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Saturday Tgraph motoring: electric obsessed bore - bananastand

Saturday Telegraph motoring is now profoundly boring. Electric, electric, electric, "carbon" emissions, massively expensive hatchbacks being called good value, zzzzzz

At least all these batteries are keeping African and Chinese slaves in gainful employment.

Saturday Tgraph motoring: electric obsessed bore - bananastand

and yesterday (9th October) there was a letter talking about a clogged catalytic converter when actually the problem was a DPF.

Private Eye would file this under "bonfire of the subs" (sub-editors).

Saturday Tgraph motoring: electric obsessed bore - badbusdriver

You do realise that you don't have to read it, right?

Saturday Tgraph motoring: electric obsessed bore - Engineer Andy

Saturday Telegraph motoring is now profoundly boring. Electric, electric, electric, "carbon" emissions, massively expensive hatchbacks being called good value, zzzzzz

At least all these batteries are keeping African and Chinese slaves in gainful employment.

Sadly the paper's quality (as has most of the MSM) been on the slide for several years now. The 'Motoring' section, now renamed 'Cars' is a pale shadow of its former self - essentially (in my view) just an industry shop window just espousing whatever they are told - very little real journalism of note, rather like the 'Culture' section which is IMHO part of the 'access media' and luvvie brigade.

The 'weekly 'expert' column still gets many reader comments asking 'where is Honest John' and 'bring back HJ' and bemoaning the current resident of the 'mantle'.

TBH many readers now just skim the 'articles' and read/participate in the BTL comments areas because the articles are either low in quality, sychophantic or woke in nature - assuming the editors even allow comments - which often now they don't or delete/shadow ban them - including readers who onbviously are well read around the subject at hand and show up the author with to-the-point critcism.

Saturday Tgraph motoring: electric obsessed bore - FoxyJukebox

Agreed--and i would suggest that motoring sections are written by trainee journalists who want to please their editors by going for a splash.Having said that Jeremy Clarkson in the Sunday Times was always being moaned at for reviewing cars costing upwards of £100k--so he changed tack and got complaints for reviewing Dacias, MGs and base level Skodas!

Edited by Dogfuzz on 10/10/2021 at 16:49

Saturday Tgraph motoring: electric obsessed bore - alan1302

Cars are going over to electric and alternative fuels now - get used to it.

Saturday Tgraph motoring: electric obsessed bore - Big John

Cars are going over to electric and alternative fuels now - get used to it.

Yup - I already have 3 friends with electric cars. They are pricey but to be honest so are "normal" cars these days. Things have moved on and battery range has vastly increased. Range and price rapidly converging with ICE equivalents. One has a Hyundai Kona that has a near 300 mile range where they frequently drive from Yorkshire to London - I've been in the same and the performance is surprising to say the least.

Saturday Tgraph motoring: electric obsessed bore - barney100

I expect electric cars to improve and have a decent range and price. I think it's maybe a good idea wait and see how much they improve.

Saturday Tgraph motoring: electric obsessed bore - barney100

According to a review, Kona EV.

54 minutes to charge to 80% at a service station

10 hours from a home charger

31 hours from a normal home plug outlet

Saturday Tgraph motoring: electric obsessed bore - movilogo

54 minutes to charge to 80% at a service station

Still can't beat 5 minutes to fill to 100% for ICE cars :-)

Saturday Tgraph motoring: electric obsessed bore - focussed

54 minutes to charge to 80% at a service station

Still can't beat 5 minutes to fill to 100% for ICE cars :-)

And guaranteed range too. and no anxiety about using the heater or aircon reducing your range!

Saturday Tgraph motoring: electric obsessed bore - barney100


Saturday Tgraph motoring: electric obsessed bore - Terry W

Some clearly think the only criteria in vehicle selection is either range or how quickly the tank can be filled.

Solve both problems - tow a 1000 litre tank piped to the vehicle in front. A years motoring without once stopping for fuel.

Environment, economy, comfort, driving pleasure etc etc are of no consequence - although the burble of a large V8 is an extra worth a bit extra.

Saturday Tgraph motoring: electric obsessed bore - Engineer Andy

According to a review, Kona EV.

54 minutes to charge to 80% at a service station

10 hours from a home charger

31 hours from a normal home plug outlet

Now we hear that the government are going to put in place restrictions on EV charging 'during peak hours' due to the power shortages caused by decades of combined dither on replacement nuclear power plants, the 1diotic 'dash to gas' and imported wood pellets/chips for power generation to replace coal (whilst the Chinese build more coal fired power stations year on year) and the even worse 'green' policies that (further) enrich the wealthy via green subsidies and make the poor poorer (who can't affor to buy products or invest in the tech), much of which is very weather-dependent and often cannot be cost-effective apart from people owning medium and larger-sized houses.

