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Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - _


Teserday morning was in town walking along on a slippy pavement, and an old lady was walking slowly towards me, in the road, a little unsteady.

She was being followed by an Evoque driver who was tooting her horn continuously to attempt to force her to get out of the way.

It is a one way street only open in certain hours fo delivery traffic and disabled drivers.

I then stepped into the road and forced the ewok to stop.

Window came down and she started to say, "I've been trying to get past her for 5 minutes," impossible as only 20 metres from the entrance off Head street.

I then replied firmly,

Don't ever do that again, YOU will be old one day.!

Silence, and then i left.

I was absolutely fuming

Edited by _ORB_ on 10/11/2021 at 09:57

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - galileo

Well done ORB!

Not an uncommon attitude among drivers of Range Rovers and other large, expensive vehicles.

I will not comment on which gender of driver seems to be more common in my experience.

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - Bolt

Well done ORB!

Not an uncommon attitude among drivers of Range Rovers and other large, expensive vehicles.

I will not comment on which gender of driver seems to be more common in my experience.

Yes and its getting worse imo, these drivers do not seem to allow time for holdups regardless of what it is, and don`t appear to have time to let Older people cross the road, as mentioned they have to get old themselves, though with the way some drive they may not get there?

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - Engineer Andy

What a charming person that driver was! I agree that this sort of thing is getting worse.

On a personal note, I remember several years ago (about 20-25 when I was living at my parents' house) I cycled into the town centre through the retail park car park and through a shared pathway/roadway to the main high street.

A car block my and pedestrians' path, and, after waiting a minute waved at the driver and said 'hello', politely asking them if they could move to let us all pass.

Needless to say, he took umbridge to that request and reversed at me, then chased me on the bike around the car park at speed. I had to 'bunny hop' over a large kerb to get away from them, damaging my wheel (bending three spokes) in the process.

All because the driver though he owned the road and could do as he pleased.

I still see some people deliberately rev their engines at pedestrian crossings to 'encourage' OAPs to cross faster, often laughing and/or smiling as they do. Even motorcyclists and cyclists appear to get impatient.

I've witnessed this sort of thing many a time in London (not just in the sticks) when road users think that red lights don't apply to them, honking their horns and gesticulating towards pedestrians 'deigning' to cross the road when they are supposed to (I realise that many pedestrians don't).

As ORB says, we're all going to be OAPs some day, so should be more understanding.

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - FP

Somewhat off-topic - I don't become "absolutely fuming" very often these days, but the behaviour of some drivers at school crossings is often despicable. Apparently school crossing patrols are routinely abused by people who presumably just didn't allow enough time for their journey.

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - bathtub tom
She was being followed by an Evoque

Did it have 'prat plates'? I find that fitting them seems to give the driver some sort idea of privilege.

The signage clearly states all motor vehicles are prohibited:

Mon-Thurs 11am-4pm, and Fri-Sat noon-4pm.

Unless the restrictions have changed, and unless the old girl was walking down there on a Sunday, I would have ben tempted to whip out my mobile and taken a video of the offender to forward to the relevant authority.

Edited by bathtub tom on 10/11/2021 at 17:28

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - _

I do have a note of the registration number and checked..

my next door neighbour but one has a daughter whis Police who comes sundays to see mum and dad, will ask her what she thinks.

Edited by _ORB_ on 10/11/2021 at 18:16

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - Andrew-T

I was absolutely fuming.

I don't see what offence has been committed, and I suspect that if the car had been a Fiat 500 (for example) you might have fumed a bit less.

Most mornings I stroll down a narrow hill parallel to the main road. It is the original turnpike, with old cottages fronting it, but has been 'by-passed' and made less steep for later traffic on the A56. Residents, and myself too, occasionally drive slowly down, often taking some time before some strollers realise we are behind them. Quite often it is because their world awareness consists of the phone they are looking at, or the noise emanating from their earphones. It's not the same as an elderly lady (who may be deaf) but the situation is the same. I don't know what a driver should do if a gentle toot has no effect. In my local example it may be more understandable as toots can easily be coming from the main road. In this case that doesn't seem a valid explanation.

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - _

I was absolutely fuming.

I don't see what offence has been committed, and I suspect that if the car had been a Fiat 500 (for example) you might have fumed a bit less.

Sorry, but I would have been equally upset by any driver doing that, Fiat 500, ford focus or even (gof forbid) a police car.

If I see someone starting to cross the road as I am approaching, I stop to let them pass, Just consideration for those who are not protected by a 1 ton plus metal cage...

I noticed today that someone actually stopped for me as I started to cross when walking the dog.

A little consideration for other road users, including pesestrians and cyclist and even e-scooter riders helps to keep us all safe.

As well as that I have no wish to stand in front of a magistrate to explain why i knocked someone over.

And the range tover driver was only about a foot behind said little old lady..

It wasn't my mum, but think of yours.

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - Andrew-T

<< If I see someone starting to cross the road as I am approaching, I stop to let them pass, Just consideration for those who are not protected by a 1 ton plus metal cage. >>

The scenario seems to have changed. From your original account I assumed the old lady was walking along the road, not crossing it. That's perfectly OK by me - let them get to the other side. The middle of a road open to traffic is not a place to walk.

Cars are required to carry a device able to provide audible warning of approach. I see no reason why that should not be used in a non-threatening manner.

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - _

She was walking along the road. very close to the kerb .

the stone paving slabs were slippy, I was taking care.too

I said When I am driving I try to be considerate...

That street is consdered to be pedestrian with vehicle access for deliveries between certain hours.

Edit, It wasn't "gentle toot but " toot !toot !toot !toot.!.....

