Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - focussed

Used 2013 Tesla needs a €20 k new battery so instead he uses dynamite-30 kg of it!

"Famous Finnish intransigence"!


Video - www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_9aVzf5fC4

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - catsdad

This might be their equivalent of the old Top Gear blowing up caravans? I am not convinced it’s entirely serious.

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - SLO76
Welcome to the near future. Ordinary working people priced off the road as electric cars are written-off before they get to 9/10yrs old meaning no cheap used cars and crippling depreciation on new ones once the market settles and fully understands the weaknesses of current battery technology. Helps my Stagecoach shares mind…
Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - pd

I get it but 10 year old luxo barges being scrapped because they need a new engine or gearbox isn't unheard of either.....

So maybe not as much of a "new" thing as some might think

Edited by pd on 23/12/2021 at 09:40

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - kiss (keep it simple)

Or relatively mundane diesel cars with a failed high pressure pump trashing the injectors.

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - Terry W

An 8 year old car suffers a major component failure. No great surprise there - it happens sometimes. No clue about mileage or service history..

The component comes from a premium brand and may cost £20k to replace with new. Engine failure on a Porsche, S Class, 7 Series, etc probably similar cost.

Only difference - few second hand or used replacements available for a Tesla, and repair capability not yet mature.

A single anecdote (or even several) may not be evidence of a failing technology or market, but of an immature rapidly developing new technology.

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - RichT54

No clue about mileage or service history..

Looking at the Tesla website it seems that servicing is very limited.

Unlike gasoline cars, Tesla cars require no traditional oil changes, fuel filters, spark plug replacements or emission checks. As electric cars, even brake pad replacements are rare because regenerative braking returns energy to the battery, significantly reducing wear on brakes.

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - focussed

An 8 year old car suffers a major component failure. No great surprise there - it happens sometimes. No clue about mileage or service history..

The component comes from a premium brand and may cost £20k to replace with new. Engine failure on a Porsche, S Class, 7 Series, etc probably similar cost.

Only difference - few second hand or used replacements available for a Tesla, and repair capability not yet mature.

A single anecdote (or even several) may not be evidence of a failing technology or market, but of an immature rapidly developing new technology.

Let's face it, it's an expensive 8 year old glorified four- wheeled cordless drill with a battery that turned out to be a dud.

Who buys an 8 year old cordless drill with a battery that can only be replaced by the original part?

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - Engineer Andy
Welcome to the near future. Ordinary working people priced off the road as electric cars are written-off before they get to 9/10yrs old meaning no cheap used cars and crippling depreciation on new ones once the market settles and fully understands the weaknesses of current battery technology. Helps my Stagecoach shares mind…

Indeed - and for those who say that the price of EV abtteries is come down, they may care to remember that most tech sold today is not compatible with that of 10 years ago, which is why things like spares for 99.9% of things at that age cost a LOT more than when the product was below 5 years old and sold in big numbers.

Things wouldn't be so bad if all car battery cells/packs were of a standard design (rather like domestic AA batteries) where every make of car used the same size, type (capcity, materials for the important bits etc) and connection, so that today's batteries fit in a car made 10 years ago - whereby any improvement in cell tech could be integrated into the old car, e.g. increased capacity /lifespane (energy density).

Unfortunately that does not happen, and the situation is more like that (as we've discussed in the General Section) of computer inkjet printers and replacement cartridges - old ones are nigh on impossible to come by and are thus incredibly expensive, because they vary from one printer to another and between makes of printer.

As John Cadogan (Aussie HJ) said on his latest video about 'new' Teslas being sold with battery packs made in 2017, the market has yet to realise the huge cost of battery replacements for EVs that will be force on second-hand car owners who least can afford them, and thus once enough EVs get to around the 8-12 year mark, the real depreciation rates of such vehicles will start to become apparent. This is beginning to happen with the Nissan Leaf mk1.

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - mcb100
I do hope they tidied up after themselves.
Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - Brit_in_Germany

I thought Tesla's batttery warranty was eight years - if it was out of warranty, it was only just. Maybe it is wise to run a battery check before the warranty expires.

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - Brit_in_Germany

Instead of disintegrating the car, here is another approach:

Tesla Warranty Expired? Need A New Battery Pack? Check This Out (insideevs.com)

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - thunderbird

Who buys an 8 year old cordless drill with a battery that can only be replaced by the original part

Bought a cordless strimmer about 15 years ago. About 5 years ago the battery had died to such an extent it needed charging part way through doing the garden. Manufacturer did not sell battery packs and the fake ones on e-bay had poor ratings. Took it to our local battery specialist who simply replaced the cells (15 of them) for about £25. Still working absolutely fine. This is a service they will no doubt be offering for owners of electric cars in the very near future.

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - sammy1

Whole battery or replacing the cells, one thing is certain that running a EV is not going to be any cheaper than an ICE. From purchase price to the cost of electric things are going up not down and you could be making a bigger mistake with a battery car than an ICE one once out of warranty. It is not very encouraging when a lot of EV makers are still sticking to 3 years warranty

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - FP

"This is a service they will no doubt be offering for owners of electric cars in the very near future."

