Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate - Brain Pick - Alby Back

Morning all, and a Merry New Year or something and so on etc to all !

A community brain pick if I may?

I have a Merc E Class estate, 2016 model (last of the "old" ones) It has the four cylinder 2.1 diesel engine and an automatic gear box. Had it from new, but its already up to 160,000, mercifully trouble free miles.

I used to do a ridiculously high annual mileage, but I'm now "down" to about 20,000 a year.

It gets used as a works van, family transport, and as a platform for our mountain biking addiction. Its more or less constantly covered in mud from accessing remote biking locations, and the back seats are fairly permanently folded down to accomodate my work kit. Bike racks permanently on the roof. Don't want muddy mountain bikes in the car.

Anyway, I love the thing, it just does everything I need and want from a car, its sensibly economical, pleasant to drive, and just generally fits my brief. In fact its the second one of these I've had in a row and combined they've given me 360,000 grief free miles.

But, things have their time I suppose, and maybe I should change it for something else?

Don't want an SUV, (too high for loading bikes on the roof) Don't want a tow bar mounted bike rack on such a long car, don't want anything with less loadspace, and don't want a van. Definitely don't want anything with a DSG gearbox, but I do want an auto.

So, really, if I was going to replace it, I guess I might just have to have a new version of the same car.

Fortunately, for now anyway, I could easily afford to do that, and by default alternatively, could easily afford to repair or maintain the existing car if/when required.

Does the panel think I should trade up to a new one (or something else) or should I just keep going with this one until it shuffles off its mortal so to speak?

Stick or twist?

Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate - Brain Pick - John F

If I were in your position you would hardly expect me to do anything else but stick. It is clearly a cherished dogsbody which apparently endures treatment that would be considered abusive to a pristine new car!

Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate - Brain Pick - badbusdriver

Anyway, I love the thing, it just does everything I need and want from a car, its sensibly economical, pleasant to drive, and just generally fits my brief. In fact its the second one of these I've had in a row and combined they've given me 360,000 grief free miles.

This says it all for me. Why change when you have a (reliable) car you love and will do everything you want it to?.

As John hints at, you may be a bit reluctant to get a new version of the same car covered in mud, presumably scratching of the paintwork from overgrown bushes and the like getting to your mountain biking location.

Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate - Brain Pick - Alby Back
Yeah, I guess you’re both right, and I’m probably of the same opinion mostly. But you know how it is when an itch might just need scratching…it’ll maybe wear off !

“Cherished dogsbody” I like that !

Sounds about right too !
Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate - Brain Pick - mcintosh

If you like it and it’s trouble-free, I would stick. Do the extra bells and whistles on a newer model interest you?

If I understood you correctly, your previous car lasted 200000 miles so this one may have a bit of life left in it yet?

Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate - Brain Pick - Alby Back
Yes that’s right, and at my current usage it’ll be two years until this one gets to 200,000 I suppose.

Edited by Alby Back on 10/01/2022 at 11:46

Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate - Brain Pick - paul 1963

I agree with the others, better the devil you know etc, on the other hand if you got the new car itch then it may be time to scratch it while the present cars worth something...tough call...

Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate - Brain Pick - mcintosh

The question for me would be, at what point is the cost of repairs better invested in a new car? Sounds like you’re not in that situation yet.

You could argue that, at 160000 miles, it doesn’t owe you anything. However, I have a philosophical (never mind financial) dislike of perfectly serviceable old cars being scrapped.

Are you thinking of treating yourself to a brand new car or one where someone else has taken the depreciation hit?

Another thing for me is that I would not let the car suffer death by a thousand cuts, even if individual repair bills are modest.

Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate - Brain Pick - Alby Back

Sounds like we have a similar approach mcintosh, I make sure all my cars are kept serviced and maintained properly (just don’t wash them very much !) I suppose my car is a bit like my old dog, a bit tatty, but still functioning and cleans up ok, and I’m fond of him. ;-) Edit- dunno why the filter did that.

[Someone in the past has put tosh in the swear filter. Mods can add words but can't remove them. Anyway I've corrected it :-) ]

Edited by Xileno on 10/01/2022 at 16:08

Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate - Brain Pick - mcintosh

Sounds like we have a similar approach mcint***, I make sure all my cars are kept serviced and maintained properly (just don’t wash them very much !) I suppose my car is a bit like my old dog, a bit tatty, but still functioning and cleans up ok, and I’m fond of him. ;-)

I do the same with my Auris, although at 54000 miles it's barely run-in compared to yours. Not sure I can keep it going to your mileage, which I estimate I will reach circa 2038 :-).

[Someone in the past has put t*** in the swear filter. Mods can add words but can't remove them. Anyway I've corrected it :-) ]

Thanks! I would have thought 't***' would be acceptable in all but the most polite company :-)

Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate - Brain Pick - SLO76
With that mileage it’s no longer retailable so you’d be offered buttons for it compared to the cost of replacement. It’s a known quantity, you know how it’s been looked after and these engines and gearboxes are fit for 250k plus if correctly maintained. I’d keep it if you are the only driver but if wife and child are regular users I’d buy something newer. That’s the reason why I fund a decent car for swmbo, I fear a fast lane breakdown on the motorway with her panicked response and 6yr old son in the back. If it was just me driving all the time I’d d just use my old Toyota as I know how I’d deal with a breakdown.

Edited by SLO76 on 10/01/2022 at 12:39

Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate - Brain Pick - Alby Back
Good call Slo. Thanks
Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate - Brain Pick - mcintosh

Useful advice as always, SLO, and good point about about the driver’s ability to tackle breakdowns. Sadly, I don’t think my skills are anywhere near yours so I tend to stick to more expensive used cars rather than seeking out the real bargains.

Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate - Brain Pick - barney100

Stick, thorough valet, service,

Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate - Brain Pick - sammy1

""" That’s the reason why I fund a decent car for swmbo, I fear a fast lane breakdown on the motorway with her panicked response and 6yr old son in the back. If it was just me driving all the time I’d d just use my old Toyota as I know how I’d deal with a breakdown"""

Very sound reasoning. Also a very modern car has all the up to date crash systems including multiple AIR BAGs which tend to get overlooked when one is choosing a car.

As to a replacement car for the OP then a 5series touring or even a 3 would be ideal

Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate - Brain Pick - Trilogy.

Just keep it. If you're getting a bit bored with it, buy a fun car for the weekends instead.

Mercedes-Benz E-Class Estate - Brain Pick - Alby Back

Thanks again for all the responses, seems pretty much a unanimous vote in favour of "stick".

@Sammy and Trilogy, a weekend fun car for us is one that has the ability/capacity to cope with 3-4 mountain bikers and their kit/bikes so the current car is, I suppose, perfect in that respect. A little sporty thing wouldn't do, however much fun it provided.

A 3 series Touring would be too small, both for work and leisure for me, but a 5 touring might just work. Haven't had a BMW for more than 30 years come to think. Maybe it is time to return the dark side eh? ;-)