Edited by _ORB_ on 10/11/2021 at 20:02

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - bathtub tom
the stone paving slabs were slippy

Do you mean icy, this time of year?

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - Ethan Edwards

Couple of weeks ago I was coming out of the vets car park and a woman was on the phone. She was blocking the exit and had her back to me. Obviously didn't hear me in my EV. Did I rev the motor? Could I ? Heck no.

I waited patiently because it was the polite thing to do. Max about 90 seconds and she glanced round and mouthed sorry. That's how polite society works. Gosh I really miss it.

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - Metropolis.
If you put your EV in neutral, can you rev the motor? I know it wont make much sound but just curious if it even lets it spin while (assumably) disconnected
Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - Ethan Edwards

No idea.

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - Chris79

Sadly ORB I saw an even more incredulous act of stupidity on Tuesday night. Driving into London I was approaching the lime house link, average speed cameras dictate a sedate pace and as such I was plodding along in the inside lane, I had a transit a couple of car lengths behind me in the outside lane, both of us doing the same speed give or take.

Imagine my surprise then when a VW Golf came screaming up behind me, undertaking the transit and then cutting in front of him at speed to overtake me.

Unfortunately for said Golf he hadnt noticed the road gently curving to the left and he lost control of his car, under steered straight into the central reservation and then Bounced out of it went sideways down the road on two wheels before regaining control somehow and carrying on at extreme speed having left various parts of his car scattered all over the road.

How he didn’t kill himself or someone else is beyond me.

Just a normal day driving in central London I guess!

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - Andrew-T
If you put your EV in neutral, can you rev the motor? I know it wont make much sound but just curious if it even lets it spin while (assumably) disconnected

An EV has to have a horn. If it's OK to rev a motor to announce one's presence, why not a polite toot ?

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - Ethan Edwards

Yeah could have done that but really wasn't that bothered or in a hurry. So just let her realise I was there in due course.

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - Ethan Edwards

Update..tried it today, nothing. Doesn't rev at all very clever car.

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - RT
the stone paving slabs were slippy

Do you mean icy, this time of year?

Have you never come across paving slabs so smooth, they're slippy when wet, especially if they get a lot of shade so algae builds up.

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - Andrew-T
the stone paving slabs were slippy

Do you mean icy, this time of year?

Have you never come across paving slabs so smooth, they're slippy when wet, especially if they get a lot of shade so algae builds up.

And it's the time of year for fallen leaves. That's the reason for the recent Salisbury rail incident.

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - Bolt

The middle of a road open to traffic is not a place to walk.

Seems to happen a lot since the Virus took hold, and a lot of people now walk in the road, heavy traffic or not, people often walk with headphones on or talking on the phone with no apparent thoughts about where they are walking, thats assuming they even care which some imo don`t- they rely on the drivers to make sure they don`t get knocked down

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - RT

The middle of a road open to traffic is not a place to walk.

Seems to happen a lot since the Virus took hold, and a lot of people now walk in the road, heavy traffic or not, people often walk with headphones on or talking on the phone with no apparent thoughts about where they are walking, thats assuming they even care which some imo don`t- they rely on the drivers to make sure they don`t get knocked down

The lady seems to have been walking along the side of a road not normally open to traffic - quite different

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - Andrew-T

<< The lady seems to have been walking along the side of a road not normally open to traffic - quite different >>

In that case, unless the road is very narrow, the tooting driver should have been able to creep past ?

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - chesterfieldhouse

l see scenarios like this on a regular basis.

We live in a small market town in Shropshire, close to the town centre. The town is divided into high town & the low town, by the river. These are connected by sets of steps & the road l live on was the main route of goods from the river to high town. Because it's steep, narrow, one way & the lower half doesn't have a pavement, it has a traffic regulation order (TRO) that prohibits motor vehicles unless for access. It's also a conservation area.

The upper part of the road does have a pavement, which is constructed with "Broseley Blue" bricks. You only have to have weather that's a little damp & they're very slippery, l've seen many a person come a cropper. So those in the know walk in the road, as the surface is "modern" cobbles with more under foot grip.

The one way street goes down hence you'll regularly have vehicles approaching people in the road going down, with drivers who are in a hurry & lack of patience getting irate with those walking in the road.

There was an incident not so long ago where a motor cyclist threatened an elderly resident which included "get out of the f******g way. He was reported to the police, who found him on cctv & issued a warning. He was also found to be illegitimately using this as a through road.

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - sammy1

Mild forms of road rage. It can be difficult but it is just not worth getting involved as these things can easily escalate into violence.

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - _

Mild forms of road rage. It can be difficult but it is just not worth getting involved as these things can easily escalate into violence.

I agree, not worth fighting over, but said my piece and left.

Incidentally, my 70 year old neighbour was knocked over in the same street a few months back. ( i found out only today)

But over and done with.

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - Brit_in_Germany

The traffic sign lables the road "pedestrian zone" so they are perfectly entitled to be in the middle of the road during the operational hours.

Edited by Brit_in_Germany on 11/11/2021 at 19:38

Range Rover evoque - Stupid driver - stan10

".. Well done ORB! .."

Yes, well done, absolutely agree.

I'm not sure though that the vehicle is particularly significant.

There was a TV prog a few years ago where various people (drivers etc) were swopped around and their progress was monitored.

Conclusion - - (eg) aggressive "white van man" was just as aggressive when riding a bicycle, or walking.

Vicey versey polite pedestrian was just as polite when in the white van or on a motorbike.

Maybe there should be a "Psychologically Suitable" aspect to allocating driving licences, as opposed to "it's everyone's right ..." ?