Catalyst theft is sadly common older on many car designs where it's easily accessible. The Toyota Auris which has similar oily bits to the CT200h is also a target as are a few Honda's of a certain age eg Jazz mkI.
A friend of mine lost his on an Auris hybrid - when replaced he also had an additional security "frame" fitted.
The problem is removal is so quick which makes it very hard to catch the culprits.
The problem is that some platform designs are so old there's no room for the catalytic converter to be bolted directly to the exhaust manifold or turbo, ie to be placed high up in the engine compartment - this forces the designer to mount the cat underneath in the exhaust run which is much easier to steal - and less efficient at cleaning the exhaust.
It particularly affects the Japanese brands as they seem to evolve platforms slowly rather than replace them every couple of model cycles.