be incapable of making sensible decisions and many drive in an aggressive manner. When I was working amongst the worse were mums dropping the brats off at nursery or school who were obviously late and had no thought for road rules or safety.

As I drive and walk around our district I see Driving School cars making dreadful mistakes that I would hope the instructor would stop the lesson before continuing but they don't. On Friday sat at the lights outside the Test Centre as ours turned to green a car that was probably on test pulled out across traffic and it was obviously on red lights, I hope the test was terminated immediately, at least the examiner only had a short walk back.

I also smell loads of cars whilst I am walking that have a strong odour of weed coming out, bet the drivers are in no fit state to be on the road but see very few cars stopped by plod, in truth see very few plod. They must all be on the Police programmes on the telly where they try to convince us what a great job they are doing in difficult circumstances.

Roads more dangerous now - Bolt

I thank you as the person doing 70 in the inside lane that is now clear of the lane hoggers.

Not many do 70 in any lane, most do 80+ and thats without the lane shifters who do a lot more

In town, the amount of corner cutters and roundabout clowns are getting beyond a joke, not many stop for the give way to right, and let the left hand drivers go until hooted, has been loads of accidents where drivers cant be bothered to turn steering on the corners and drift to other side of road who then hoot or hit motor going in other direction

even cars pulling out of driveways do not look and seem shocked when they spot a car almost on top of them then accelerate hard to get away from you

yes driving is getting more dangerous as others are not road aware imo...

Roads more dangerous now - primus 1

The 20,000 police they are recruiting are just replacing the ones they have lost so it’s just getting back to where we were, it takes time to train traffic officers to a high standard, many are being used for other things, and not traffic duties, 60% of drivers stopped are involved with other offences which traffic and dash cameras won’t pick up , there is talk of having a national roads police force, similar to the transport police, it is, apparently in discussion but nothing certain as yet..

Roads more dangerous now - ExA35Owner

Data so that we can see what we are talking about....


Roads more dangerous now - badbusdriver

Also the number of learners seem to have increased enormously.

Possibly because so few are actually able to book a driving test and ditch the L plates!.

Couple of weeks ago I heard Jeremy Vine's solution to this. Give the learner drivers a 'free pass' (license)!.

Honestly, some of the rubbish he comes out with just defies belief!

Roads more dangerous now - Bolt

Give the learner drivers a 'free pass' (license)!.

Given the state of some peoples driving, they may have already given free passes to some, certainly can`t get any worse and set free in large vehicles they have no idea how to control ....!