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Renault Clio - dpf cleaning on a renault clio regeneration - malct

We Have a 2017 Renault Clio 1.5 diesel with 26,000 miles on the clock which we bought new.

The car isn't giving us any issues but I do read about the dpf and the damage that short journeys can do to the dpf.

What is the best way to give the filter a good clean out?

I have read that the Clio has a regeneration system that will clean out the filter on a long run, but unsure how this works.

I have read that driving at high revs can do more damage to the engine driving on a motorway in a lower gear even though I have seen this on YouTube.

I am planning on taking the car on a good run down the motorway in the next couple of weeks.

I guess it will help with a bottle of red X dpf cleaner.

Any advice would be great.

Renault Clio - dpf cleaning on a renault clio regeneration - elekie&a/c doctor
Optimum dpf regen conditions are drive at around 2-2500 revs at approx 50 mph for around 20 minutes.
Renault Clio - dpf cleaning on a renault clio regeneration - malct

Thank you for your reply and I guess the regen will only kick in if it requires it.

Renault Clio - dpf cleaning on a renault clio regeneration - Halmerend

I’m in a similar position now. As I’m working from home and have done since March last year, my diesel is probably completely mismatched to my need now as my daily 80 mile work commute is no longer necessary. Must be a lot of people in a similar position. I don’t think I’ll ever be needed in the office again. Do I sell or keep with only 6,000 to 8,000 miles annually on the cards?

Renault Clio - dpf cleaning on a renault clio regeneration - Railroad.

The process of diesel particulate filter regeneration mainly happens without the driver even knowing. But first you need to be clear what DPF regeneration is.

During combustion particulate matter which comprises of many different elements is produced and mostly contained within the filter rather than just exit via the exhaust. This will be the case when the engine temperature and speeds are lower such as local town driving.

When the exhaust temperature rises the DPF will go into a Passive regeneration state. This increased temperature will break up some of the particulate matter into smaller pieces which can then pass through the filter and out the exhaust.

If necessary the engine ECM will initiate an Active regeneration. Some cars have an additive to aid this, and others have an after injection phase where extra fuel is injected which burns in the exhaust to raise its temperature to break down the PM.

If both of those fail and the DPF becomes too blocked then the dealer can use diagnostic equipment to carry out a forced regeneration. And as a last resort the DPF may have to be removed and professionally cleaned or replaced.

So I wouldn't worry too much about it. Just make sure you use your car in a way where it will regenerate, and avoid continuous short local trips.

Renault Clio - dpf cleaning on a renault clio regeneration - sajid

Just drive it in 3rd gear engine rev about 3k for 15 mins that will

Enable the dpf to regen

Renault Clio - dpf cleaning on a renault clio regeneration - malct

When a car is in regen, does the engine management take over the running of the engine and do you know if it's in regen? Bought some redex dpf cleaner yesterday, will take the car out for a good run

Renault Clio - dpf cleaning on a renault clio regeneration - malct

Gave the car a good run today, added redex diesel engine additive and dpf additive. Before hand, I was getting 57 on a steady run to Newcastle, filled up with the additives and diesel, did 20 miles sitting at 70 at just under 3000 rpm in 4th on a dual carriageway and then reset the mpg and I was on 69mpg , will be interesting to see what it will show on Normal everyday running