My trusted local indy started doing this with Prius batteries some years ago. Apparently it's relatively common to find that, when the battery appears to fail, in fact it's only one or two cells that are responsible.

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - Terry W

Complaining that EV batteries are not standardised is across manufacturers is like complaining that BMW gearboxes don't fit Mercs, or Jag engines don't fit Audis.

It would be convenient and probably save cost if they did - but they evidently don't!

In 2013 Tesla sold 23000 cars - I assume most in the US. That there is no developed spares or repair capability outside the US is no surprise.

By way of contrast Ford sold 1.1m vehicles in Europe in 2013 - I would guess about 1000 times as many as Tesla!

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - bathtub tom

I recall a Mike Brewer program, where he visited a US company fitting Tesla batteries, motors and control gear into old classics. IIRC the Tesla gear was coming form crashed cars. The battery packs were sized to suit the car, implying the batteries could be replaced piecemeal.

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - daveyjp

There was no spares or repair capacity in the US because Tesla wouldn't sell components. Written off Teslas were worth a fortune as it was the only way to get spares.

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - madf

Tesla batteries - like all other EV makers - consist of thousands of individual batteries wired together and stored in a box with a cooling system.

They ARE rebuildable . Tesla will not assist because 1. they don't want to and 2. their spare supply is rubbish and takes months to supply parts. Insurance costs for Teslas are going up because of that.

There are lots of Tesla parts on ebay UK - both used and new.

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - Engineer Andy

Complaining that EV batteries are not standardised is across manufacturers is like complaining that BMW gearboxes don't fit Mercs, or Jag engines don't fit Audis.

The difference is that the vast majority of gearboxes or engines don't fail or become unusable by the time they get to 10 years old (mine is nearly 16). My car, on the other hand, CAN take clutches made by other companies (e.g. Bosch), not just Mazda.

The other thing , at least for ordinary cars, is that you can buy a reconditioned engine or gearbox for a heck of a lot less than a new Tesla EV battery pack, and less again for a viable engine from a scrap yard (admitedly you'd have to spend some on reconditioning as well as fitting).

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - Xileno

I'm sure in the next ten years or so all sorts of businesses will spring up to cater for the needs of EV. How we get from here to there may be more costly for EV owners.

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - kiss (keep it simple)

At the moment, few people who can afford £75k upward for a car, be it electric or diesel, will be worried about its chances of failing at 10 years old. It will be long gone as far as they are concerned.

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - expat

At the moment, few people who can afford £75k upward for a car, be it electric or diesel, will be worried about its chances of failing at 10 years old. It will be long gone as far as they are concerned.

What they will be concerned about is the trade in value when they go to replace it after 3 years or so. If the car is only going to last 8 or 10 years then the 3 year trade in price will reflect that.

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - thunderbird

At the moment, few people who can afford £75k upward for a car, be it electric or diesel, will be worried about its chances of failing at 10 years old. It will be long gone as far as they are concerned.

What they will be concerned about is the trade in value when they go to replace it after 3 years or so. If the car is only going to last 8 or 10 years then the 3 year trade in price will reflect that.

Most will be company purchases thus the user will have no worries at all.

If a private buyer can afford £75k for a new car they will surely be wealthy enough to cover any losses. Lets be honest, most £75k cars bomb on the used car market and as we all know repairs on a 10 year old one are relative to the new price not the bargain basement used car value.

Personally cannot see the situation with an EV being any different to that of ICE cars.

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - madf

At the moment, few people who can afford £75k upward for a car, be it electric or diesel, will be worried about its chances of failing at 10 years old. It will be long gone as far as they are concerned.

What they will be concerned about is the trade in value when they go to replace it after 3 years or so. If the car is only going to last 8 or 10 years then the 3 year trade in price will reflect that.

At present a two year old Tesla in good condition is worth more than the buyer paid for it People on PCPs are handing them in to dealers EARLY , getting money back and then taking out a new PCP at the same monthly cost on a new Tesla.

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - John F

Complaining that EV batteries are not standardised is across manufacturers is like complaining that BMW gearboxes don't fit Mercs, or Jag engines don't fit Audis.

The ZF 6HP26 gearbox is found in Rolls Royce, Bentley, Aston Martin, Maserati, Jaguar, Audi......and BMW. It is a wonderful piece of engineering.

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - RT

Complaining that EV batteries are not standardised is across manufacturers is like complaining that BMW gearboxes don't fit Mercs, or Jag engines don't fit Audis.

The ZF 6HP26 gearbox is found in Rolls Royce, Bentley, Aston Martin, Maserati, Jaguar, Audi......and BMW. It is a wonderful piece of engineering.

All slightly different so not interchangeable!

Tesla Model S - Finn gets 20k estimate to repair Tesla battery. - thunderbird

Helps my Stagecoach shares mind

Just been taken over by National Express which surely must be a good thing. Round these parts they had 1/2 the fleet taken off the road for being unsafe a few years ago and the rumour was they moved busses around the country when inspections were pending.

Even today most of the busses on the road look like accidents waiting to happen. And only last month one tried to run me off the road after I had overtaken it quite safely on an urban dual carriageway. If I had possessed a dash cam I would have been strait to the Police.