They may also require you to give up some EV charge back to the grid to support it. Plus, of course, all those 'smart' meters being 'capable' of charging variable rates over the day and also being able to remotely shut off supply as and where necessary.

Absolute class.

Saturday Tgraph motoring: electric obsessed bore - focussed

And shortly we will witness the eco-jamboree at Glasgow that is the Conservative Climate Clown Show where the foreign delegates will fly there in their private jets, and then proceed to lecture us that we must embrace a low carbon lifestyle.

While the gas fuelled UK power stations carry on chugging out thousands of tons of pollution per hour.

Bunkum, balderdash and hypocrisy.

Saturday Tgraph motoring: electric obsessed bore - madf


shows 34% power is green as I write.

And when solar goes and if the wind stays as it is that will drop to approx 24%

Anyone - and any Government which thinks that is a good starting off point to achieve 100% carbon free in under 3 decades needs to be forcibly re-educated as there appear to be no coherent plan to get there.

And if we are to be carbon neutral, where is the plan for flying? Or for installing unworkable heat pumps?

The numerate Conservatives know it is rubbish but are keeping quiet. The innumerate ones appear to be in Government.

Labour are the same. They should be clinically analysing it all - and tearing strips off the Government (instead of fighting each other). But they have the excuse of having fewer numerate MPs:-) )

Saturday Tgraph motoring: electric obsessed bore - Engineer Andy

And shortly we will witness the eco-jamboree at Glasgow that is the Conservative Climate Clown Show where the foreign delegates will fly there in their private jets, and then proceed to lecture us that we must embrace a low carbon lifestyle.

Like Biden's 'climate change' Tsar, owner and frequent user of two private jets and COVID hypocrite.

While the gas fuelled UK power stations carry on chugging out thousands of tons of pollution per hour.

Bunkum, balderdash and hypocrisy.

Quite right. We plebs will have to follow (assuming the normies keep voting them in and/or put up with the 'frog in boiling water' drip-drip of more and more freedoms being restricted and wealth/power being transferred to the already rich and powerful elites) their rules - the vast majority of which don't benefit the general public or the planet - whilst they ignore them completely or make it easy for them to circumvent them by virtu-eisgnalling by waving a small amount of money to get the privideges (i.e. going about our business as per 2019 and before) we will be denied.

I remember a couple of years ago the (rich) owner of the management company then in charge of my housing development saying because he was vegan and drove a Tesla meant his carbon footprint was lower than mine.

I worked it out (he admitted going on several trips abroad plus owning a very large home) that his approximate carbon footprint was still at least 5x mine (likely much higher). His lavish lifestyle (I accounted for him being in a multi-occupancy houshold and office) meant he consumes so much more than I do, so any 'reductions' from his virtue-signalling efforts were more than offset by everything else.

That 'mean lean and green' ethos (one of the few things I agree with with former London mayor Livingstone) is very apt here. If you live your life by avoiding needless tasks (i.e. not being lazy) and do those efficiently and environmentally responsibly as possible - you use far less energy, which then means you don't have to worry about the impact on the environment so much.

All these 'world leaders' could have just have a video conference (as could Saint Greta Blah-Blah at the recent kids green 'conference in Italy) - it's not as though anything useful will be achieved - and saved the planet a boat-load of CO2, the police/security services manpower that could be used to fight actual crime and not lead (as it did in their Cornwall shindig) a huge COVID spike that spread over the region.

Build Back Better my backside. As usual, the DT barely gets into these issues apart from one or two brave columnists (certainly not any of them in the 'Cars' section), and most of the 'green' issues will likely not allow any reader comments below articles, as is the case with anything on the woke agenda.

Saturday Tgraph motoring: electric obsessed bore - barney100

Used to enjoy reading the Telegraph motoring section with various reviews etc. I don't get the paper now because the section went, HJ's pages were really good.

Saturday Tgraph motoring: electric obsessed bore - Engineer Andy

Used to enjoy reading the Telegraph motoring section with various reviews etc. I don't get the paper now because the section went, HJ's pages were really good.

Sadly rather like the paper overall - a pale shadow of its former self. IMHO the paper (as many other national dailies have) has been on a downward trajectory since the current owners and Editor took over 7+ years ago.

I too remember the large pull-out Saturday Motoring section, with HJ's part taking up at least one page. Used to look forward to nabbing it from my dad after he returned from the newsagent.